The day and life of my tamas!


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Active member
Dec 21, 2006
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okay, im going to try to get updating!

Woke up early this morning so that i could finally pull the tab out of my new tama! Waited a little bit and...{drum roll ^_^ } It's a boy! I decieded to name him Benny! Benny was constantly crying out all morning [woke up my borther!] At first i was a little worried because Benny was always sad. I tried playing the jump rope game but its hard to have your tama jump the rope when he's the same color as the rope.... he would jump the rope and it would be the same color as him and I was like, woah were'd the rope go!!?lol... so sadly Benny stayed sad until he turned into a Mizutamatchi. Then i could finally see were the rope was when we played and Benny slowly got happier :) . Benny and I got onto Tama Town in hopes to explore a little. But I had a HUGE struggle trying to find the password to get online (seriously I was like freaking out hah) But luckly some nice people on Tama Talk showed me how to do it. Benny played some games, bought a hamburger, and did some other stuff. When we left Tama Town Benny at the hamburger and absolutley hated it! He lost all of his happiness hearts and I had to get them back again {{took 4ever}} Soon he got a letter and was invited to pre-schooll.... I was so proud!!! He also had a robber come in the mail and take 100 gotchi points, but that was no big deal :D . so he has not been doin much latley, the store restocked and i bought a stuffed toy (wich he really didnt like at ALL) and i also bought a ticket to Canada... but he isn't old enough to go, bummer :lol: ! yup, thats basically what's happened today. Hope yall enjoyed todays entry! :lol: :p


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