The Cuties


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
Please make this TRAGIC....

Once upon a time, there was a family called the Cuties.


Dad :mametchi:

Mom :mimitchi:

Daughter - Alyssa :unsure:

Son - Carl : :D

Baby - Mimi :hitodetchi:

Plus you can add 5 MORE CHARACTERS FOR NOW!

They had some friends.The Smarty Family.

:ph34r: Mom

:wacko: Dad

:huh: Daughter-Mimi Blaze

:kuribotchi: Baby-Smiley

One day,A mean :furawatchi: named Black Rose pushed Smiley and Mimi of the slides in the pre-school.Their famileys were shocked to find out that they both had broken their only two kegs.

Carl :kuribotchi: went to Black Rose's house ....

.... where she ....

.... decided to ....

.... ATTACK HIM! ....

For no reason at all. Alyssa :furawatchi: screamed and motioned to to her friend, Mimi Blaze :huh: , to help her fight B. R. off.

So they got a random tama to turn on Mission Impossible music and then the song went "TAN TAN TAN RAN TA TAN CHARGE!" So then...

Mimi Blaze and Alyssa were friends with this bunch of girls. They decided to fight B.R and they called their other best friend Chloe :p the toughest in the group to help.

Carl :ichigotchi: raced onto the scene to help. His strong body and strawberry-like muscles were a great help.

All of a sudden, Smiley :kuribotchi: and Mimi :hitodetchi: started to evolve into....


Mimi became a :puroperatchi: and Smiley became a....

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Mimi didn't have legs anymore, so she could remove her cast.As for Smiley,he still had 5 more weeks to go.

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