So Sophia was bored... all Paige, Mema, Mim, and Furii talked about was BOYS, BOYS, BOYS. 
Sophia wandered to the kitchen and picked up the phone. She dialed 734-8102, that was her best friend Karly's phone number. Karly was a human, like Sophia.
"Hello, who's there?" said Sophia.
"Sophia?! Is that you?!" cried Karly.
"I just wanted to call you, where are you right now?" asked Sophia.
"Oh, on Tama-Planet. Where are you?" asked Karly.
"I'm on Tama-Planet, too! I'm on 65 Tama lane, in Points apartment. What about you?
"Oh, I'm on 43 Gotchi Avenue, in G apartment." said Karly.
"Do you know what this means?" cried Sophia.
"No, what does it mean?" asked Karly. She was getting excited.
"We can see each-other at school tomorrow! They made an upstairs of the school, where the lucky people go! I heard that we're in the same class!" said Sophia.
"Oh, really?" questioned Karly.
"Yes real-- oops, gotta go. Paige wants me to talk to her friends. Bye." said Sophia.
"Bye." said Karly, and they hung up.
Sophia walked back into the living room.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"Can you please keep my friends entertained while I prepare a snack? You can do really funny jokes. And gymnastics." said Paige.
"Okay, fine." said Sophia.
So Sophia kept Mema, Mim and Furii entertained...
Want to know more? Well, wait until tomorrow! I've got to stop.