The colored yellow jewel ice-skater


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2010
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America, California, SanJose, ....
Why hello, everyone, I am currently running a V4.5 that is now an adult and became one not to long ago today.Her name is Dandy. I am also running a Yellow jeweled ID.

I can't say her name because I don't speak any type of Asian so I named her Jewels! My ID is a ChuuChutchi and my V4.5 is a Purimatchi! She looks like an ice skater, she is so pretty looking. Here are there statuses.







Spirit: 11

(got to work on those)

Age:3 - Gen:1

Weight:92 - a little big





Happy Bar:lllll - Full



Age:1 - Gen:4

Weight:99 lbs. - Yowza!

Dandy:YAWN! Well i am going to bed


Dandy:Night jewels


Me - Austin:Night guys. . .ZzZzZz

Dandy:-whispers- Good night readers. . .ZzZzZz

Dandy:Dad! Dad! Dad!


Dandy:I GOT A JOB!

Me:As what, a comedian!?

Dandy:-^.^-) NO!

Me:Then what?


Jewels:Great for you. . .-falls asleep-

Me:Wow, well your sister evolved into an Uwasotchi!


Jewels:Yep!. . .-ZzZzZz-

Dandy:Night...OMG! I met this really cute gotchi named Koby!

Me:Wow thats great!

Dandy:Yep, and I think he is digging on the Dandy!

Me:pokes Dandy- Watch yo' mouth!

Dandy:Sorry daddy.

Jewels:I like a boy named Ronn!

Dandy & Me:GREAT!

Jewels:. . .Well ima going to bed! -goes to bed-

Dandy:-kisses and hugs me- Night dad!

Me:Night honey!

Dandy:ZzZzZz. . .







Spirit: 11

(got to work on those)

Age:4 - Gen:1

Weight:99 - Yikes!





Happy Bar:lll- half



Age:2 - Gen:4

Weight:99 lbs. - WOW!

Post later tomorrow!

Hey guys! Jewels is awake and wearing her top hat and Dandy is still asleep, shhhh!

Jewels:Morning everyone, i am Jewels the Uwasatchi! I love hats and fashionable clothes! OH! i am also really Energetic! Bye!

Me:Well I have to leave Jewels at home but i can take Dandy :angry: My ID was so expensive I can barely leave the house with without being shot and it getting stolen! Dandy is a different story, she likes to be taken out without me being shot! Jewels is going to Donut park and she met a ..........WEATHER MAN GUY! Well I got to go to school, byeeez Post later today!

Seriously pi**ed/bummed. MY V4.5 WAS STOLEN! I was at lunch with Dandy in my sweatshirt pocket and then me and my friends went out to the grass and i left my jacket a little bit farther away from us and when the bell rang i looked and my jacket was gone but then i saw some kid named Alexis-boy- holding it and then he shook it and i think he might have taken it! DANDY!!!!

Jewels:I miss her so much =(


----late post----

Dandy:I BACK!

Me:YAY! How was it?

Dandy:Well this is what happened, I was in your sweatshirt pocket when the bell rang, this kid who I don't know picked up your sweatshirt and walked half way through the field and took me, I was so scared and then he dropped me! Then someone with gental hands picked me up and put me in the office!

Me:Thats exactly where I found you!



Me:I will get it. . .Uh Honey, it's for you!

Dandy:-walks in to the living room- The match maker!

MM:Yes, now here are three men for you. . .

First she brought up a Tenpatchi

Dandy:No, it's not Riley!

Secondly she brought up an UraKuchipatchi

Dandy:No, Still not him!

Thirdly she brought up an UraMametchi



there was many fireworks and then I went to bed and then I herd many thuds and I ran out to check what was wrong

Me:Everything alright!?

and then I saw two jumpy boys bouncing on the chandelier

Dandy and Riley:We are good!

Me:Guys it's time to go to bed!

Two jumpy boys:look at each other and go to bed on the couch

Dandy and Riley:Good night Bingo and Brody, -kisses there heads-

Me:Well it's time to go to bed.

Dandy and Riley:-go to bed in there room and take boys with them-

Jewels:Awwww! YOUR BACK -2 hours later-

Dandy and Riley:SHHH! -finally gets to bed-

Me and jewels:Night!


Bad news, Jewels died! so now I have a baby boy Mattarotchi! I also have a M-S tama!

I walked into Dandy's room and I saw her packing and Riley helping

Me:"It's time, ALREADY!"

Riley:"Yes, Dandy is very sad about it and Bingo is coming with us, you will be taking care of Brady."


Dandy:-tear rolls down cheek-"Good bye baby, I love you" -leaves without saying good bye to me

Riley:"Bye, take care of Brady!"

Me:"Well, looks like we will be having fun since you are now mine!"


Me:. . .ZzZzZzZ

~~Late post~~

Ding dong! the door rang

Me:"I'll get it!" i said running to the door

I ran to the door and realized it was the Pre-school teacher already!

PST:"Why hello, may I speak with -checks a list- Brady?" she asked politely

Brady:Runs out looking different "Yes?"

Me:"You evolved into Kuchitamatchi!"


PST:"Well you are a bundle of joy arnt you, Well you are old enough to go to Pre-school! Lets go!"

Brady:"Yay!" he ran out the door with his nice teacher and went to school

Acal:"HI!" another Kuchitamatchi came in and posted a note on the door and ran to his new school.

Note:"Hi I am Acal and I need a home, please give me one, Thank you, bye!"

Later that day they got home and we ate dinner and They told me how the Tama king came to school and gave everyone 600 tama coins and now I have Acal as part of my family! he plays drums and loves his train!

Till next time, bye!


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Brady:"Daddy i am homee!"

Me:"Wow you sure are shining!"

Brady:"Yep, i evolved right in the middle of class!"

Me:"Wow! now you're a Daiyatchi!"

Brady:Yeah! Oh and Acal evolved too!"

Me:"Where is he anyway!?

Brady:"With Chamemetchi his Girlfriend, her name is Heather! She is so nice!"


Brady:"Yep, he is now a Kikitchi!"


Brady:"Where is Matt?"

Me:"He has been working on homework. . .like you should be doing!"

Brady:"Uhhhh. . .Bye!" he ran upstairs like a cheetah diamond!

Acal walked in the door 5 minutes later.

Acal:"Hey pops!"

Me:"Heard you have a girl-friend!"

Acal:"Yeah. . .She is soooooo cool!"

Me:"I bet, so looks like you two have been treated great by me and Kaci"

Acal:"Yep! I love being the monkey of the class!"

The door bell rang and I ran to get it

Me:"Hello. . .It's time! Boys it's for you!"

Brady and Acal ran down stairs in a hurry and saw the music teacher and Mr.Turtlepedia!

Mr.T and MT:"You are now old enough to go to school and will be placed in different classes!"



Me:Thank you sir and ma'am!"

They left and we all started to talk about who they were going to be when they grew up!

Brady:"I am going to be a Celebtchi!"

Acal:"I am going to be a Mametchi!"

Me:"I am going to be a Artist!"

Brady and Acal:"Cool!"

Me:"Yeah well..."

Matt:"I am going to be a. . . Kuchipatchi!"

Me:"Yay! Kuchipatchi!"

Brady:"I think i will be one cool Celebtchi!"

Acal:"I will be one awesome Mametchi and my Girlfriend will be a hot Mimitchi!"


Matt:"I will be a sexy Kuchipatchi"

We all bursted into laughter and then we started to talk about what jobs we would get and stuff, 'Till next time!



1 yr.-Gen 1--1 yr.-Gen 2--1 yr. - gen 1

50 lbs. --------66 lbs.-----99 lbs.

{ l l l l }-------{ l l l }----0 stamps

{ l l l }-------{ l l l }----{ l l l l }

04 stress-------Training:{ l l }--[lllllll ]




Pop music

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Matt just evolved into Monopotchi! Matt is the ID~



Acal:Kaci is going to have a talk with you about my. . .language!!

Acal:That Heather is hot. . .



Me:you called her hot!

Acal:What, she is!


Acal:-hides under rock-

Me:-hides as well-

Matt:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Brady:. . . . . . . . . . . .

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Acal:-looks around hallway- Anybody home?!

Me:Yep I am in the kitchen!

Brady:In the room!

Matt:With Brady!

Acal:Dang! -calls Heather- mumble mumble

Me:Who was that?!

Acal:Heather my GIRLFRIEND!





Me:So what happened at school?

Acal:Nothing except me and heather...Kissed!


Acal:Laterz! -runs into room-

Me:That monkey is crazy

Matt:You said it pops




2 yr.-Gen 1----------2 yr.-Gen 2-----2 yr. - gen 1

70 lbs. ---------------66 lbs.---------99 lbs.

{ l l l }--------------{ l l l }----------0 stamps

{ l l l }--------------{ l l l l }-------{ l l l l }

00 stress---------Training:{ l l }----[lllllll ]




Rock N' roll music

I heard crying from Acal's room so I went to check and when I walked in I saw a big surprise!


Me:"What did I do wrong?"

Acal:"Nothing! I was to stressed this whole time!"

Me:"It's okay, you still look good"

Acal:"Guess what..."


Acal:"Heather is a Hot Mimitchi!"

Me:"At least your happy now!"

Acal:"Yeah! night!"

he fell asleep quickly pretty quick


I ran into his room and saw what he had become


Me:"Just like you wanted!"

Matt:"Yep!...What happened to big brother?"

Me:"He became a Gozarutchi...he was really sad about it"

Matt:"Aww, poor Acal"

Me:"Well I am going to check on your brother Brady."

Matt:"Okay love you!"

Me:"Love you too!"

I ran into Brady's room and saw nothing different

Brady:"Hey dad,I am the same"

Me:"It's okay, tomorrow you will evolve like your brothers!"

Brady:"Okay dad, thanks...ZzZz"

Me:-tucks him in- "Love you my little Diamond"


This is what happened today!

Me:Hmmm....-Ring-ring!-Yes they should be home and minute

Brady:I'm home and Awesome looking!!


Brady:Yep! and a hot one at that!

Me:Don't be full of yourself!

Brady:I am not!

Acal:I am home with Heather!

Heather:My mom is a jerk!


Acal:She got mad at her mom and is sleeping here for the night!

Me:Fine, she sleeps with you!



Acal and Heather:Cya!

Matt:The sexy Kuchipatchi is in the house!



Matt:It's soo true though!

Me:Go to your rooms and do your homework now, please

Matt and Brady:Yes sir!

they left and I didn't see them for a little while longer after 7:00 p.m.

(sorry for not posting in two days >.<)

~~Acal at heathers house~~

Acal:Heather wake up!


Acal:Look at the pink and blue stars!

Heather:So beautiful!

Acal:Hey...they are coming closer!

Heather and Acal:AH!

Heather:I...I am a Dazzilitchi!

Acal:I...I am a Dreamitchi!

Kaci:Gasp! you are the perfect couple!

Acal:Well lets get to bed honey

Heather:Yes honey bun!

Acal and Heather:ZzZzZzZz


Matt:I got married i have to go! -back to tamatown with his wife uwasatchi!-

Brady got really sick and....So now I have Tealy!

Tealy:I am a yakantchi!

Me:So cool!

Tealy:Well it was nice to talk to the viewers!Night!

Me:Night everyone, i hope Acal is okay...

Kutchi:I am Matt's son! i have to go now, bye!

Everyone everywhere:ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ

(i got 50$! sweet! well night everyone!)

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(started up my v5 and there names are YoeYoe,Mouse and Raddy)

Me:Everyone come downstairs and look what i got!

Everyone ran down stairs and said

Tealy:Yes daddy...-gasp!-

Kuchi:Yes father...I am a Kuchipatchi!.........-Gasp!-

Acal:-come home- I'm home....-Gasp!-


Kuchi:You got me two baby brothers and a sister!

Me:Yup the girls name is YoeYoe and the boy on the right is Mouse and on the left is Raddy!






Raddy:-stares at Acal-


Me:Well everyone should get to bed, love you all!

Acal:Night pops!

Kuchi:Night dad!

Tealy:Night daddy!


:~~Next day~~:



Mouse:Shh he is still asleep

YoeYoe:SHH!...he is waking up!

Me:You evolved!

YoeYoe:Yep now I am a Belltchi!

Mouse:I am a mousetchi!

Raddy:....I am a Mattaritchi!


Acal:Dad I am taking the Triplets and Tealy to the park...

Me:Okay! be back by breakfast!

Acal:Okay dad!

they went out the door while me and Kuchi were going back to bed



: ~~Today~~ :

Acal:Dad we will be late!

Me:why do you care? you don't go to school!

Acal:But Kaci does and she has Heather!

Me:Okay fine I'll hurry up.Lets go Raddy,Mouse,YoeYoe,Tealy and Kuchi stay here to watch over the house!

Kuchi:Yes Sir Dad Sir!


YoeYoe:OOO! School sounds so fun!


: ~~Later that day when school is over~~ :

Acal:Yo pops!

Me:Hey Acal what you carrying?

Acal:My new baby boy named Willie!

Ruddy:He is so small and-

Tealy:Tiny and so-

YoeYoe:Young and so-


Acal:Yeah Heather will name her baby Will

Me:Aww how cute! cute I could cry!

Ruddy:Thats the first time you have ever said anything longer than a word!

Mouse:I guess it is!....

YoeYoe:Can we go grab a bight to eat? I am starving!

Ruddy:Me two!

Mouse:Me three

Acal:Us four and five!

Me:Okay okay, lets go!

(YAY! finally got married with Kaci's Heather!

We are so happy! Kaci almost reset but I convinced her!YAY!)



Me:Aww.-grabs camera- cute!



Yoe:You look better than us! I am a strawberry!

Ruddy:I am a bomb!

Mouse:I am a young mametchi looking thing!

Acal:I am leaving with my wife, see ya! -walks out door leaving Wilfred with me-

Wilfred:-wagoo- I am now a Kuchitamatchi!


Kuchi:Well i just got married and i am leaving with my wife a Memetchi and my baby Ella will be with you, BYE!

Ella:(*...*) -giggle

Me:Well night everyone


Hey guys I am sorry i have not been posting, I am studying for a quiz we are having sometime this week. Only three days till school is over! Anyways, Ella is a Uwasatchi! YAY! I am so giddy! Wilfred is now a cute little Androtchi! Again giddy! Tealy had a baby girl named Bunny! Ella got the Ta-Ma-To! all I need now is Mo! I have my v3 up and running and it is a....a....BrB i am going to check that...Nikatchi! it's a boy named Acal! He is back and will hopefully marry Bunny when she is old enough!! Bye I will be in the "Help for new owners" forum to ask a Question about a Hexagontchi tamagotchi I might be getting! So help out if you can!

:) :)

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Hey guys, i am going to stop doing quotes. GUESS WHAT! .......My father ordered me a Hexagon Tamagotchi color!! YES! I am very glad! I have bad news and good news, Good news:I am going to michigan to see the family and bad news is I will be there 2 weeks! I am going to try to post from my Best friends Computer but then again I m might forget so...... Tealy died today and i was very, very, very sad. I now have a little girl who is a kichitamatchi. I gave Kaci her v3 back and she is happy-ish. Well i have to.... Ella! She has been great! i bought her a new room and it's a royal room and she is in love with it! She still only has the Ta-Ma-To, only tomorrow left until I get Mo. See you laterz guys.

Hey guys it's austin! My v6 died so... I restarted! Its a girl named Alice E. for Alice Embrey! Ella hasn't gotten her Mo yet so I hope it's tomorrow! Ella is great, and she has met a couple of Kuro-Mametchis at the dating service along with a couple of Kuchipatchis and she has not met "the one" yet so oh well.Ugony my v4.5 is doing good and she is an

Ura-young-Yattatchi! so cute and puckery! She has been good and healthy! Well I will be going to Michigan on

June 16, 2010! Well I have been waiting for my Hexagonic and hopefully I get it before I leave to Michigan! Cross those fingers!! Well see you later... Actually wont see you because I can't see you because it's a computer... Night guys

: ~~Austin E.~~ :

Hey guys, I am still waiting for my Hexagontchi but my father said maybe next tuesday. Well I was let out of school yesterday! YAY! Ella Had a beautiful baby boy and I "named" him Monk.He is now a monopotchi and he will hopefully get to be a Kikitchi, Oh and Ella before she left got Mo! she was married to a KuroMametchi! Ugony turned into Shitekitchi! Oh so very cute and teacher like...I hope her job is a teacher cuz she would be good at it. I started up my v5 and they are all still bakutchi, Ichigotchi and Mameketchi. Ruddy is Bakutchi, YoeYoe is Ichigotchi and Mouse is Mameketchi. Alice E. is a Ringotchi! I know, I know bad care. But I have been a little busy lately. Well I am tired, Bye talk to you guys later!
