The Bolg of my V4.5 Tamagotchi


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Jun 15, 2009
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In my imagination! ;)
Hello there! It's me Chiko.... This is my first post.... Okay on with my tama story!

I used to adore tamagotchi's and i bought a lot in the past but i got out of them after a while. But now i found only one of my old tamagotchi's, a v4.5! So i decided to restart that tama cause i wanted to get back into tamagotchi's! But this time not buying a million of them! So about 3(or 4) days ago i restarted my little tama! I got a girl! I couldn't think up a very good name so i thought of the name "Pocky"! And so now Pocky is a cute teen!

Pocky has so far been very cute tamagotchi's! Right now, as a teen, she's a Young Ura-Memetchi! On Sunday when i restarted my tama, i was on msn talking to one of my friends and she and i both decided earlier that day that we would restart our tama's at the same time! And so we did that night on msn! She got a boy(Fai) and i got a girl(Pocky) and then we both decided that Pocky and Fai would be lovers!

Ha.... It's funny! But annoying! This afternoon Pocky wouldn't eat her sushi! I played games with her and kept good care of her too but she still wouldn't eat her sushi! And until about three hour ago she wouldn't eat it! So anyway.


YAY!! I GOT THE LOVE POTION!! Now Fai and Pocky will be able to fall in love faster!!!! :(


+June 18 2009+

Okay so me and my friend just found out last night that we can't go to the park on Friday! We have to go today! I bet most of you are thinking "Well that's not that bad!" well... YOUR WRONG! Mine and my friend's tama's couldn't have tama-baby's today!! All because they aren't 4!!!! Like.... They used the love potion and they were dating and other lovey stuff but why couldn't they just be good and do 'that' thing! Like we connected them like a million times today!!! AND IT STILL DIDN'T WORK!!!! :angry:

So yeah.... Now I'm baby-sitting my friend's tama! Until Monday or Tuesday that is! On one of those days I'll be going over to her house. Which is good cause i might decide to pause them! I have a paranoid problem thing...*cough*.... Anyway i best get going now cause if i don't go I'll be rambling.... later!

+June 20 2009+

Okay! I have been thinking if i should give Pocky a diary or not! You'll see tomorrow or later! Anyway yesterday both Fai and Pocky got job's! Pocky is a singer and Fai is a banker! The banker job is so easy! It's just like the Get game on V.3's! But the singing job is a little harder! It's also hard to explain! Both Pocky and Fai are five-years-old now! And also both Pocky and Fai have the love potion! For later tho! So now i and my friend just need to wait two more days! TWO MORE DAY'S!!! DX

Anyway I'll keep you people posted! :)

+June 21 2009+

Okay i know it's late at night and all But i had finally decided just now that i wanted Pocky to have a diary!

So here is her first entry(even tho she's asleep now i wanted to type something!):

"Dear Diary,

Today i still wasn't able to meet Fai!

My guardian won't let me meet him

for some reason of which she didn't

tell me! Anyway since it's after mid-

night it's father's day but i don't have

a father so i can't really enjoy the

day that much! My guardian keeps

saying that something great will

happen on Monday! But I'm scared

to ask what it is! o.o....Cause she

keeps screaming in joy and tells

me that she'll say "No" to the match-

maker! So yeah i don't really want

to know! Anyway i should go i

have to wake up early tomorrow!"

Hope you enjoyed it! ^^

+June 21 2009+

Well Pocky got her first visit from the matchmaker! o.o..... I SAID NO!!! *.*! She has an appointed marriage for tomorrow around 1:00!! How could i say yes to that busybody matchmaking tama??!!! Both Pocky and Fai got robbed today! Both had 100 GP taken away! DX

Anyway tomorrow i might get a music star tamagotchi! I'm only getting one if i like how it looks(by looks i mean if it's worth buying)! I have now seen what they all look like and i picked out two design styles i like!(The two blue ones and the black one)! I'm only picking one of course! But my plan is that if i like the music star i am going to a Toy's R Us and getting one! But! When i get home i am not going to open it! I am going to wait a week! If i can go one week still liking tamagotchis and being able to take care of two i will open it on Monday next week! If i stop liking tamagotchis before the end of the week i am going to return the music star tamagotchi and get my money back!

I hope most of you like my plan! XD

Anyway i can't wait till tomorrow! X3!! Pocky and Fai get married! I can't wait to see if they have twin boy's or twin girl's! Me and my friend are both hoping for twin girls! From what i remember i have never gotten twin girls! Anyway i need to go now! I still have that request drawing to draw!

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I had just gotten home from my friend's house today! FAI AND POCKY FINALLY HAD CHILDREN!!! Twin girls!!! X3! I am so happy! Sad too! Pocky has to leave tonight! DX

Well today i did decide to get the V6 Music Star tamagotchi! I got the one i wanted too! So I'm gonna wait a few days!

I'M GONNA MISS POCKY SO MUCH!!! DX!! SHE WAS SO CUTE!!! Well *sniff* now i am here to say that the person i call "My friend" is none other then _Flame_ from this site! And these are our comments about how we are taking our tama's leaving!

_Flame_(Fai): "I'm taking it like a man"

Me(Pocky): "*crys* IT'S TOO SAD!!! DX"

I'd like to say some last words to Pocky for her farewell.... "Pocky i am really going to miss you even tho your only going back to TamaTown! So i hope your happy even after you leave! I will take care of your child and hope she grows up to be cute tamagotchi's just like you! So fare well... Pocky."

Sorta cheesy ain't it! Anyway i hope you will all miss Pocky! If you want to give any farewells to Pocky please PM me! I don't care if you don't give any farewells to Pocky!

Silly little me! _Flame_ and i are on msn and earlier we were talking about our tama's when i said something about me visiting Pocky tomorrow morning on tamatown! Then _Flame_ just told me that the parents don't leave until TOMORROW night! Silly little me! :D Anyway so i still have one more day with Pocky and in my last post i was talking like Pocky was leaving tonight!

Also just now i was making a bed for my V4.5 and my soon coming V6! Which is hanging on my wall out of my sight range so i can't keep picking it up and having the urge to rip it open! So far the part in my plan about me waiting a week is failing! XD! But at least i didn't rip it open when i got home from _Flame_'s house today!! XD

Anyway i don't know what else to type! Later!


I am really sad that she left! She was eight when she left! I think that is the longest that one of my tama's from the past has lived! o_O! Anyway i need to wake up before my tama so i can name Pocky's child! I'm gonna name her "Alice"! I love that name! =D

Also i started my own growth chart for my V4.5! I'm gonna continue it tomorrow after Alice is a kid! *yawn* I'm getting tired i should go!

Goodnight from Me and Alice! :rolleyes:

Hello from me and Alice!

Well Alice is a kid now! She's a Tamatchi! She's been quiet all day! That's good!

I was just on tamatown visiting Pocky and i couldn't see her! I think it was a glitch! And i couldn't click on anything! Well i could but nothing came up! I'll have to see what's it like on my computer! Anyway i really miss Pocky! Buuut.... I'm in the second Gen. now!!!! =D! I hope Alice is gonna be a Ichigotchi! I love that tama! It's my favourite teen! Well on Friday i'm hoping that Alice will get to meet her twin sister Leah!

I think i'm gonna have Alice take after her father! If not more like her mother! I'll have to see! Anyway i should get going!


Currently Alice is just floating around the screen doing nothing! She has been quite boring really! ><

OMG!! something insane happened today with Alice! Earlier i was just sitting here at my computer when Alice got mail! Not the important mail! Not the star mail! The normal mail! It was the king! And he gave me a gift! IT WAS THE LOVE POTION!!! O.O! Like! This has never happened before!!! It was so insane!!! I am starting to think that the King is in love with my tama's! Cause with Pocky he kept giving her gifts too but NOT the love potion!!! So insane!!

The teens i really want Alice to be are, Ichigotchi, Ura-YoungMemetchi(like her mother) or Ura-YoungVioletchi! I think all three of them look cute! ^^! So tomorrow i shall post again to tell you all what teen i got!

Alice did not turn into any of the teens i had hoped she would be... But at least i can get a cute adult! <3

Alice is a Zouritchi! The teen of the v4.5's that looks like a pancake! =D! I am so hoping i get the Ura-Zukyutchi! That one is so cute!!! I'm trying to get more *fist* points! I think that's what i need to get that one! Well it worked with Pocky when she was a teen! I had a Ura-YoungMemetchi and i got more *sparkle* points and i got the Ura-Memetchi! Just like the chart said! So i'm hoping it will do the same with Alice!

Anyway it is taking me WAAAAYY to long to write all of this! DX! Bye's!


Well i got really upset that i got that tama that i cried one tear! But after a couple of days with that tama i guess it's not that bad anymore! It's really funny and can be cute at one or two times! Also today Alice got her job! She's a Firefighter! Not really the job i wanted but it will do!

I was reading up on when the matchmaker comes and if Alice turns five tomorrow the matchmaker will come for Alice if not, day-after tomorrow! Speaking of 'tomorrow'! Tomorrow i get to open up my V6(I got it one week ago, Monday)! It's just hanging there on my wall next to my bed waiting to be open! Luckily i got 'before' pictures!! And tomorrow I'll take a picture of the package open! Good thing I'm not going anywhere tomorrow!

For my V6 I'm gonna make a separate log! I'm gonna call it "A Music Star Log By Chiko"! It's the best i could come up with! If i get a boy I'm gonna name him Rain and if i get a girl I'm gonna name her Chiko(after me XD)! Now i just need to think up a girl and boy name for Alice's child! Okay, how about for a girl, i name her "Rin" and for a boy i name him... "Leo"!

Bye for now!

Well the matchmaker didn't visit today but she'll come tomorrow! I'm sure of it!!

I hope i get a baby girl! I'll get to name her Rin! But i also would like to get a boy! I changed the name idea to Len! Well this was just my short thing! Bye now!


She married a Tougyutchi at 3:00(PM)! And got a baby girl! So i will name her Rin! AND THIS TIME I AM NOT GETTING MOSTLY *fist* POINTS!!!!! DX

Anyway I don't really have much to say! Hopefully now that Alice has a child the king will stay away!!! -_- !

Bye for now!

Well Alice is leaving tonight! B)

ARG!! WHY IS ALICE SO FAT?! She is 94 LB's! Adult tama's can get so hungry after they have baby's! :) I'm gonna play a few game's with Alice so she can at least be 60 or 70 LB's before she go's to sleep!

I don't know if i feel sad or happy that Alice is leaving tonight! o_O... I'm upset cause I'll miss Alice and I'm happy cause I'll be going into the 3rd generation! I have a confusing mind!

Well anyway, Alice gave a visit to her mother, Pocky, before she went away tonight!

I should be going if i want to play games with Alice before she goes to sleep! Byez!

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Well last night at mid-night Alice left and then this morning i was left with a baby girl that i named, Rin!

So cute!! Rin is the same toddler as her grandmother, Pocky! I hope Rin is an Ichigotchi or a Ura-Young Violetchi! Or maybe a Ura-Young Memetchi! I love them all! ^^! So anyway, Rin visited her mother and grandmother in TamaTown earlier! Well.. There's not really much to say! It's been really boring.... So i guess i'll go now! Please check out my music star log!


ohmygod! I haven't posted anything for so long! :eek:

So yeah, Rin was the same teen as Pocky but since i got more *smiley* points i got the ballerina tama! I did want that one! So now Rin is four and sometime tomorrow or day-after tomorrow i should get the matchmaker! So yeah.. Also there's nothing much to say! XD

Byez for now!

Okay Sorry i haven't posted anything with Rin's child, Tom!

For a toddler he was a Hitodetchi. For a teen he was a Crackertchi and finally for an adult he is a Ura-Mametchi! He hasn't gotten a job yet but hopefully he will tomorrow or later today! Day after tomorrow he should get the matchmaker but i kept my V4.5 paused for almost all day on Thursday so it slowed it down a bit! So maybe the day after-after tomorrow he will get it!

Byez for now!
