So I didn't realize how scratched up and used this EnTama I got from my friend (who got it off of eBay) was until I attempted to take pictures with it. The shell is nice enough but there are tons of tiny scratches on the screen.

I'm a bit late to start up (I started around 9:50pm) because I was playing games with my family all day (including the tamagotchi wii game!) Anyway, I'll explain a little bit about the tama for those of you who have never seen one before/don't know the Japanese menus or what they mean.
This is going to be a blind run - I've never run this tama to adulthood before. The last time I took the battery out of it, I had a Nikatchi (worst care female) but hopefully since it's november break I can get something better before heading back to my classes! I also apologize in advance for such huge pictures!! Anyway, I scrounged around my room and found a battery so I popped it into my tama. I forgot how high pitched the noise was compared to my iD L, which I've been running, so I was a bit surprised!
Anyway, there's not much to report on today - being a baby and all (at 11:00pm even). He's a Mameotchi, meaning that he's from the intelligence family. Unlike on the english v4, where I believe things are measured by discipline, this only has three categories: style points, intelligence points, and kindness points. There are three games and each one grants different points. There are no new games to unlock but they're all really fun imo! The first one is a card flipping game, which appears to be up to chance. You have to get pairs and if you don't the game ends. The second is a game where you have to catch clothes onto the mannequin and avoid the falling poop. The last one (my personal favorite) is a game where you are hammering something and you have to get it just right or else it will break.
Right now his points are:
10 kindness
1 intelligence
7 style
That's all for now! Hopefully tomorrow I'll have found my camera so I won't have to take gross pics from my iPhone.
(Once I finished typing this, he turned into a toddler and received a letter, but he fell asleep now so I'll have to look at it tomorrow). Until next time! x