tenniswinner's V4 Orange Circles Log


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
*Note: Please do not post comments, questions, etc. in my log. But feel free to PM me about it! Thanks!

Just yesterday, I decided to get back into tamagotchis. With the V4 coming out, I didn't know what I was missing! So I told my mom, and today, having much doubt about it, we drove to Toys 'R' Us. "They're not going to have it," said my mom. But I took that risk. We walked in, and around the corner. I saw the little balls on antennas and my heart raced; there they were, the new V4s! They had all designs, but the one I dreamed about was the orange cirlces one. I glanced up and down the rows of packages and there it was! I snatched it and we bought it. And well, here we are, me and my new V4. ;)

I pulled the tag and an egg appeared, then soon hatched into a Shirotsubutchi. That took a while to spell, lol! I soon explored the icons, and found many things confusing... I still do actually lol. I played jump rope, fed meals, and cleaned up poop for about an hour. I even found that the light turns off itself when it's time for bed; who knew? lol I'm still new to this. How can you get social skills when you jump rope?! Do you talk to people when you're jumping?! Oh gosh I'm clueless. :) PC... is that preschool? Where do I get the logout code?? I'll find out on my own hopefully lol.

Evolve, Anna, evolve! I waited for my little Anna to evolve as I jumped rope and scored 30, earning 400p! GO ME! lol.

Finally, a Mohitamatchi! :)

Well, that concludes our adventures for today. Farewell! :)

Well, Anna has taken off for pre-school, and got letters from the mail man about elementary school! ;)

She's gotten a graduation cap, and just finished going to elementary school.

Oh, and today, Anna turned into a Young Dorotchi! She is just absolutely adorable! ;)

Anna had a growth spurt! A bit too early, maybe??

She JUST turned three and she evolved into the dinosaur, a Sebirechi!

She's still 24 pounds - the weight I left her with at a teenager!

She just graduated from school... and got... poop...

She just graduated again... and got more poop!

How many times is she going to graduate? ;)

Anna got a job! :D

She drives the bus around flowers.

This morning, the Nazotchi rewarded her with 1,500 points!

I'm so proud! :angry:

Oh, and she's finally 4 years old now. :angry:

Anna fell in love with a Kuchipatchi when the MatchMaker came! :wub:

She has a baby girl now. :wacko:

What to name her, what to name her...

Anna got a new job yesterday! :D

Now she matches silverware lol.

Looks like today's my last day with her until I get to raise the baby... :p

I'll miss you, Anna! Take care...

Well, say it ain't so, Anna left and I raised the baby yesterday. They grow up so fast!

I named the baby Becky, since I was frantically trying to think of a name. It just popped into my head!

So Becky evolved into a Mohitamatchi. Hot dog, another one. :ph34r: I still love her though.

She should be evolving sometime tomorrow... hopefully not when I'm at the mall! :p

Wow, another Young Dorotchi. Something odd is going on... I bet Becky is going to turn into another Sebiretchi! :lol:

Hmm... well, it'll be days before that happens. Perhaps Tuesday or Wednesday.

Oh by gosh, by golly, another Sebiretchi! What's going on?!

I pretty much neglected Becky... I didn't treat her nearly as good as I did with Anna.

Is this a glitch?

Becky finally got a job! She failed all her jobs for the first interview, since I didn't have time to go to school on TamaTown when she was a toddler/teen.

She's a designer, and she matches the clothes. It's fun to play that game! :kuribotchi:

The MatchMaker just came, and Becky mated with a Kuchipatchi and got a baby girl. :(

3rd generation, here I come! :furawatchi:

I would like to thank TwistAudio for helping me figure out my character crises lol.

If you are having the same problem, just visit the growth chart here:

It should help you out. :(

Sorry about my lack of posting... I've gotten so busy with school work.

I'm very excited today. I raised the baby girl days ago, and it turned into a Mizutamatchi. Her name is Tara.

Today, when I got home from school, she evolved into a Young Memetchi! She is very cute. :)

Tomorrow I will be getting a new purse to carry my tama around in... WHOOPIE! :D

Tara got a job! She is now a doctor at the hospital. ;)

It's a surprise for me, because I have low skill points...

I raised Tiny! :huh:

He is now a puchitchi. :D

I forgot I was raising him, and then he evolved unhappily... oh well, at least it's a different type of toddler! ;)

I've gotten so busy lately... I've pretty much neglected Tiny. Poor soul. ;)

He turned into a Young Androtchi yesterday.


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