tell of a time you were in a storm


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at 12:00am it was raining hailing and really windy.

then a tornado alarm went off and we had no basement.

i just sat in my bed hoping it will not get us.

then it stoped.

I remember one time it was the aftermath of a hurricane and my cat Kika was very thirsty and it had been a while since we were permitted to use our tap water and I had no water to offer her... thank goodness Dad arrived home with some more water.

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one time i was on my way home and it started hailing really hard.i got home i had black and blue marks all over me.

another time it was raining 3 days in a row.and our back yard was floded and the river.

Where I live we don't get bad storms. The only natural disasters that happen kind of often are earthquakes and fires.

Once when I was like 9 me and my little cousin (she was like 7) had to hide in the bathroom with my grandma because we heard the tornado alarm go off. It was scary :ichigotchi: !

yesterday it was snowing and the roads got super icey.

church,awana and other things were cancled.

and my dad drives bus and he said the bus was sliding all over the place.

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