Teen Pregnancy


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FOUR TIME Lifetime Angelgotchi
Nov 20, 2005
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United States
According to the Tyra Show, 1 in 3 women will become pregnant before the age of 19 in America. (Other sources say 1 in 4)

It's a growing problem. I really think that having the urge to do something sexual with your loved one is perfectly natural, but please protect yourselves!

Guys will say alot of things to get in your pants.

"I love you. I'll always be with you. We're perfect together blehblehbleh."

And the worst one?

"If you loved me you wouldn't make me put a condom on."

Well, if you loved me you'd wear it...

Teens becoming pregnant is ruining the lives of future generations. People who become pregnant while still in school have a lower chance of finishing. You can't go to school and take care of baby at the same time. It's nearly impossible.

Teen pregnancies also lead to more single mothers. Daddy will tell you everything above, then leave and pretend he never knew you. You're stuck with a baby and you can't take care of it alone.

What's your take?

I feel bad for those teens who got pregnant.

But still, you shouldn't have unprotected sex before your married. Sex is for married couples who want families. (That's my opinion) Because when you have sex, your creating a baby.

Also, isn't there some type of disease you could get when you have sex in teen years and get pregnant.

Some teenagers don't even just have sex because of love. It's mostly lust I think. If they really did love each other, they would wear protection, and girls would take the extra step of the pill or something.

Teen pregnancies is a big problem these days. =/ I voted I wouldn't have unprotected sex until I was married. Even if I am married, it probably still would be protected. Just because your married doesn't mean you need a kid right away.

i voted no. teen pregnancy is wrong and expecailly of abortion because they can't ake care of the baby. If i do "it" when i'm older like in 14 years or 11 years i'll probley use protection. You can get disesaes. That's why i'm not going to do "it" till i'm older like when i'm 22- 25 years old.... not 13-19 yrs

I would never have sex before I'm married. Unprotected or protected. No exceptions.

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I disagree also. I want to have kids, but I would have them after marrage.

It's wrong having it that early.

Teen pregnancy is not right. Why cant they just wait? I have a cousin who was pregnant at 14 she had the baby when she was 15 and now she is 16. She doesn't really take care of it that much. Her mom does. And now I have like a step cousin I guess that is pregnant and she is 15 and she is telling everybody! Shes all proud of it!

Oh yeah the icon. Well it is just a movie right? I didn't quite get your post. I still think teen pregnancy is wrong it is just that I like the movie Juno.

their choice is their choice. i'm not saying they should be pround of it... but be willing to be a parent.
How many 14-17 year olds do you know want to quit school and other activities to take care of a baby?

I've only had protected sex 3 or 4 times. The rest unprotected.

I have no kids.

Unprotected sex doesn't automatically guarantee you're going to get pregnant.

And Violetetchigirl101: No.

I've only had protected sex 3 or 4 times. The rest unprotected.I have no kids.

Unprotected sex doesn't automatically guarantee you're going to get pregnant.

And Violetetchigirl101: No.
[SIZE=13pt]That may be true. But there is always that chance that you will get pregnant. You can never be to sure. [/SIZE]

(Regardless of how much better it feels to have sex without a condom.)


Anyway, I'm sure that I am going to end up having sex before I get married.

But of course I'll make sure that my hubby is wearing a condom while doing. ;D

I have absolutely no sympathy for teen mothers. They chose to be morons, so they have to face the consequences. It's really quite disgusting that these things happen.

I have absolutely no sympathy for teen mothers. They chose to be morons, so they have to face the consequences. It's really quite disgusting that these things happen.
Mmkay, let me get this straight quick, please.

You are calling all teenaged girls who get pregnant, morons. Correct?

And I hardly doubt having a child is a 'consequence'.


Correct me if I am wrong.

Many people in my family had children under the age of eighteen, and before they were married. Most of the children resulting from this are great. My cousin Adam had Lexi, and Bryce, before he turned twenty. He is twenty four now, and Lexi is what, ten? Eh. Whatever. She was brought up fine, is my point.

I am not saying in the least that teen pregnancy is a good thing. That is certainly NOT the truth. It is sad how many children are neglected. But I think that if the person knows they are ready for motherhood, and want to take on the task of raising a child, that is their choice.

I am not one to say it is a good thing, but I am not one to say that it is exactly a "Sin" or bad thing, either, though I get where those on the contrary are coming from, that is my opinion.

Anyway, I selected 'I don't know' because I really don't.

Ï'm 13 years old and I'm becoming 14 this year, but I'm not even going through puberty yet. Sex is still quite a gross thing to me. But when I start going through puberty and become urged to a have sex, I'm going to wear a condom. The only girl I'm going to make pregnant is my wife... and that's once we are married!

Ugh. Interesting topic.

I'm not likely to have unprotected scheks until I'm married. Seriously. It's a stupid idea.

Protected schecks? Maybee. I dunno, it's morally wrong (in my parent's religion, which I'm forced to believe, but that's another story..) so I probably wouldn't. But who knows.


[SIZE=7pt]I find this sad actually.[/SIZE]

Sex is for making babies when you are older and married. Catch that.

There are better ways to have "fun" and not feel so guilty about yourself later on.

I'm turning 14, and a friend the same age as me is becoming promiscuous.

Why even take the risk? That's my opinion.

There's STD's, guilt, and pregnancy to worry about.

She's "getting under the covers" with her boyfriend, and I'm pretty worried for her.

My religious ways tell me to stay a virgin until marriage also.

A baby is a heck of a lotta' work to take care of.

Put it this way: When you think that you're gonna start doing "it", think of the endless nights that you might be awake taking care of a crying baby later on. It's not certain that you will get pregnant, but as GotchiGirl96 said, I'm not quite sympathetic. Sorry, that's just me.

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