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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
hi! im courtween! :D right now im waiting for my v 4.5 to hatch! i think if its a boy ill name it char short for charlie and if its a girl bri short for brigit! oops i forgot to set everything...date...time...b-day...user name...done! now we wait...hatching! its a...BOY!!!! little char is so cute!


k so i just fed him and played climb. he seems to like hopping clouds! now he has 400p!




aaw char! not on the rug! :)

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hey tama lovers! me again!


Char: hi!


honey mommas logging go play with your crayons... anyways im thinking of bringing char to tamatown when he turns into a child as a surprise!


Char: momma what tamatown?


hehe...nothing...but anyways here is chars status






other points:0.0.6




he just hatched so not much has happed yet! char do u want to say anything before we go?




go ahead!


Char:send fanmail peez!


night! :D

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OMG!! yayy! char evolved!!!! i think he is a young kutchipatchi!


Char:yayy im a child now!.........zzzzzzzz........


he was tierd.... evolving is tiering... but tommarrow im gonna intoduce him to tamatown! he'll love it! but ill be at my g-mas house cause my moms babysitting my cousins and even though im old enough to stay home alone and my grandma has realy slow internet i still go cause my cousin can be fun but can also be annoying at the same time so i think ill bring games and just so u know my cousins are 6,4,1,1


oh btw char has 1 training now!

oh btw again i got my first fanmail today yayy!

hi this is shelbysaurousand i think your log will be great and funny!

just by judging the first post!

well welcome to tamatalk

and pm me with any questions

i check this everyday

read my log and love it!



thx shelbysaurous!

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k so i woke up this morning and heres what happened





Char:*gasp..sputter... gasp*....mooom


char:*gasp* ...mooom!


char:*gasp* ...MOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: huh? where? what? when?

char: YOUR LAYING ON ME! *gasp*


so ya thats what happened this morning


char: ya you almost crushed me!!!!


i said srry! anyways exiting news! chars going to pre school today! he got [!] mail and his pre school teacher gave him a backpack! he named it goerge...

but im gonna take him to tamatown today!!!! yayyayy!!


char! i have a surprise for you!


char: what is it?!?!?!


come on! lets go!



To be continued...

i took char to tamatown and he LOVED it! first we went to pre school then saw a movie then went to the arcade and played all the games then visited the mayor then went to the mall then the food court then char puked all over the cashier!


char: yes but i know she loved it! and she loves me! *daydreaming*


oh btw char found the love of his life! and puked on her! she was a memetchi! :D


char: she was HOT!!!


oh shush your not even 1 yet!


char: she doesnt know that!


anyways here are his stats:








gotchi points:3250


im gonna go play more games with him and eat lunch ill post when somthing happens!


Char: bye!


c ya l8er!

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so i just got home from my g-mas and char is very tierd!


Char: they kept playing with me over and over ond over!


oh and btw todays my brothers b-day! he is 15 now!


Char:wow im not even gonna make it to 10!


well i gues char is to tierd to go to tamatown so...


Char: NO IM NOT!!!! i want to go to the food court first!


why so you can puke again?


Char: i was full and exited! let it go!!!!

k so earlyer i accidently left char in my parents room so couldn't get him and when i got to him he was missing 1 hunger 2 happy was crying and pooped! and i was only gone for 5 min! and that makes me scared cause i have dance from 4:30-5:30! i dont want him to die!


Char: WHAT?!?!? did i just hear die?




char: by the way thx for leaving me! i thought i was a gonner!


is that why you where crying?


char: maybe....and because that stupid guy stole 300p from me!


so you pooped your pants....


shut up!!!!


alright well i gotta go to dance so im gonna take you but im gonna leave you in the car


uuuugh fine.....


k bye guys remember to send fanmail!!!!


Char:ya lots and lots....i love being famous!




char: bye!

im stupid i thought char was a young kutchipatchi but he is a tamatchi! i am dumb!


char: you can say that again!


shut up!!!!

k so i just got back from dance and when i got in the car he was fine!


Char: i told you!


when my dad and brother get home we are going to lee roy selmons to celibrate my brothers b-day then to my g-mas for cake!


char: ooo cake? can i have some?


ill buy you your own




anyways i just want to say uuuuggghhhh!!! that stupid robber came AGAIN why does he alaways pick on me when i have money?!


Char: 600gp down the drain!!!


ugh but at least we get cake...


char: mmmmm!


well im gonna go print some codes then off to lee roy selmons!


both of us: bye!

Char has some exiting news!!!!




im so proud...sniff and the best part is he got 2 [!] today and now he is going to school! yayy! gtg going to seen a movie but ill tell more later c ya!



hey guys so i just saw the bling side and it was sooooo good!!!!

i loved it!


Char: it was cool


anyways here are chars stats:








gotchi p: 15,560


so thankgiving is thursday and i wanted to find some food codes so char can have turkey too!


Char: cause is sucks when your eating mouthwatering yummyness and im stuck with bread!


yep....sucks to be you!


char: shut up!


pm me if you find any codes please! ill put you in the log and char will give you a shout out if you do!


bye from both of us![/color]

k so char just got mail and it was a heart! aaawww!!!!


char: i bet it was from cathy!!!!!!!!!!




Char : the mametchi at the food court in tamatown!


how do you know her name?


char: she told me!


*me giving him a stern look* it was on the receipt wasnt it?


char: maybe......yes.....

right now char is sipping from a mug at the front of the screen i guess he is showing it off or somthing


Char:your just jelous cause you dont have a mug!

char has 6 training now but he is sleeping so i guess im done for the day with bloging so night everybody! time for so you think you can dance!

k so its raining at my house right now and to get to my computer i have to go to the garage and to get there i have to walk outside! so i have to put char under my shirt so he wouldnt get wet!


Char: i still got some drops on me though!


oh boohooo suck it up! i got more then a few! its not like your gonna glitch!




NO CHAR! ARE YOU OK?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!


char: haha! joking!


.....shut up

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ok here are chars stats:











anyways im thinking of getting a TMGC+C! i might order one today! cause i have the money i just want to know if ill be able to take care of him/her cause its in japenese... so pm me and let me know pleez!


Char: so are you planning on leaving me when you get it?!?!?!


no im gonna let you live and when you have babys im gonna take the batterie out!


Char: oh whew good!

Your log is really great! Its pretty funny how you pretend the tamagotchi is talking to you! I wish I had a V4.5, but they never came out in my country. Could you take some time and view my log? The link is in my Siggy. I really want more views because some peoples HanatchiHannah's one have over 600! I'm aiming for over 100.
PS Your log and tamagotchi rock!

PSS or is it PPS.. You rock too

yayy my 2nd fanmail!!! thx tama anime!!! everyone read tama anime's log too!


char: thanks tama anime!!!! ilove fanmail!!!![/color][/color]

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[SIZE=8pt]char:pffft whatever....[/SIZE]


oh dont worry char i will play with my v 4.5 sometimes!

and it wont be you living with me anymore! it will be your kid! and i wont kill her/him!i will just take out the batterie! i already told you! you will live in tamatown by then!


char: true...


pleeez pm me if you find the english instructions!


ps. i will leave a link to my new log when i get my TMGC+C but till then i will still post in this one!

k so char just evolved!!!!!!!!


char:i am a japenese MASTER!!!!!!!!


ummmm k well i looked up a pic of him online cause i thought he was ugly


char: HEY!


and he looks like a little brown blob with a red coat and a japenese headband thats why he thinks he is a master...


char: no its not master its MASTER!!!!!!!!


ok a MASTER!!!!!!!


anyways im going to end this log early i mean like not today just when char leaves cause im geting kinda lazy with bloging. but when i get my TMGC+C i am gonna do a log but just 1 at the end of the day because i dont like coming on every hour like i do now!


2 more things




2.thx for almost 100 views!!!!!!
