~|Tazama's v5 Celebrity Log {#2}|~


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Dec 1, 2008
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12/1/08- Hello! I'm Tazama and I'll be posting my tama logs for my v5 celebrity (red star design). My family name is Parr, 1g, and we have a mere 100 gotchipoints.

Anyway, I'd like to introduce my tamas to you! All 3 are babies.

First we have..

An Futabatchi named Grant! He's the eldest of the three.

Next we have..

A omututchi named Kristine! She's the "middle tama" of the three.

Last we have..

A Mimifuwatchi named Zack! He's the middle tama of the three

And now, my tama log/diary.

I purchased two tamagotchi v5 celebrities today. I decided to open one, which is the one I'm logging about.

I connected Grant, Kristie and Zack with my other tamas Charlie, Jacob and Lacey. Charlie, Jacon and Lacey won bowling.

All Hungry/Happy hears are filled.

I trained GKZ once today. I chose the second option (soccer ball).

**UPDATE** My three tamas evolved! Grant is now a Mattaritchi, Kristie is a Belltchi and Zack is a Mousetchi!

I played Tama Fans and earned 100 gotchipoints. Awesome! The game is fairly easy.

That's really it for now. I'm saving my other v5 celebrity for another time, possibly for a group hatching. Lastly, Grant, Kristie and Zack have something they'd like to say.

Hewwo everyone! Dis is Gwant, Kwistie and Zack speaking. When we speak together, the font color will be wed. Below we will give an intwoduction about each of us. Enjoy!

Gwant here! I'm an Mattaritchi tama as of a 15-20 minutes ago. I'm the owdest of my family. I love acting, pwaying wif toys and my siblings. My favowite item is the book. I'm often descwibed as enthusiastic, persuasive and honest. That's all I really have to say for now. Buh-bye!

'Ello, I'm Zack the Mousetchi tama. I'm the youngest out of my bwother and sister. I love art, painting, pwaying wif toys and my siblings as well as eating steak. I'm obsessed wif steak! My favowite toy are the paints. I'm often descwibed as quiet, cweative, a wittle selfish and loving. See ya awound!

Hewwo there!! My name is Kwistie. I'm a Belltchi tama. I'm considered the "mwiddle tama" of the family. I love cweating stuff, writing and sharing my stowies. I don't have a favowite item. I'm often descwibed as witty, cweative and sometimes harsh. Ta-ta for now!

I'll continue this later with any new updates. Be sure to check out my other log!

~Tazama :eek:

Notice: If you'd like to comment on my log, please PM me instead of posting here. Thank you!

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X-x; I haven't updated this in a WHILE!


Grant, Zack and Kristie are all adults! Grant is a Kuromametchi, Kristie is a Memetchi and Zack is a Kuchipatchi!

I just have one more day until they can get married. I'm thinking about marrying Grant with my cousin's tama.

That's all for now!

-Tazama ;)
