tamatalk TEAM


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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2006
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Right behind you
one day wameed98 was playing his tamagotchi "Man the jumprope game is fun!" he said

And suddenly evil tama characters came out of the tamagotchi. wameed98 was so scared he jumped out of the window. and all tamatalk accounts were having same problems and jumping out of there windows!


What happens next you tell us with your tamatalk account in it!

Haven fallen out of a window, mew0099, with her arms scratched from falling onto gravel, looked back and saw an evil Mametchi, Memetchi and Kutchipatchi stealing all her Tamas except for the Music Star Kikitchi practicing on the guitar.

"Get them all. Forget none. Except the Music Star. Leave it! Crush it! I HATE MUSIC!" The Mametchi shouted out.

"Huh. Strange." mew0099 thought to herself while getting up, then carefully stepping over the broken glass.

Then she noticed the Kikitchi was gone, and there were rustling noises coming from the fridge...

My nose was bleeding from jumping out of my second story bedroom and landing face first, but otherwise I seemed fine. Except for the monumentous headache, of course.

"Get her!" my Babitchi named Bryan cried.

And so I was forced to run down the street just like everybody else, being chased by a bunch of baby Tamagotchis with razor sharp teeth.

Tamagotchi-Ashu falls out the window, unfortunatly, face first. While you'd think he was dead, he begins stirring, and finally gets up.

"Oh man, that's gonna leave a mark." he moans in pain. "I think I might have broken something."

He brushes himself off, about to go back home. Then he hears a loud cry and looks up. A Sakuramotchi, Tororotchi, and Mousetchi stood up on his windowsill and jump down. His eyes pop open in fear.

"You're my v5.5 characters..." he says. "But you can't really be here.."

"Oh yes we can!" another voice screams. Tamagotchi-Ashu looks up again, to see a Belltchi leap out of his room. Just like the one on his Tama-Go.

"Attack!" the Tamagotchis scream.

"Holy COW!" Tamagotchi-Ashu yells, running down the street. He is able to stay a good distance away from them.

"You can't escape us!" Mousetchi squeaks. "We're EVERYWHERE!"

I grabbed a nearby axe, and sliced a fire hydrant in half. Water exploded in the sky, soaking me and everything in a fifteen foot radius.

Suddenly, an Onputchi shouted "Just like Music City!" and all the Tamagotchis that heard her swarmed around the fire hydrant. For the moment, the town's residents had a second to escape.

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