Tamas 4!


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
Tamas 4,

And going up!

V3, V4, V4.5,

Not to mention the cool V5!

^First verse of a Tamagotchi Song I'm writing^

Well, anyway, where were we?

Ah, yes!

At the part where I'm announcing,



So, yeah.... anyway....

I have 4 Tamas that I like....

Please note.... *I'm giving all my Tamas the first half of Warrior Cat names, like say I want to name a Tamagotchi Ashfur, I'd name it Ash instead but still call it Ashfur*

European Orange and White V3

Debatchi male named Rowan *Rowanclaw*

Has a baby? yes, a boy

American Blue Sunflower V4

Young Memetchi female named Sun *Sunflower*

American Bubble Gum V4.5

Sandaltchi female named Mint *Mintfoot*

Non-name Tama

American Love My Family V5

Watatchi, Potetchi, and Uhyotchi whose family name is Luisa

More later!

I'm going to write all my posts in poem or song format from now on if I can do it.


The Luisa Family V5 is just bopping around!

They rarely ever touch the ground!

30 Bond Points is quite good,

So to me please don't be rude.


Rowan will leave little baby tonight!

So then those two cannot fight.

The little baby will be named Ash,

And in the water he'll like to splash!


Young Sunpaw just loves the sun,

She could see it all day long!

If you're not careful,

She will go,

To the sunflower field,

Just down the road.


Mintfoot is the strongest one,

She is quite a lot of fun.


But just watch and you might see,

How much fun my Tamas can be!

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*Highlight this if you can't see it*

More now on Tamas 4!


Mint Sandaltchi's been on PAUSE,

Now she's sleeping,

What's the cause?

Right now she is,

3yrs old!

At least that's what I've been told!


My V5 family,

Has been travelin'

Away from me,

This morning I just called them back,

Because without them I was sad.


My V4, Young Memetchi, named Sun,

Is a young 'un,

She's been on PAUSE, also.

I can't wait until young Sun grows!


My V3 is a Debatchi!

With a baby,

Or had you forgotten?

The baby is a boy,

The parent is male.

And the baby will be named

- ready? -



That's the end of my coverin' post!

I covered all the info on my Tamas....!

I may post later today,

If you like this, you may, PM me!!!


Please, PM me to leave (short) comments on this log, and then I'll write them here!

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*Highlight this if you can't see it. It's in lavender colour today. The last time I did this warning, it was in beige*

Hey guess what?

More news is here!


My V5 family turned into the Petite family today!

They're so small, I went like, hey!

They're babies!

I thought my Tamas had died on me,

Turns out this was not the case,

They changed when I wasn't looking,

Into a family of tiny guys!


Rowanclaw hasn't left his baby yet....!

I'm sure Ashfur (that's his name),

Is itching to be on his own!

But I'll miss, Rowanclaw,

He was good,

As Rowanpaw, as,

An apprentice,

Oh yeah!

Good-bye soon,


I just hope you won't be missin' me too much,

My boy, Rowanclaw....


Young Sunpaw's doing AM-AZ-ING!

She'll change into an adult soon,

Now that she is 3 years old,

She's actin' like one,

For when she evolves!


Guess what Mintpaw is now,

Mintfoot and strange Tama!

I'll have to look up the charrie's name,

Not now though I'm too busy.


That's the end of the report of Tama Log!

My Tamas are all so safe and sound.

I'll post again tomorrow when the time is right,

You'll guarantee that, all right, good-bye!

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*I wrote in hotpink today! And plus, I got a new V4.5 Tama for like $6.30 yesterday! I was so excited, it's the puzzle design*

More today, after I say,

Today is the day,

After the day, which was Sunday,

That I got my new Tama!


My new Tama is a V4.5!

I got it for 6 bucks,

and it's the puzzle design!

It's very pretty so don't you say,

"Hey, kid! That's very ug-lay!"


It's a boy,

And his name is Marsh, for short.

It stands for Marshkit!

I just love that name!


Young Sunpaw is,

Now Sunflower,

As she is a Masktchi ( :ph34r: )!

I don't know what happened,

It just did!

To get such an unhealthy character.


Mintfoot is doing fine,

She rises in the morning,

With heart sublime,

She has good intentions,

That I know!

I love her,

Now this SHE knows.


Rowanclaw has just not left,

Ashfur yet,

The young Tamagotchi,

Last night went,

Into the toilet,

With a great big splash!

And yes, he did get scolded for that.


Since my Watatchi grew into a Petite,

She married,

And had two babies!

It was a wierd tomato-head that she married with,

He was wierd,

Generation 7 came!

The two children are Sakuramotchi and Ahirukutchi.


That's all for now!

More later, maybe!

Now, good bye!

*Okay, so I know it's been awhile, but enjoy the log for now (please!)*

Sakuramotchi and Ahirukutchi,

Grew into different Tamagotchis.

I forget now.

Which one mated?

It was probably the girl.

Anyway, the mates had one baby.

A Mattaritchi.... named Gaby?

No that's not it.

Pluit is his name, it's French.



Sunflower's been paused,

plus Mametchi, Marshtail, but I went on him,

Late last night and then this morning.

But Sunflower, Ashkit and Minfoot all remain paused.


Well, that's the end! More later! See ya later, alligator!


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