TamaMum's V4 Log


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2005
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Trapped in the Moderator's Gate of Truth
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I bought my Choco-Silver V4 over a week ago - but have been so busy I haven't had enough time to sit down with it and just play without interruptions :D

Finally! TM's log, start date: 24 Jan 07

11.43AM Hatched and Named : Mikki - a girl

Hour as a baby went by pretty quickly. I fed her 6 x Meal (Sushi) and 4 x Snack (Fruit) to fill all the happy/hungry hearts straight away, then went to the Games to figure out how to play Jump Rope :lol:

Took a couple of attempts to get a score higher than 3 :eek: but I got there in the end... I forgot to check what the scores did to the life points tho'

I managed to keep her hearts full all the time apart from one period when I checked and she had two empty happy hearts. I filled them up with 2 x Snack.

I noticed that 10+ skips on Jump Rope got me +3 Fashion Life Points (?)

20+ skips got me +5 Intelligence points... don't yet understand why...

12.43AM Evolved: Harutchi

Wow they are cute :lol:

I am useless at Mimic :) I have not managed to get past Round4. How difficult can it be??? Sometimes it is because I just pressed the button too late and the Harutchi had changed to the next pose. Sometimes I just panicked...LOL and press the button when it was in a totally different pose :D

I have mastered Jump Rope now and can get to 30 skips - no problem :D

Got two lots of Post (Mail) during the afternoon - 1pm and 1.30pm - but did not have time to open them as I had to dash out.

So I put ChocoSilver on pause for a couple of hours.

One of the post messages was just a fortune thing - the other was a visit to the pre-School with the teacher. Nice animation.

I keyed in all the V4 Shop Codes and the extra Tamagotchi Corner Shop codes - posted on the TamaTalk codes forum :D

He he... the Clone (!!) item is great - I love that you can use it at all evolution stages and the little ditty of music that plays is funny too :lol:

Some friends popped in to visit during the evening so I connected with 2 x V4s :eek:

I now have two Ojotchis on the ChocoSilver's Friends list :D

I have also connected it with the V3 - but that is a Decotchi so it shows as a "Nazotchi" when it visits the V4 and on the Friends list :D

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Cor - this Tama kept me busy today ^_^ I was trying to work at the PC too - (ha ha - my work skills were badly affected by my V4... :D )

Today, was mostly about getting Post (Mail) and Evolution :furawatchi:

Started the day with full happy & hungry hearts and Life skills 33 / 30 / 10 (Intelligence - Style - Kindness)

Got mail at 9.30am - but just the fortune stuff. Got mail again at 10.30am - pooh! Emptied all my Happy hearts for me :p

Played Jump Rope and got 10 skips = +2 on Style points but I still suck at MIMIC - just couldn't get further than Round 4.

Managed to get it a training point when it left a bad present for my V3 Decotchi. I played Jump Rope and won so my Intelligence points are increasing.

Got mail at 1pm - just another forecast - they appear and disappear too quickly for me to work out what my fortune is... perhaps this is just as well :furawatchi:

Got mail at 2pm - From the King! 200 GPs thank you very much :(

Got mail at 2.30pm - a heart, nice.

My little Harutchi evolved at 3.13pm into a Ringotchi - nice to see one again - I have only ever had one Ringotchi teen (on my V2). Life points at 46 / 35 / 17. May need to work on getting the Kindness skills up - but how..?

Got mail at 3.30pm - From the King (again). Steak this time, yum!

Got mail at 4.00pm - Just a fortune - Heart 3* - but the only thing the V4 is really connecting with is the V3 Decotchi and she's a girl too :D

Played FLAG and got to Round 7 - it is a much "faster" moving game on the V4 than the V3 - I like it much better ^_^

Got mail at 4.15pm - School (pre-school?), then another "!" post and I went back to a different teacher - got a gift but didn't know what to do.. must start reading some of the other V4 logs to find out what I am missing :D Did I just graduate from pre-school? :D

Got post at 4.30pm (This postman is overworked!) - another pooh and 4 empty Happy hearts. Could only give 1 snack before Ringotchi got toothache (oops).

Played FLAG instead and won (400points) - gained +6 Kindness points ^_^

My skill points are now 46 / 35 / 33

Took a break from working - I only had a bit more to do anyway... :(

Visited TamaTown and popped into the Pre-School - they said "Long Time No See" - so I am hoping that means I have graduated to School...

Played lots of games and got points to spend. Don't understand why I get no prize for spelling... tried it x2 and each time I clicked to get prize - nothing happened...

I spent my points on Make Up and a Lion Doll (as Mikki is a girl...) - I also picked up the Passport and the Brochure from TamaTown Hall.

When I logged out and keyed in the passwords I gave her the Lion straight away. She likes it. Skill Points at 57 / 37 / 35.

She fell asleep at 8pm - and I didn't notice ^_^

Rats... she is asleep with one happy heart empty. I hate it when that happens....

I hope I don't get as much post tomorrow...

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Today I noticed two things: (sure lots of other members already know this... ;) )

If I press the C button, my Ringotchi starts doing the random animation where they move their face up close to the screen then pull back again. You don't have to wait for a random animation - it is now on command :D The other thing I noticed is posted right at the end of todays entry.

9.00am Post: Fortune cookie - tells me I have 3 * for Money (Good! That might mean I will hear from the King)

I got 900 Gotchi Points from the King :D

Played and Won Jump Rope (30 skips to win) so my Ringotchi is now at 54 / 44 / 43 (Intelligence / Style / Kindness)

Noticed I was 2 Happy Hearts empty... so I gave Mikki a Steak - the one the King delivered yesterday B)

Went to school (pressed A whilst the "Away" screen was showing) and had to pick one of the three presents - used B to select - but really I had no idea what I was doing. Luckily I got the pencil and +3 intelligence points.

Tried to play DANCE - (to get some Style points) got to Round 4.

Then played FLAG and won (ha ha) so my kindness points shot up.

Later I played Jump Rope and won (400GPs) - it got me +5 Intelligence points.

Basically I am trying to increase all three types of points steadily - but for the moment the Intelligence points are highest: 62 / 51 / 49

Not sure if I am playing enough - *wonders what else increases these Life Skills points apart from playing the games....?*

Went onto TamaTown because TamaTalk was closed to back up the database ;)

Got the max number of points allowed (9,000) and bought Jeans, Wig, Guitar and won a Lollipop and Crepes - a good haul of stuff :)

Missed a training point because I was not concentrating and gave Mikki a PRAISE when she should have had a TIME OUT... d'oh (*slaps forehead*) :angry:

3.30pm Post = More pooh - Only one snack and the rest of the empty Happy hearts filled by getting 18 skips on Jump Rope.

I then played FLAG twice = only because the first attempt I got to Round 4 and lost - so I played again and won. I really like FLAG.

Suddenly realised that there was a travel ticket in my shop and I needed 10,000 points so I managed to get onto TamaTown at about 5.30pm and collected 6,000 points playing the Ring Toss game over and over.. :wacko: How sad is that? :p

Anyway - at least I had enough GPs to buy the travel ticket ;)

I also got Candy as a prize from the Ring toss and when I put the password into the Tama it gave me toothache... LOL - serves me right :D

The shop was also selling a treasure chest - so I bought that too.

I got a magic lamp in the shop yesterday - so after I cured Mikki's toothache I thought I would give it a go... bad news - I got a Black Thunder Cloud and all the Happy hearts emptied out :angry:

But the treasure chest gave me 500GPs :D

Played some more Jump Rope to get an easy win... and tangled in the rope at 25 skips...

Mikki fell asleep at 8pm with Full Happy & Hungry Hearts, Training points are 7/9 and her Life Skill Points are 65 / 61 / 65

Last thing I noticed: the sleeping Zs animation... the Zs definitely move faster on the V4 than the V3 (or is it because my V4 is a teen and younger and the V3 is an adult..?)

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The most important thing so far today has been what's in stock at the shop ;)

I hate getting a fortune cookie first thing... I can never remember to look at the results closely - I think I only got 1* for all three fortunes this morning... oh well.. :rolleyes:

10.30am Post: The King gave Mikki make up - wonder if he's trying to tell her something...? :D It's no good to her anyway - she doesn't have a mirror and I haven't seen one for sale in the shop.

Ooo - but there's a UFO for sale - wow... 10,000 GPs. Better get down to TamaTown and see if I can play Ring Toss a hundred times :rolleyes:

Played FLAG first thing and got my Life Skills points to 65 / 61 / 71 (Intellingence / Style / Kindness). I think I'm going to have to accept that Mikki is never going to be a fashion victim! LOL - I just can't increase her Style points the way I can increase the other two.

It has a lot to do with the fact that I am totally useless at the DANCE game. Strange really - because I can usually win FLAG... :p

Went to school and chose the pencil - still have no idea which box to choose... so unless I read it somewhere in the TamaTalk forums I will just assume that it is random/lucky if you choose the gift with the pencil inside.

1.00pm Post: Fortune Cookie - 1 or 2* for everything. Boring. :rolleyes:

I am off to TamaTown to earn some points to buy that UFO :)

V4 UFO 50,000 GPs expensive!

2.00pm: Got the final training point - so Mikki is now a fully trained Ringotchi.

Desperately played Ring Toss on TamaTown to earn enough points to buy that UFO... but realised I was running out of time - 3.00pm approached until I realised that I could change the clock back an hour and get enough points... well der.... :)

So that is what I did :eek:

The UFO can only be used by Adults - but Mikki was due to evolve in the afternoon anyway.

Played FLAG one more time and got the life skills to 68/64/82, then changed the tama clock back to the correct time.

Hey presto! Within a few minutes...

3.15PM Mikki evolved from Ringotchi > Maruitchi (with skill points at above mentioned level). :huh:

I seem to remember she is an adult for one day before she goes for jobs - so I had better start playing some games.

Trouble is, she is already so close to her minimum weight... I tried playing Dance several times - but lost in Round 1 or 2 every time :rolleyes:

As usual - I resorted to FLAG and won - so her Life Skills points are now at 68 / 64 / 88 - unless I can get those intelligence levels up, she is going to end up in a job that requires a lot of "kindness"

(*thinks: perhaps she can apply to be a TamaTalk Guide...LOL*)

I put Mikki the Maruitchi in the UFO and got the "AWAY" sign. Pressed A and saw the ship descend onto her and off she flew - to Tama Planet (?)There was a large ringed planet in the night sky and a couple of other stars and what looked like a mountain in the distance.

I have tried it twice now - she goes to the same place both times.. maybe it is not like the V2... :huh:

I then gave her the guitar that I bought for her in TamaTown yesterday.

Good Grief... she's not very good at playing it - it sounded awful.. :D

.. but she looks "absolutely fabulous dah-ling" in the wig :p

I connected with my V3 Decotchi and Mikki got a shovel as a present! It was in the ITEM list so I used it and she got a piece of cake to eat :wacko:

Post: Arrived sometime in the Afternoon:

Mikki graduated from school today - I was playing school game over and over trying to get the Intelligence points up - but they didn't change at all - even though I chose the pencil correctly about 3 or 4 times.

I am guessing that Mikki is now too old for school and even pencils won't change her Intellingence skills level :D

Did the V4 Passwords and points cheat (posted by D-Best and pinned in the TamaTown & e-tamago forum) and got all the souvenirs - well, all the known ones... and a truck load of points ... ha ha :D

Now I can afford anything I want ... mwa ha ha ha ha B)

Except you can't "buy" a job on the V4 - you have to earn the skills points :D

I have worked hard on raising the Intelligence skill points for Mikki - she's my first V4 adult and although I don't think she's very good looking (reminds me of "Ugly Betty"), I want to try to get her an important job :D

LOL - what most parents want for their kids I suppose :blink:

Therefore gritted my teeth and got on with playing SHAPE. I am still totally useless at it, but managed to get the Life Skills points up to 123 (Intelligence) / 71 (Style) / 95 (Kindness).

Kind of fitting really that she has a much lower "style" skill level - when you press the C button and Mikki the Maruitchi comes up close to the screen to say hello to me - good grief - she is not very stylish at all... LOL

3.30pm Post: Nazotchi came along and I went off to look at the city street - tried not to press any B buttons until I saw the hospital :) The building had a little + sign on it, so I guessed it was the right place.

Got the job :( Huzzah!!! Now Mikki goes to work and plays a game similar to "GET" on the V3 - she "catches" hearts and avoids catching skulls :kuribotchi:

I haven't neglected her tho'. I am still playing the other games as well as the Work game.

Her skill points are now 179 / 92 / 130

7.00PM The Matchmaker visited. I was chatting to someone at the time so I glanced down - saw Otokitchi and thought I had 15 minutes before she disappeared. Not so. Only one or two minutes later and she had gone!I am hoping she will return tomorrow at 10.30am :D

Missed Matchmaker day

Tama care was very Low Key as I was busy... ;)

But I checked on her pretty regularly, Mikki had her Happy & Hungry hearts kept full and went to work - it is good pay being a Doctor :)

Missed the Matchmaker (again ;) ) at 10.30am and 3pm :angry:

When the Attention beep went off at 7.00pm I got up and went over to Mikki and saw the Matchmaker disappearing off the screen... !!!

No wonder so many people post that they haven't had the Matchmaker - she was on my V4 screen for less than one minute!!!

I missed her again. But cheated. I re-set Mikki's clock to 6.59pm and when the Matchmaker arrived I pressed B. She married a Kutchipatchi and had a baby boy :)

G2 here we come :) Wonder what I should call it? I like Japanese names - so I will check a few web sites for ideas :)

Playing in the Snow: On their last day together, I suddenly noticed that cute random animation you get at this time of year.

Mikki and her baby boy were outside playing in the snow with a snowman in the background. It's so cute - esp when your tama has a baby in tow!

Mikki left at midnight on Thursday as normal, so I had a baby boy to name on Friday morning.

Decided on Haiku (I like Japanese-style names, but was feeling a little uninspired :huh: )

This time I have only fed him the Burger as his MEAL and the Ice Cream Cone as his SNACK (if not playing a game to fill a Happy heart).

I have a theory that in addition to how full you keep those happy and hungry hearts and the different generations (odd vs even), the type of food might also affect the character you get :D

My Tsubutchi was well cared for during it's hour and evolved into a Mohitamatchi.

I really like these little guys. Lots of JUMP Rope and MIMIC played to keep the Happy hearts full - and Ice Cream Cones when I didn't have time to play the games...

He went to pre-school several times during the day and danced away with his Nursery nurse / teacher. He's not very good at it :furawatchi:

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Saturday morning: Even 'though I think I gave him too many snacks and not enough games (he weighs 44lbs...oops) Haiku still evolved into a Young Kuchipatchi this morning - so I am quite smug.

I also found the beginning of a V4 Likes/Dislikes chart being compiled on TamaZone.

It's not finished yet, of course, but I thought it would be nice to try and find out what a Young Kuchipatchi likes/dislikes.

He's new on the V4 so I can't use the old V3 likes and dislikes chart - I bought a sweet corn (on cob) in the shop and fed it to him - he loves it.

So Corn is Young Kuchipatchi's favorite food.

(V3 Kuchipatchi Adult loves Corn cobs - and hates the drumstick, so Haiku may hate it too)

Haiku left his pre-School and went to big school - I chose a different teacher for him by pressing A or B - can't remember - when the Turtle teacher came along. I chose the one that looks like a Sunflower (wasn't too keen on the one that looked like a Book - too square... LOL) :D

Haiku is not very good at choosing stars… 1 star and 3 piles of pooh so far :D

I haven't been playing as many games as I did with Mikki - so although his Happy hearts are always full, it's usually because of SNACKS…

Played SHAPE and would you believe it… I won! ;)

Amazing coz I am totally useless at that game…. My heart was beating so fast by the time I got to 30 shapes… my hands were shaking…. Getting a bit carried away…LOL :p

Haiku weighs 40lbs - that's much too heavy - but reminds me of Kuchipatchis in the V1 days - described as "lazy". His skill points are at 28 (Intellingence) / 30 (Style) / 16 (Kindness).

I think his Kindness levels are low because he hasn't connected with anyone yet.

My V3 is a Patapatachi teen - so I would get Nazotchi on the friends list. I'll wait and see what Adult it turns into before I connect.

Sunday: Today I found out what food Young Kuchipatchis hate :)

Today was a pretty busy day so not much Tama time for Haiku :eek:

His Life Skills points are very low because I haven't been playing many games - mostly SNACKS to keep his Happy hearts full. Feeling Guilty.

Also regretted choosing that Sunflower teacher for Haiku in his school. I am totally useless at the DANCE game and totally useless at choosing a Star to get extra Style points :D

I've tried to play an even mix of the games so that all the skill point levels increase at roughly the same rate. But the truth is, I almost always win at FLAG.

I don't get high scores with SHAPE - rarely more than 13 - 15 shapes, and as for DANCE - well. I am lucky if I can get Haiku past Round 2... :p

Never mind. My V3 turned into a Pyonkotchi today - so I am considering whether I should connect it today so that Haiku has another adult on his friends list. Maybe tomorrow... I might be getting desperate for Kindness points by then - Haiku is due to change into an Adult.

I also fed Haiku a variety of different foods today, to see if he hated any of them - so his "exclusive" diet of Burgers and Ice Cream cones went out of the window :furawatchi:

I suspected that Young Kuchipatchis would like/dislike the same as the V3 Adult Kutchipatchis. They do.

There was a Drumstick for sale in the shop at the 3pm re-stock so I bought it. He hates it - all his happy hearts emptied - it was a reaction like getting a pooh in the mail or a nasty present from a visiting tama :(

He went to sleep at 8pm with a full Happy and Hungry meter.

He is due to evolve tomorrow at around 10.45am. Enough time for some fast game playing to increase some of those Life Skills points :D

I wonder which Adult he will turn into...

I'll be selfish and hope it is not one that I have had before on the V1-V3...

Evolution Day: I knew that Haiku was due to evolve into an Adult at around 10.45am today (the V4 follows the same evolution patterns as previous versions if you haven't paused it).

So I played DANCE and got 100GPs. Played SHAPE - reached 20 shapes - can't remember how many GPs I got for that and made sure all the Hungry and Happy hearts were filled.

I sent him to school and found the star 1 out of 3 times :) Still no good at that one.

I am trying to see a pattern in the way the item is hidden in the box, to see if I can predict which box will have the prize and avoid all the poohs :D

After feeding and the games, Haiku's Life Skills points were 48 (Intelligence) / 77 (Style) / 56 (Kindness) and a little later, Haiku evolved into a Tarakotchi.

Disappointing only because I have had Tarakotchis so many times on the V1 and V2.

Still, you have to like Taras - they are very "klutzy" in a cute kind of way :)

He can still go to school but even if I choose the right place for the hidden star, he doesn't get any more Life Skills points :(

Seems like once they evolve into adults, they can't collect points at school any more.

Played DANCE and won ( :0 amazed - the first time I have always lost on Round 2 or 3 before).

As for food likes and dislikes, the V3 Taras like white fish & hate sandwiches. I will keep an eye out for them in my shop and test if it is the same for the V4.

Got a pooh in the mail at 12.30pm. Thanks a lot… :rolleyes:

Fed Haiku 4 x Ice Cream cone snacks to fill the Happy hearts and to give me some extra weight so that I can try and get Life Skill points up before he goes job hunting tomorrow.

Graduation and Job Hunting:

I had an appointment to keep first thing this morning, so I just filled Haiku up with MEALs and played DANCE to make sure his Happy hearts were full and then left him alone for 2hrs. I knew he'd be fine.

When I got back, I fed him up again and played FLAG to fill two empty Happy Hearts. I won the game (400GPs).

The post icon was flashing.

First one was a letter: Haiku got the Robber :wub: (serves me right for neglecting him). He took 100 GPs.

Second one was the [!] letter to tell Haiku to go to school and graduate. So he did. Said goodbye to Miss Flower head (not going to choose her again..)

At least I don't have to try and guess which gift box has a little star in anymore :D

Haiku's Life Skills were 56 (Intelligence) / 91 (Style) /62 (Kindness)

Straight away he got the letter to go job hunting - so off he went.

Pressed A to run past the Kindergarten, got to the Music/Concert hall - this is the job I was hoping to get ;)

Tried for Singer as he has the highest "Style" points - Pressed B to apply and got 3 Xs ;(

It's not very nice being turned down (but "That's Life" :D ) - maybe you need to have 100+ to get the top "glamorous" jobs?

The only other job on the block was the Clothes shop - I knew that one needed higher Style points so Haiku applied and was accepted.

It took me a while to learn to play the game (couldn't find my instructions :wacko: ), so I took a couple of goes to get anything more than an "OK" - Tamagotchis polite way of telling me I am useless at the game :D

Skills points now 56 / 95 /62. If I can get them even higher maybe I will get offered another job - like that Singer...? ;)

I am going to re-stock the shop several times this evening to see if I can get the little white fish and the sandwich (to test if the Likes/Hates are the same as the V3 Tarakotchi)

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Tarakotchis favorite food = fish

I fed him a fish and he did his little happy twirl around in the air.

I haven't got any sandwiches in the shop - despite restocking it several times yesterday.

I am convinced he will hate them - but you have to check facts before you post them :huh:

He got his first pay cheque for Clothes Designer (sounds a bit more grand than "Clothes Shop Assistant" eh?) :D

Day 1 on the job : 1260GPs

Day 2 as a Clothes Designer: 1800GPs - that's more pay than Mikki got on day two as a Doctor (I think)...

Once the tama becomes an Adult, life seems to slow down - but it is nice to be able to send your tama to work and play a game to increase Life Skills points without losing weight and having to feed 'em up :eek:

I am still getting the hang of this clothing game. Not as good at it as I was with the Doctor game... ;)

On the food likes and dislikes front: Haiku the Tarakotchi hates Sandwich

LOL you should have seen him when he ate the sandwich - goofy dance and those starry eyes like when they have a bad experience with the treasure chest or one of the poses on the MIMIC game :D

All the Happy hearts emptied too of course :D

The Matchmaker started visiting Haiku today.

I missed her at 3pm - let's face it, it's easy enough to do - she is only on screen for about 20 seconds... (I promise I will try to time it the next Adult she visits on my V4)

I was ready for her at 7pm but she brought along a Ponytchi for Haiku's consideration :wacko:

No thank you - Haiku wasn't too impressed either.

Maybe because hes a Clothes Designer and she just wasn't stylish enough for him :D

I wonder if Haiku will get offered a different job if he has a baby to look after? (Mikki didn't). I am going to try to increase his Kindness skill points by playing lots of FLAG (my fave game) and we shall see ;)

He's brushing his teeth right now, so I am going to leave him alone. I quite like the fact that they just put themselves to bed these V4s :lol:

Kind of like well trained children :D

Stats are: 65 (Intelligence) / 146 (Style) / 107 (Kindness)

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New Job Day :D

The day was pretty normal for an adult Tarakotchi I suppose.

I played plenty of Clothes choosing games - mainly because I find it so difficult. It annoys me that I could win more or less every time at Mikki's Doctor game (because it is like GET on the V3), but I just can't play this Clothing game very well at all.

Other than that it was just feeding and cleaning. Pretty routine. Got a Heart in the Post and a Pooh in the post, but I confess I am feeling a little impatient.

I missed the Matchmaker at 10.30am - I was probably doing some ironing :p (my days are so fun filled... I can't tell you... :D )

However, at 1.30pm Haiku got a [!] from Nazotchi. And when I opened it up it was an invitation to find a new job. Huzzah!

Off Haiku went to the big City and the first place he got to was the Concert Hall again :D

I decided to let Haiku try to be a Singer again (Arts/Style points were up to 146 by then)

He got 3 x 0s and is now a pop star. Am I am even worse at playing the Music game than the Clothing game :ph34r: I hate it! Thank good ness Haiku doesn't lose weight each time I play that game, cos he'd have serious anorexia by now :D

I decided then and there that if the new job wasn't going to work out, I had better keep a close eye out for the Matchmaker.

Waited until 3pm and hit B as soon as the Otokitchi came onto the screen.

Haiku was offered a pretty Memetchi :eek: , so he accepted straight away and is now the proud parent of a baby boy :D

I, on the other hand, am still totally useless at playing that stupid Music/Singer game :blink:

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POLITE REQUEST : Please DO NOT post replies in this log.

I am happy to receive PMs about my log as long as they don't break the site rules :D

I posted some pics of my Tamas and VP collection on my Blogagotchi:

https://www.blogagotchi.com/TamaMum/ if you want to have a look see :D

I figured out how to play the Singing game - with a lot of help from friends on Tama Zone :D

No wonder I was useless at it - I was playing it in totally the wrong way ... :D

Anyway, now Haiku is a parent and international rock star with Life Skill points at 65 (Intelligence) / 160 (Arts/Fashion) / 125 (Kindness)

So he may not be very smart but he's cool and he's kind. That's good enough for me :D

He will be leaving for tama planet tonight at midnight and I will be naming a baby boy tomorrow morning.

I am looking forward to this, because my V3 Pyonkotchi has a baby girl - and he's also leaving tonight.

So looks like their kids are going to have an arranged marriage :D

Just enough time to feed the V3 one last bunch of bananas to fill up those Happy hearts and a fish for Haiku :D

Oh... one last thing I have been keeping quiet about :D

I was shopping for some new gloves 3 days ago and just happened to pop into the small, local (independent) toy shop on the High Street and there they were... a crate full of V4s.... :angry:

So I bought the Clear Blue Stars design - ha ha - it just evolved into a Zukyutchi - but I am only going to keep the log for the Choco-Silver V4.

Another log would just be too much like hard work (esp as I started up the Power Palz Pets Dog VP this afternoon... :D ) :(

Over and Out

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Busy afternoon yesterday (SUNDAY).

I named the new V4 baby boy JIRO (it means 2nd son in Japan) - because he's the second boy... LOL

I fed and snacked him for the first hour with sushi (MEAL) and orange (SNACK). I wonder if it makes any difference...?

He had just one game of JUMP Rope in that hour - which he won.

As you can imagine - he was pretty heavy by the time he evolved. He became a Mizutamatchi.

Shame really, I was kind of hoping for a Puchitchi as I have never had one before. Ah well... there's always next time :D

Level of care was pretty good at first - only ever had one empty heart and then, not for long before he got a SNACK or MEAL. Not much in the way of games tho' - too busy for that :p So his Life Skills points are all very low - I didn't even reach double figures :p

Postman came and went and I dealt with pooh mssgs (EMPTY HEARTS) and love hearts. Got the Robber - twice! Maybe he comes more often if you are not doing much with your tama? Dunno - that's another theory I don't have the time to test out ... LOL :D

I sent him to his pre-school lots and got a higher level of Arts/Style Life points.

It must be my imagination, but I am sure he doesn't fall over when he does his little dance with the teacher if he has just won a game of JUMP Rope...

I am already planning that JIRO will choose Mr Canvas - the Kindness teacher when he goes to school tomorrow :)

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MONDAY = Teen Evolution Day

I knew that JIRO was due to evolve at lunchtime today, so I spent the morning sending him to pre-school as many times as necessary to get his skill points up and playing JUMP ROPE mainly with a couple of MIMICs thrown in for good measure.

Each time I won a game, I sent him to pre-school - but didn't make a difference to the points - you still only get one point.

I still hate playing MIMIC - the buttons on the Choco-Silver tama are much more "squidgy" than the Clear Blue Stars shell and I seem to miss the right pose time after time :)

10.30am Mail: Got a Pooh. So I had to fill all the Happy hearts up. Annoyed because I had just won a game ... :unsure:

I tried to keep the Happy and Hungry hearts full all the time and was successful for the most part - but I gave JIRO snacks far too often instead of playing games. I suspect that makes a difference to the teen you get... I may be wrong. (Yet another theory I don't have time to test out :nazotchi: )

JIRO did his evolution noise and turned into a Hinotamatchi - my goodness - it is ages since I have had one of those on a tamagotchi - not since running my V1s :kuribotchi:

It was quite nice to see one again.

I do seem to be getting V1 characters - HAIKU the Tarakotchi, now JIRO a Hinotamatchi. It's not helping me learn the new character names :pochitchi:

His skill points were 7 / 34 / 23 when he became a Hinotamatchi.

I am pleased too, because it means I have a chance of raising a Simasimatchi - the little stripey guy :furawatchi:

JIRO enroled in school and I chose the square teacher (Mr Canvas?).

So we are now busy gathering lots of kindness points :gozarutchi:

I read spudi's tip for choosing the right gift at school each time - so at least the skill points increase by 3 each time I visit :hitodetchi: (up to 10 visits a day)

If I play FLAG and win I get +6 points - so I am going to spend the next 24hrs (not all of it.. :mimitchi: ) trying to get the Kindness points up as high as possible.

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Basically, I spent the whole day feeding JIRO snacks because I was too busy during the morning to play and then spent as much time as possible working off the snack weight by playing FLAG endlessly to raise those Kindness Life Skill Points.

FLAG gets very boring after you've played it about 9 times :huh:

I also sent him to school ten times to choose the flower hidden by Mr Canvas in the gift box - so that was 30 extra Kindness points :huh:

He went to sleep with his points at 12 / 40 / 135 with training level of 6 (out of 9) points.

So he's not at all intellectual - but he's really super kind :(

Here's hoping that tomorrow will bring me a Simasimatchi :huh:

Wednesay - Adult Evolution Day

JIRO was due to evolve at lunchtime today and I had one meeting first thing, plus a lunch date (well, it is Valentines Day :) )

So I took the Tamas along to the meeting and while the coffee was being made I fed & played... :lol: he he...

Only 2 Attention Beeps in the meeting - and ppl thought I was checking my mobile for text mssgs.. ha ha :)

Had just over an hour before lunch so I literally spent the whole time (55 minutes) sending JIRO to school 10 times to get his 3 points per visit if he chose the flower hidden in the gift box :D

Then I played FLAG (won), SHAPE (18 points), DANCE (won), FLAG, FLAG, FLAG, FLAG, FLAG - poor little tama - he didn't know what was going on...LOL

Got back from lunch and JIRO was sitting on the table at home waiting for me - a lovely Simasimatchi :D Huzzah!

His Skill points were 22 (Intelligence) / 43 (Arts/Style) / 190 (Kindness) when he evolved. Training points 8 (out of 9). :D

I am happy :D

I think I would like him to be a Travel Guide. We'll see what is up for offer when the invitation to go to a job interview arrives tomorrow :ph34r:
