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Sep 15, 2006
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so, yes, i realize that my tamagotchis are very old. i mean, now there's what? v6 ? idunno. the truth is, i'd completly forgotten about my tamagotchis until just recently. I was cleaning my room recently and i stumbled upon my v3 and then i light flickered in my head. I remembered where the rest of my tamas were. I immediately found them and walked down the street to the drugstore where i picked up with needed batteries.

I still have yet to turn my tamas on. So that i will do. RIGHT NOW.

But before i do that, I'm going to make a legend just so you know.

this will be the colour used for my first tama, my v3

this will be the colour for the v4

and this will be my v4.5

so this means if i'm updating in the yellowish colour it's cause my v4.5 has done something where as if i update i nthe blue colour it's my v3 that's done something.

Anyways, now i'm gonna start my tamas and see what happens . i'll post when something happens.

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So i heard a beep and looked down to find a new baby boy on the screen. I've named him Zach. Zach was soon followed by Isabelle who was then followed by Taylor. I named the family HACH. which has meaning, it's my name mixed with my boyfriend's lol. so don't worry :( .

Soon after the v4.5 i heard a beep emerge from the little v3. I looked down to see a GIRL ! :( so I named her Jamie. Jamie just so happens to be the name of one of my friends.

almost immediately after Jamie had hatched my v4 was beeping. and then hatched newborn Jesse, my new baby boy tamagotchi.

i've decided that this will be the neutral colour. so this is the colour that will be used if i'm doing the same thing to all of my tamagotchis.

So, anyways, I fed every one of the new tamas.

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