Tamajunkie101's version 4.5 and 1 Tamagotchi Log


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Feb 4, 2008
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Ready.... set.... go!!!!!my 3 version 4.5's and my version1 are all set!!!!!!! it's six minutes past twelve and i'm waiting for them 2 pop out of thier eggs!!!!!! OH MY!!! at Sataurday, March 15th 2008 at 12:07 my tama's were born........ 2 girls and 2 boys........ gal #1-- ATTA! (4.5)

gal #2--FRIDA (4.5)

boy #1-- BENSH (4.5)

boy #2--CHO (VERSION 1)

HOLY COW!! lots of bepping must feed allllll of them right now............*FEEDING*.......... OK thier allllll fed: I fed all bread and ice cream in hopes that they will turn into dog tamas when they grow up..... i fed frida just scones and ice cream...... i don't want her to be a dog 2!!!! :huh: :D when they become adults i will hopefully mate BENSH and ATTA! and when they grow up i will mate FRIDA and CHO........ they are soooooooo cute!!!!! uh oh all my version 4.5's did a poo..... must clean UP!!! i am checking thier hunger level....... FRIDA needed a snack and food and on ATTA! and BENSH only one heart was missing from the happy level..........nothing gone on CHO yet..... oops! spoke 2 soon.....happy went down 1 heart.......CHO did a poo and all 4.5's are sick MUST HEAL QUICK!!! OK all better strangly BENSH needed asecond shot....... poor boy....... on no!! now CHO is sick!!!! he's ok now i healed him!!! :D checking happiness and food levels again......FRIDA was missing a hunger heart and ATTA! and BENSH are missing on eon both........ BENSH did a poo and now ATTA.... now a happy haert is missing on FRIDA......and one hunger heart gone on cho.....now a hppy heart too!! finally every thing is OK with them........ i will be back soon........... :) :huh:

while i was gone checking the one email i got from my friend vadefygravity FRIDA did a poo and CHO did a poo now ATTA! did a poo!! gonna check hunger levels.... CHO was missing one each........now BENSH did a poo BENSH was missing 2 on hunger and one on happy ATTA! was missing the same as BENSH..... OH!! FRIDA pooed before my very eyes!! OH MY!! poor FRIDA is missing three hunger hearts and one happy!!! CHO is missing one happy heart......i mean hunger!!! :) here are all my tama's stats: CHO: boy, 30 pounds, version 1 BENSH: boy, 28 pounds version 4.5 ATTA!: girl, 28 pounds, version 4.5 ........ all of them fell asleep!! soon they will grow to toddler form YEAH!!! :huh: :huh: :D i am turning the ligth off in CHO's tamagotchi......i'll be back soon!!!

all my tamas are awake now and looking good...... i am cleaning up CHO's poo.... BENSH just pooed and 2 hugry hearts are missing and one happy heart... FRIDA and ATTA! just pooed too.... CHO's missing one hunger heart..... ATTA!'s missing one hunger heart... same as BENSH's in FRIDA's.....all are crying even CHO!! i praised all of them.... they should evolve to toddlers soon..... CHO is a Bebetchi and the others are Shirotsbutchis and tsbutchis........AGAIN i will be back soon.... and i will update u on the latest happenings in CHO's,BENSH's,FRIDA's and ATTA!'s lives..........BYE!!


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