tamagotchu log lol.


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2012
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Hey guys and welcome to my NEW tamagotchi log! I thought that making log would be fun so SURREE! Lets try it!

Anyways, I will be doing this log on my neeewwww-ish Tamagotchi Music Star! Ookay here I go! :hitodetchi:

Okay just opened up my Music Star ;D Okay yeah, it is new. I found it at some random cheap store where they sell cheap stuff. It happened to be the LAST one :D LUCKY! FYI IT IS A REAL TAMAGOTCHI! Anyways its pure awesomeness, I got the bundle pack!! It came with 3 tamagotchi figures (not for tama-gos) and the 90 minute MOVIE! Gonna watch it tonight! Oooohhhh yeah! So I set it up. It was a BOY at first. I did not want that. Reset it and poof GIRL. Its a Petitchi and probably will stay like that for about an hour.

P.S. I named her LaLa... I don't know why... :p

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Its been an hour and some minutes and yep! It evolved! (lol pokemon) Into Hitodetchi :hitodetchi: You can get her/him with perfect care. Or at least good care. That is what I found out on some Growth Charts. That teacher person (who idk is) gave me a new toy to play with! Which is a LAPTOP! Now THAT is totally my ideal toy. Hitodetchi likes it too :hitodetchi: <--- Ta-da! Its Hitodetchi!!! So now I can go to preschool. I won jump rope about 2 times in a row. :D I AM A WINNER! Also I upgraded her instrument to a mic. So now my genre of music is Hip Hop. It used to be R&B I think. Anyways about... half an houR ago Nazotchi gave me a present that was from the king. Which was... YOGURT... I don't know WHY the King gave me YOGURT... lol. :ichigotchi:

Hello everyone :) I saw some people doing posts with their tamagotchis. Example: Person: Hello Tama: Hi

I guess I'd try it. I'm sorry if you think I'm copying some of you guys. Contact me if you want me to stop. So uh... Here I go! But first how about my tama's stats? Just so you know whats goin on.. lol


TAMA: Hitodetchi :hitodetchi:

Gender: GIRL

Name: Lala

Age: 0

Weight: 10 lbs

Hungry: 3 hearts

Happy: 3 hearts

Stress: 3

kk lets go!

Lala: Oh wow I'm on a log!

Me: Well its MY log! Pffttt didn't you know that?

Lala: Don't you get my stress meter go high!

Me: Okay fine, just be happy that I, tamagotchu, INVITED you to be here!

Lala: Okay, well anyways I'm going to sleep!!


Lala: Aren't you?

Me: NO... yes.. okay fine, WE'RE SIGNING OFF!

Lala: But I'm not sleepy!

Me: But you just said-

Lala: I didn't say I was SLEEPY duh...

Me: Oh POO... officially signing off!

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Hey hey hey! So my tama evolved into ICHIGOTCHI! :ichigotchi: YESH~ Ichigotchi is my favorite teen character on the Music Star! :D So OF COURSE I'm inviting her in for my awesome log here! :ichigotchi: But first I'll give you the stats (hope you don't mind)


Name: Lala

Age: 0 (STILL!!)

Weight: 25 lbs (is that normal?! contact me)

Hungry: 2 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts (full)

Stress: 17

Lala: Wow look at me!


Lala: Kawaii? You're not japanese

Me: But I'm an otaku lol.

Lala: What ever, am I in a band yet?

Me: You know so, NO!

Lala: WHY?!

Me: You're not accepted in the Gotchi Performing Arts yet!

Lala: How come?

Me: Because, you just turned into Ichigotchi!

Lala: Oh come on! How long do I have to wait?!

Me: Well, when you turned into a Hitodetchi, you got accepted to the preschool about maybe an hour after?

Lala: THAT LONG? Why and HOUR? Can't it be five minutes?

Me: No, teachers aren't super hero people who have super speed powers, THEY ARE JUST NORMAL TAMAS!

Lala: Okay, okay, I get it, you don't have to be so mean!

Me: Fine, plus, you're too kawaii to get angry at!!!

**hugs Lala for more than five minutes**

Lala: Y-you're squishin' mah ffaaacce!! MY BEAUTIFUL, KAWAII FACE!

Me: Hah! You said kawaii! You said kawaii! You're so kawaii when you say kawaii~~

Lala: We're signing off!

Me: Huh?! Why?!?!?!

Lala: Cause..

:ichigotchi: :huh:


Lala: What? Already?! You said and hour!

Me: Well I guess it IS five minutes!

Lala: YOU IDIOT! So can I go to school now? :D

Me: YES! YES YOU CAN! But first, lets go to tamatown! :)

Lala: Isn't the school there?

Me: Yes it is but is also in the music star



Sorry I'm doing a lot of post is one day its just that-


Me: And I named it Kawaii!

Lala: WHY?!

Me: Because you are all so cute! You, Thu, and Elaine!

Lala: **sigh**

Me: Oh I love that Chamametchi and that Ringotchi! They're so nice! UNLIKE A ICHIGOTCHI I KNOW!

Lala: Do you think its that other Ichigotchi next door?

Me: No!

Lala: Who? If I may ask...

Me: Nevermind

Lala: Heh, my plan worked

Me: So I guess thats all for today! Hopefully...

Lala: Okay, bye!

**I leave**

Lala: Hey, if anyone asks, I'll be at practice

**Lala leaves**

Me: Oh wait, just going to log off, on second thought... hey Lala! I know how much you LOVE TamaTown so lets visit!


Me: LALA?! LALA!!!!!!

Lala: Hehe... on here without permission... Tamagotchu is doing homework so I thought I should do this post FOR HER! Anyways, BIG NEWS! I, Lala, am now a VIOLETCHI! My band members are now Masktchi and Makiko. Oh.. looks like tamagotchu's done!!!

Me: Ahh.. that was not so bad... Violetchi!

Hello everyone... second post... durrrrrr ANYWAYS I MIGHT be able to get my V5 Famitama/Familitchi back from my best friend. I originally gave it to her as a gift and I kinda got a little mad at her for not taking care of it... so like every time I ask her how her tamagotchi's doing, she says,"It's probably dying by now," So yeah, I asked for it back. But only for trade... so I traded her a pack of glittery and neon gel pens (lol she loves them) and she said she's giving my tamagotchi back. Even though it doesn't have any battery, I have an old calculator that I don't really use and I can use that battery for awhile. It does have the same battery. My dad says we'll probably go to walmart after school and we can get those same kind of batteries there. I MAY be adding my V5 to this log and maybe even try to get them two married :p If I get a boy... thats the control character.

Lala: WHAT?! I'm getting married soon?! No! Not yet!

Me: Not you.. probably when you get to your second generation... I won't have you anymore

Lala: HUH?! I'm abandoning you?

Me: Yes.. with you're handsome husband! That won't be too long right? Just a few more years.

Lala: Who do you think my handsome husband will be? Kuromametchi? HE'S SO COOOOOL!

Me: Maybe... Mametchi?

Lala: Hmm


Lala: Huh? EHHHHH????

(lol anime) :furawatchi: :rolleyes:

Hello tama peoples! Thank you for visiting my log :) So my friend forgot to give my tamagotchi back. So I wrote it down for her. I'd say 50% sure I'll get it by Monday. I'm doing this post alone today because Lala is currently sleeping. I paused her for about seven hours... bad me! I WAS going to pause it for school but it seems like I forgot to press the B button to confirm the time. I'm pretty sure that just pauses growth too. So Lala is doing okay. I'm still on the 518th star ranking. I know... I'm bad. I may reset it... or not just so I can like refresh and maybe get a higher ranking lol. I'm going to wake her up now.. I really wanna higher the ranking.

Lala: H-hey! Why'd you wake me up?!


Hello :) So its a Saturday in my continent lol. and so I'm posting. Because I'm bored. Yeah.

OKAY! So Lala is sleeping.. doing this alone. Yesterday I went to the mall and saw this cool Hello Kitty lanyard. So I bought it. For my tamagotchi. Ohmiigosh. Run on sentences. Lol.

So yeah, it was red and black. And white just like my tamagotchi. It's cool :D . I put it on my tama and also put the guitar pick on too. You know, with the secret code :p But most people I know don't have a brain for tamagotchis.

My best friend is IN to tamagotchis, but she's not obssesed. She doesn't even know five tama's names. Unlike me, I reconized them from the start! So thats all I have, for now lol. Bye.

Big news! :D So Lala got married to Mametchi. And had a baby girl! Naming HER Katy. Perry. LOL NO. So yeah! And also- Nazotchi is here. The king just gave me an R&B CD. I'm gonna do something with it later. ANYWAYS, as I was saying, Kawaii just got to the 5th star ranking. And I can't get it any higher no matter how hard I try. SO I guess I have to wait for another concert to raise the rank :) I might've said this but once my family gets back from vacation (which is 2 weeks), my dad said we might get a Tamagotchi Nano from ebay. SO YES I'm excited and I MIGHT log on it. I may do it here or make a whole 'nother log just for random tamagotchis. So uhm, bye :) for now.

Oh yeah, have I told you about my new lanyard? I'm using it to carry my Music Star around my neck so I don't accidentaly leave it in my pocket... and then it gets washed in the washing machine. Just like what happened to my USB. It still works but I don't want to risk that with my Music Star. My lanyard is pretty much the same colors as my tama. It's Hello Kitty and its KAWAAIIII! Lolz!

Edit: Oh yeah, I did tell you about my lanyard. LOL, I was bored anyways, so might as well tell you AGAIN lol.

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Hello guys :) Kawaii just got to the 3rd ranking after about 2 concerts. They did pretty good so I praised Lala ;)

So um, I'll be gone on Friday (On Vacation) until I think Monday.. or whatever. Still trying to figure out how to

post pictures. Kinda tested it here, so um....... Yeah! I might go to the mall and get some more accesories for my

tama. I'll edit when theres an update :)

Yay! It worked! So heres a small pic of my tama and Lala's new family. It's so small because I can't get it to the right size

(It always gets HUGE some how...)

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:newmametchi: :babytchi: :furawatchi: :rolleyes:

Okay, sorry for another post, I could've edited but it would be too much...

PICTURES! So YES I finally know how to post pictures (but the problem is resizing, It's small) and I know I'm a total noob lol.

I have a drawing of Lala's growth.. It's not that good.. but yeah.


Yeah, thats a good size, the picture's a bit blurry but, atleast its visible! Okay, I have 3 more pictures

Is this too much for you??? Sorry! >.<


Omg, sorry thats so small, IT WAS COMING OUT SOO BIG! So anyways, thats a drawing of chibi me and

Memetchi on my iPhone sticky notes. Lol, they aren't real iPhones. But if they were, AWESOME!


Too big.. I know.. okay well, theres a pick of my tama and my new lanyard I wrote about earlier. This

photo was taken on our hard wood floor cause it had the best lighting. Heres the last pic!


Theres a fail pic of Kawaii! Now they're jazz music. Dunno why! It was classical. Well atleast the ranking

didn't change! So thats kinda all I have for today. Ish, but probably now that I know how to post pics,

I'll get a pic of my tama every post. Well, ALMOST every post!

~tamagotchu <3


Okay, well here is a FAIL pic of Lala recieving a gift from the king! It was yogurt again. Really king, really. So yeah, thats really

great. I'm hungry for a snack. So I have POCKY! :D Sorry this post's so short, bye

P.S. I should of edited this into my earlier post, stupid and LAZY me.

Hi-tchi! So today my friend gave me back my TAMAGOTCHI! Its a V5 if you don't know. And, I decided to log about it! I will seriously try to have equal posts about them not just talk about one a lot and then one just a tiny bit. UNLESS something BIG has happened on one of them. My friend gave it to me with dead batteries because they ran out so I got new ones :D So here we are,


So there is my V5 and my V6 together :D


And there is a close up of my V5 :)

I did start it, it was just about five minutes ago. I immediately connected my V5 and V6 together so they could be friends :p

And Lala did leave, just about last night. I was kinda sad about it but if it was like a cute or special character, like Dazzilitchi, I would be freakin' sad. LOL. So anyways the tama characters I have are, Mimifuwatchi, Omututchi, and Futabatchi! So unlike the Tama-go and V6, girl characters are black and boy characters are white. But it could be chance, too. I'm not sure. Back to my V6, Katy was calling me awhile ago to tell me she was sick, so of course, I let her sit there in pain, oh my gosh, you KNOW I'm kidding right? Left. JUST KIDDING! So I made sure I cured her with my amazing can-cure-anything-medicine! I feel really um.. pi_ unfortunate about not getting into first ranking before Lala left. This time, I'm not gonna make Katy marry until she's got first ranking! That will save me some time but I have a risk of her being an Otokitchi. Oh, she's calling me again. She was just not very happy, so I fed her some sweets. Okay, well thats really it. Because now they've both gone to sleep...... so, Bye for now-tchi!

UPDATE: Just now, my V5 characters evolved! I knew the names by heart (because I always got those characters). Ahirukutchi, Tororotchi, and Sakuramotchi! Okay once I was done that sentence, Katy evolved into Hitodetchi! So far, the same characters I got with Lala! I wonder if it would evolve into Ichigotchi, just like Lala. But if not, it would be totally fine because atleast I got someone different! I think my choices are Chamametchi and I forget. Oh wow! Once I was finished THAT sentence, Ms. Frill accepted Katy to the Gotchi Preschool! She also gifted Katy with a dinosaur. I don't think that will be Katy's ideal toy but it could be perfect with a boy tama! I guess thats it FOR NOW.

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Jello guys~ so at my tutoring (yes, I'm such a dumbo), Katy evolved! And then my tutor thought it was my phone lol. It was so loud. But, I'm thinking about tabbing up my V6, I can't handle caring for two tamas at the same time. Unless its a tamagotchu. Those cute ones that you can do absolutely nothing but look at the cute animations and connecting them together. So you can comment on my profile and tell me if you want me to. If no one comments, that means no one reads my logs. LOGS ARE MEANT TO BE READ PEOPLE! Sorry. But anyways, if no one comments, I'll do it anyways. About a hundred people looked at this boring log. Nobody followed this sooo... I have about a 10% chance to get any comments. I feel so depressed.

5 seconds later

Ah! That's enough of depression! LETS GET TO THE TAMA POINT! lol. So I guess I'm doing average on my V6. I know that my band will eventually fail at the pro-debut like fifty times but, I'll do better next time, right? I'll name my next tama... Blossom, or Caitlin. But if its a boy, I'll probably name him Yuki.. or Kaito (lol vocaloid) Right now I have like 65 stress points. I'm doing bad on my tama so I can probably get Kunoitchi. Maybe even Masktchi. But I think you can only get Masktchi on an odd generation. I have an even generation so its about 40% Kunoitchi, if this goes well. So I'm making Katy go to The Gotchi Performing Arts School and my new band members are Kikitchi and Ringotchi. I'm at the part where I name the band and I have no idea what to name it. I'll go with LOLZ! lol, I don't know why. Oh yeah, I also took a picture of my tamas at my tutoring... the shutter sound was loud but thank Zeus (I'm not greek, just random greek mythology) nobody heard!


They're on my lap. And you can kinda see Katy as Ichigotchi! If you uh... turn you're head a little. Lets see if I can fix that...


Okay, that's kinda better. My phone didn't get my V5's screen but, that didn't evolve right? So who cares?! I guess thats all for today! I hope. I'll edit for updates. But if theres pictures, I'll make another post because then this post will be a little too lengthy. Bye-tchi!

Hello guys! And.. I knew I posted earlier but.. thats at home (I'm at my dad's work again) so I DO have some updates! So First of all, my V5 tamas evolved! Yes! Into, Hikaru the Chamametchi, Milo the Mamekatchi, and Kyoko the Ichigotchi! Katy is not evolving yet so... that makes me bummed... This is a short post. Bye :)

Hello everyone! So I was staring at my V5 for a bit, AFTER SCHOOL OF COURSE, and thought, Hey, I never invited my V5 tamas to my log... I'LL GO DO IT RIGHT NOW! So of course I started logging and, HEY YOU CAN OUT NOW!

And just so you know, Hikaru is my control character. She's a Sakuramotchi. Milo, my second oldest tama is Ahirukutchi and ast but not least, Kyoko, the Tororotchi.

Hikaru: About time you invited us to your log.

Milo: Yeah! About time!

Kyoko: What about time?

Me: Oh would you just close your mouths! Hmm

Milo: Now what??

Kyoko: When will we evolve?

Me: I dont know.. hopefully today, or tomorrow.

Katy: Hey, whats going on??? And tamagotchu, why do you treat me so bad!?

Me: Because then you will be a Kunoitchi!

Katy: Kunoitchi, KUNOITCHI!?

Kyoko: Who's Kunoitchi?

Me: The female ninja character.

Kyoko: I wanna be a ninja!!

Hello everyone! So I was staring at my V5 for a bit, AFTER SCHOOL OF COURSE, and thought, Hey, I never invited my V5 tamas to my log... I'LL GO DO IT RIGHT NOW! So of course I started logging and, HEY YOU CAN OUT NOW!

And just so you know, Hikaru is my control character. She's a Sakuramotchi. Milo, my second oldest tama is Ahirukutchi and ast but not least, Kyoko, the Tororotchi.

Hikaru: About time you invited us to your log.

Milo: Yeah! About time!

Kyoko: What about time?

Me: Oh would you just close your mouths! Hmm

Milo: Now what??

Kyoko: When will we evolve?

Me: I dont know.. hopefully today, or tomorrow.

Katy: Hey, whats going on??? And tamagotchu, why do you treat me so bad!?

Me: Because then you will be a Kunoitchi!

Katy: Kunoitchi, KUNOITCHI!?

Kyoko: Who's Kunoitchi?

Me: The female ninja character.

Kyoko: I wanna be a ninja!!
