Tamagotchi weight help


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What @Berks said. :)

Additionally, if this is on one of the recent remake versions instead of the 1990s version of the same hardware, and this weight is due to excessive feeding of snacks during this stage, it's likely to have an effect on which adult it evolves into. (The Gen 1/Gen 2 remakes have consequences for snacks, which is a mechanic that wasn't present in the 1990s versions of the Gen 1/Gen 2 pets.)

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whenever my tama gets to 99 oz, it can't weight any more than that! I know this bc if I exercise it, it goes back to 98 oz! 
99 oz is the maximum a Tama can weigh, so it's normal, nothing is wrong with your device. You should be playing games with it more often though instead of giving it snacks to fill up it's happy hearts/meter, otherwise it could die earlier. (unless you're aiming for a specific character)

'Snacks raise one Happy heart and add 2 to the Tamagotchi's weight. Feeding a Tamagotchi too many snacks within a short period of time will make it sick, and continuously doing so will kill it'

Source: https://tamagotchi.fandom.com/wiki/Tamagotchi_(1996_Pet)

Thank you @Berks and @Penguin-keeper! but i have a problem...

whenever my tama gets to 99 oz, it can't weight any more than that! I know this bc if I exercise it, it goes back to 98 oz! 

I still need answer...

That's normal - though it's not a good thing to reach, 99 is the maximum weight.

EDIT: @321Boom beat me to it by a split-second! :lol:

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How do you make those Tama picture things?? 🤔
Our standard emotes here are Tamagotchi-themed - if you click the smiley-face icon above the posting text-box, then click on "Categories", and then on "Emoticons", you can see which Tamagotchi-themed ones are available.

If you mouse over them, you can also see what text you need to type in order to quickly use them without pulling up that menu.

This time she beat me to it :D  You can also see more here, scroll down to the bottom for the Tama ones:


Our standard emotes here are Tamagotchi-themed - if you click the smiley-face icon above the posting text-box, then click on "Categories", and then on "Emoticons", you can see which Tamagotchi-themed ones are available.

If you mouse over them, you can also see what text you need to type in order to quickly use them without pulling up that menu.
:D  AHHHHH I DID IT!!! Sorry i'm freaking out, i'm just new to here

Im a a new noob
