Tamagotchi Version 4


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2006
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Hi everybody! This will be my log where I will write everything about my tamagotchi. My tamagotchi is the very pretty blue one with clouds, grass and sunflowers. Right now it is an egg. Hold on, I'm setting the time and date....done. Now I'm waiting for it to hatch.

Still waiting. I wish it would go faster.

It's hatching! Boy or girl...let's see! It's a...boy!!! Aww, he's so cute. What will I name him? Hmm. Ooh I got a name! Dylan. Cute.

Okay, now he's hungry and not happy. I'll feed him and then play jump rope to make his happy hearts go up! I fed him sushi. I don't like it personally but for some reason I always feed it to my tamagotchis. :angry: Now to jump rope. Aww, he only made it to seven jumps. That's okay, Dylan! You'll do better next time! His happy hearts went up one.

I just played again and he won! He got 30 jumps! Good job Dylan! All his happy hearts are up and now he's hungry! Let's feed him something other than sushi! :) I fed him a scone. He is very happy now. My good little boy! Here are his stats:

Name: Dylan

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: [none]

Pencil: 5

Star: 0

Flower: 1

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 6 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 450

Oh no! Dylan just pooped and got sick! It's okay Dylan. I'll have to give him medicine. Aww, he took two doses. He must have been really sick. :)

Thanks for reading my log! Also, please don't post comments or anything else here. Feel free to PM. I am not positive I will be able to write back to any PMs. Thanks again.

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I forgot to mention, I have five tamagotchis (two version 1's, one version 2, one version 3 and one version 4) but all of them besides my version 4 have dead batteries so my little Dylan will just have to get matched by the matchmaker unless I get some batteries real soon!

Nothing exciting...he just dropped down two hearts from each category. Mommy to the rescue!!!

Hi! My tamagotchi evolved into a child a little while ago! I am so happy. It evolved into a Mohawktchi. He looks great! Right now he is sleeping. Tomorrow I plan to enroll him into Pre-School. I'm sure he will do excellent because he is excellent! :huh: I have been keeping a very close eye on him. I really want him to evolve into a mimitchi, mametchi or a hanatchi. Hanatchi's have been my favorite character since I got my first version one. That's why there is a hanatchi on my avatar! :mellow: Here are Dylan's stats:

Name: Dylan

Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: [|]

Pencil: 9

Star: 9

Flower: 6

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 10 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 1300

Well, since I have school tomorrow, I'm probably going to set the time to night so I can bring him knowing he will be safely sleeping and won't drop any hearts or get sick, or possibly even die. I will set the time back to normal during lunch. I hope he won't feel neglected. Well, I'm going to wake him up now so he can say a quick hello, then I'm going to Tama Town.

Dylan: Hi everybody! My mommy is the best, right? She takes such good care of me! You already know that I evolved before, I am so happy! I look excellent! Well, me and my mommy are going to go to Tama Town now! Yay, I can't wait! I wonder what it's going to be like! I hope my mommy gets me a surprise! Talk to you guys later!

I'll write when something else cool happens! Stay tuned!

Hi guys! Dylan was a very good boy today. He came with me to school. He waited as I did my homework, and then I had to go out again and he was great. The only problem is, since I've been so busy today, he gained A LOT of weight. I'll have to fix that soon.

So, yesterday we did go to Tama Town, but I didn't enter the logout password so he didn't get the gotchi points we earned. :mametchi: That's okay though, because we're going to go after I type this to register him into school anyway.

During the corse of the day, Dylan recieved mail about five times. He's been having bad luck when it comes to mail though. This is one of the reasons he's so heavy. He recieved a snake which made him lose all his happy hearts, and then a poop which also made him lose all his happy hearts. :( Not to mention, a robber came and took 100p. The other two or three times we got mail it was a fortune cookie. It was the same each time: two stars for each category.

I have exciting news! Dylan has found a mate! (No he didn't have a child, he's only a toddler) but me and my friend, Tamalicous, decided to mate our tamas when they get old enough. We're going to start connecting them tomorrow.I hope Dylan will be happy with his future girlfriend/wife/mother of his children. :( Here is Dylan's status:

Name: Dylan

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: [|||]

Pencil: 13

Star: 13

Flower: 12

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 41 lbs ( :( )

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 1750

Now Dylan and I are going to go to Tama Town and then I'm going to try to get him to lose weight. I'll write more when something cool happens!

Yay! Dylan just evolved! (So much for pre-school!) He is now a young kutchipatchi and he seems very happy with his new form! He looks great! :( :mametchi:

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Hi guys! Dylan was a really good boy today! He lost 20 pounds and is now very fit! I'm so happy he's thin again! When I went to school today, I set the time to night so he would sleep during the day. It worked out perfectly. Dylan got mail today: a fortune cookie. It was two stars for the money, one star for the heart and one star for the muscle man. Not too good, but that was before he went into training to get fit again.

Before when I was doing my homework, I took a look at him to make sure he was okay and he was enjoying a luxurios bath. Good for him! He's been such a good boy lately. He deserved it. When I finished my homework and was about to come downstairs to update my log, I saw he was really close to the screen and was drinking something. It was in a mug and looked like coffee. How cute! :furawatchi:

You know the plans I had for my friends tama and mine? I don't think they're going to work out. She still has to reset her tama and by the time we connect tomorrow mine will be four years older than hers. It's okay. I'll just have to keep a very close eye on my tama and wait for the matchmaker because she only comes for 15 seconds then leaves! I think that's a very bad new feature. But, Bandia didn't ask me for their oppinion so I can't do anything about it. :furawatchi:

Here is Dylan's status:

Name: Dylan

Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: [|||||]

Pencil: 37

Star: 20

Flower: 30

Age: 1 yr (does this make any sense?)

Weight: 20 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 2810

This is what has been happening with school so far. When he was a toddler, the nanny came and brought him to school and gave him a backpack. How cute it was to watch! :furawatchi: When he was a teenager, the nanny came again and brought him to school again. As soon as I exited out of this, I got more mail. I went to the school and got to pick my new teacher!! Yay! :furawatchi: I picked Ms. Flower. She looked the nicest. :unsure:

As far as Tama Town, that's been really bad. I keep entering the code wrong and don't get anything I earned! Well, I'm going to Tama Town now, and I hope it works this time! I'm bring Dylan to school! :unsure: I'll write more when something cool happens! Stay tuned!

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I just got back from Tama Town! My tamagotchi earned 9900 gotchi points! I brought him to school and he played typing games and word search. He visited his old school. The nanny just sat there waving at me and I saw all the little cuties playing with eachother. ;) My baby grew up so fast! The cool thing is that I can review his whole life on my log!

I'll write more when something cool happens! He might evolve today, but probably not. He will most likey evolve tomorrow. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more! :)

Hey guys! Today was a bad day for Dylan. :( I forgot to get to bring him to school since I was really close to missing the bus. He lost all his happy and hungry hearts, got sick, and pooped twice. :( Thankfully though, I had taught my mom how to take care of my tamagotchi and she cleaned the poop and gave it medicine and then put him on pause. When I got home, I took him off pause and re-filled his happy and hungry hearts. Then, he recieved mail and it was a poop! :) :p How annoying right? I played jump rope and flag with him for about 10 minutes and now he weighs even lighter than he did before! Cool! :D Here are his stats:

Name: Dylan

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: [|||||]

Pencil: 39

Star: 28

Flower: 39

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 20 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 4140

Well, today he had over 13,000 gotchi points. Then I bought a ticket to go somewhere. It's not working yet though. I wonder if the tamagotchi's have to be adults to travel..hmm..I'll post a topic in "What Happened to My Tamagotchi?" and ask. Okay, going to go post that topic now! I'll write more when something cool happens! Stay tuned!

Hello! Dylan passed on to Tamagotchi heaven. Please view my new log about my new tamagotchi, Tommy, in the link on my signature or right here. Thank you.


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