1) Some stores just don't have them in stock yet. In fact it appears most of the stores in the US don't have them as of yet - they're waiting for the shipments to arrive. I was speaking to a woman at Kmart and she told me that they get their delivery trucks sometimes on a daily basis, but they never know what's inside until they open it up. Now, I'm sure there is
someone who knows, though it's probably like a manager who has their stock list - the general employees may not be privy to that knowledge.
2) The V4.5 is so expensive on eBay because the sellers have realized that not all stores carry the V4.5 yet and that there are plenty of people who are willing to pay almost double just so they can have their toy
right now. Whether the person is begging their parents, spending their allowance money or paycheck, some people do not mind to pay so much extra for a toy instead of waiting around.
The way I see it, is that the seller charges $24 for example and then an additional $8 for shipping - which, you could wait a week or two and buy two Tamagotchi v4.5 for that amount of money. Personally, I don't want to spend my money in that way but if others can, good for them!
3) I don't know in CT - try calling the usual stores; Toys'R'Us, Walmart, Target, KB Toys, Walgreens (I've heard they sell Tamas) and any other toystore you may know of. Just try and be patient. Make sure you tell them the V4.5 has a star, not a ball. Ask when they get their regular delivery in, because I do not think Tamagotchi will be sent seperately.
Usually all different products get sent to the store's main distribution points, and from there individual trucks are loaded with whatever each store needs and then sent off.