Tamagotchi Simulator Stories


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
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Hello, and welcome to Tamagotchi Simulator Stories, where I will write about my Tamagotchi Simulator pets. To begin this log, I will say that I downloaded the Tamagotchi Simulator (Version 2.5), and "Maple", as I had just nicknamed him*, even though you can't enter a name, started off as a Babytchi. A while afterwards, on the same day, he became a Marutchi, kind-of obvious, considering that it is a simulator of the original Tamagotchi (Generation 1).


Today, after 3:00PM (15:00), and before 4:00PM (16:00), he became a Kuchitamatchi, likely because I neglected him once or maybe twice before he transformed, but unfortunately, I ended up neglecting him a few more times, and I really don't want him to become a "Bad Care" Adult, and more importantly, I want him to live a long life, so I'm kind-of worried about him. I feel bad about neglecting him at all, because it's sad.


On another note, it seems that the weight on the Tamagotchi Simulator is fixed to a certain weight for each stage, and it's probably true, according to what I saw so far.


Here are his stats so far:


Nickname: Maple


Character: Kuchitamatchi


Age: 3 Tamagotchi Years


Hungry: * * * *


Happy: * * * *


Weight: 20 Ounces (Probably Fixed There for the Time)


Discipline: Full (I Believe)


*I made up his gender.


I hope he turns out okay. Well, this is the end of today's chapter (Entry), so good-bye for now! ;)

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This is Chapter 2 of Tamagotchi Simulator Stories. There were no transformations today, and "Maple" wasn't practically neglected all of the time, although at one point, I believe he dropped to 2 Hungry Hearts and no Happy Hearts, and at another point, there were 2 Hearts for both catergories. Of course he pooped at a few times, though. :( That's pretty much it for how "Maple" is doing.

On another note, my V4 Tamagotchi, LaLa, had a baby one or two days ago, and I expect her to go on her own tommorow. Also, I got batteries for my Tamagotchi Connection V3, because it said it needed some. Now I will end this Chapter with "Maple"'s current stats:


Nickname: "Maple"


Character: Kuchitamatchi


Age: 5 Tamagotchi Years


Hungry: * * * *


Happy: * * * *


Weight: 20 Ounces


Discipline: Full

Unfortunately, yesterday, "Maple" left, at such a young age, after he became a Nyorotchi. That's when "Disney" was born. There was one point in which he lost all Hearts of either Happiness, or Hungriness, but at all other times of that day, the most he lost was 2 Hearts of Happiness or Hungriness, or maybe at one point, 2 Hearts of both catergories.


Also yesterday, LaLa's baby came on his own. His name is Walt, and he is currently a Puchitchi. I will be taking him with me while I am camping for the weekend, and we go today.


Here are "Maple's" stats before he left:


Nickname: "Maple"


Age: 7 Tamagotchi Years


Hungry: I Don't Remember


Happy: I Don't Remember Either


Weight: 30 Ounces


Discipline: Full


Here are "Disney's" stats right now:


Nickname: "Disney"


Age: 2 Tamagotchi Years


Weight: 10 Ounces


Discipline: Full


Hungry: * * * _


Happy: * * * _


I'll see everybody later!

Unfortunately, I cannot see the Tamagotchi on the screen when I do the program now, and I don't want to do this anymore. Unfortunately, that means there will not be any more Chapters here. I hope you enjoyed what I put down so...

The End


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