My Tama P came in the mail yesterday and I've been slowly figuring out how everything works, but I went to the Gotchi Reform shop (the place that sells wallpaper and such) and bought the cheapest thing they had just to test it out. It worked fine, but I wanted to change back to the default so did, but does the wallpaper need to be bought each time you want to use it? I was hoping you could buy all the wallpapers and switch between them without any cost but that doesn't seem to be the case, or did I do something wrong? I know it's free to switch back to the default one, but it's such a pain having to buy each of them over again since you can't get a full preview of it. I might be completely off on that since I just got it yesterday, though
And since I'm on the topic of customizing, how do you change the "banner" on it? I read somewhere that you have to get to the 15th generation to be able to change it, but I'm not sure if that was for the iD L or not. I have a iD L being shipped out soon anyway, guess I'll find out one way or another
Will I be able to connect them together or no?
And since I'm on the topic of customizing, how do you change the "banner" on it? I read somewhere that you have to get to the 15th generation to be able to change it, but I'm not sure if that was for the iD L or not. I have a iD L being shipped out soon anyway, guess I'll find out one way or another