Tamagotchi-- MU$iC $t@R


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Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
i just started this today, obviouslyy, so i will update you guys on my tama for the past few days. i just got my music star 2 days ago.

DAY 1-

i got back from target, ripped out some scissors and worked for 5 mins trying to get the little guy outta all the plastic.

after the tama was out, i pulled the little white tab, an shazam! a little egg with a music note popped up! it had 3 presents over its head. a few minutes later it hatched, and the presents were unwrapped! they were: a teddy bear, gotchi points, and a GUITAR!

turns out my tam is a baby girl! many poops and meals later, she evolved into a hitodetchi (sp?) ! i was so happy! to be honest, i dont like the toddler stage at all. i think all the tams for it are not very cute. N-E WAYS. i played and played the day away. OH i forgot to say, her name is LILY!

DAY 2- today i played a lot on the AWESOME site tamatown! the music city is so cool. i bought lily a saxophone!! and i played around the whole day basicly. AND THEN...at 5:43pm... my little child turned into ITCHIGOTCHI! i was so proud of her, thats exactly "what mommy wanted" bahaha. i loooove the teenager stage, they are all adorable!

:rolleyes: :ichigotchi: <_< :ichigotchi: :huh: :ichigotchi: :wacko:

DAY 3- i woke up late, so my tam was a little unhappy with me. AND AS I TYPE.. LITERLY... i band is being formedd!

they are called... SHOKOEIS! (it means chocolate icecream in german :]] ) there is lily, veronica, and penny! they are all soo cute

and so excited to learn. i can't wait to see how they grow! more updates later!

oops, i forgot to poster her stats!!

name: lily :ph34r:

age: 1 year

weight: 25lb

hungry: * * * *

happy: * * * *

stress: 36

tone: 459

rhythm: 447

original: 679

music: R&B

gen: 1


:huh: :) :eek: :D :p B) :unsure:

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i maxed out lily's originality!! i find the other games boring.. so im not sure if i

will ever get those maxed out!! i really hope i get a mimitchi! :(

but i love my itchigotchi, so cute! i love the music city ive been playing all day, wasting away

my spring break :]] idc. i'm sick anyways. bahaha.

name: lily :(

age: 1 year

weight: 25lb

hungry: * * * *

happy: * * * *

stress: 00

tone: 605

rhythm: 694

original: 999

music: R&B

gen: 1

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

DAY 4-

this morning, I woke up, looked at my tama, and, LILY IS NOW A MIMITCHI!

i am so so happy! :) so cute! i miss the little teen itchigotchi, but

it was worth all the hard work of picking up poopoos and making her happy :]]

she is rockin the guitar and the band passed the audition! the shokoeis is now a superstar band.

sweeping over tama-nation. i do not want the band manager to come matchmaking any time soon,

I LOVE LILY! but i want a second generation, so i will have to make the sacrafice eventually :[

name: lily :(

age: 2 year

weight: 25lb

hungry: * * *

happy: * * * *

stress: 55

tone: 758

rhythm: 999

original: 999

music: R&B

gen: 1

DAY 5:

her second day performing concerts and she is number 1! star ranked!

and i got 5,000,000 from my band manager! w00t!!! thats basicly it for today.

day 6: today i bought the doggy costume! its so cute. it was sort of weird,

her music style changed from R&B to rock and roll, but she already was

in a band.. hmm. and this is the first switch she has had ever!

she never switched ever before. im sort of getting careless

with her, she is losing a lot of happy hearts and hungry hearts

and is pooping alot. :[[ and getting super fat cuz i dont

play games anymore. :[

name: lily :huh:

age: 5 year

weight: 52lb

hungry: * * * *

happy: * * * *

stress: 19

tone: 999

rhythm: 999

original: 999

music: rock n roll

gen: 1

what do you guys think of my log? any thing im doing wrong?

or does anyone want to know more or something? PM ME!

DAY 7:

wow. lily is leaving tonight im prettty sure. i do not want her too! i love her too much :(

im thinking about naming the new kid pubert. what do you think? any ideas?

boy names are no fun. today was a lazy day with lily and her family. i think its weird they shower

together o.0 i <3 tamagotchi!

im not posting stats today.. too lazy :]

tomorrow will be a new day, with a new baby tam :angry:
