Hello all 
While looking around the web for Tamagotchi on tips and such I kept seeing talk of the Magic Hut and Moon Terrace by @bloter.tmgc, they seem to be similar to the mymeets app but allow you to use all the cheats through a location on the Tama device. I am very curious and wanted to check it out but it appears that the creator has taken down his store and I haven't been able to find anywhere else I could get a download for this software. I wanted to make this post to see if anyone on here knows if there's a place to access this software after the death of the creators etzy shop.
While looking around the web for Tamagotchi on tips and such I kept seeing talk of the Magic Hut and Moon Terrace by @bloter.tmgc, they seem to be similar to the mymeets app but allow you to use all the cheats through a location on the Tama device. I am very curious and wanted to check it out but it appears that the creator has taken down his store and I haven't been able to find anywhere else I could get a download for this software. I wanted to make this post to see if anyone on here knows if there's a place to access this software after the death of the creators etzy shop.