Tamagotchi Logs (ID L)


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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Hello Guys,

I have been a member here for nearly a year now on this account and in that time I have been welcomed and felt like I have a place to talk to people about my virtual pets. I have had several logs but they were never really any good and got cancelled because I'm always ill with my tonsils. Well I had them removed 5 days ago because I was I'll with them so much. So now that they have gone, I can spend more time on my logs.

At the moment, I am currently running my Osutchi and Mesutchi. Though they are to be put away tomorrow as I haven't got the tome to look after them and I do not want to neglect them. But anyways they are teenagers 5 years old.

Just a quick note: I will be posting pictures but just that often because I'm recovering from my op and that I don't have a decent camera and I'm in need of a new laptop. I'm also buying a kindle very soon and I won't have enough money left over to buy a new camera and laptop too.

I am also running my ID L. I'm only on the second gen on it and I haven't explored all of the features yet so I'll have to do that soon! Anyway I've got to wrap this log up as I am so tiered and my throughout is killing!



U haven't been on here in a while now, because I've been recovering from my tonsillectomy and I've got a bad stomach at the moment. I hope that I can come on here more often now I'm feeling a bit better :)

So over the past month, I have been running my tamagotchi but not been loging. They have been fine and not much has really happened.

Osutchi and Mesutchi had babies, thry are 11 years old today and still ate teenagers, I think something has gone wrong with them :p They are going back into storage soon, I want to try some other tamagotchi out :D

As for my sweet P2, he is doing amazing. He still is the Nyatchi character because I have the rare P2 Japanese version, Over the past 2 days he has become alot more needier. For example 5 days ago he dropped 1 heart every 1 or so, now it's 2 hearts every 25 minuets! It hard to have a lie in with these I tell you!

My ID-L has been put into storage because I just didn't want to run it at the moment. I just want to run the vintage ones and a connection or two!

I'll see you all later when I continue to post this log!

I'm Back :p

So it's been a while hasn't it? I haven't been on here in weeks now and I need to start up a log because my others have since ended and were several pages long and all messed up, instead of trying to sort them out I have decided just to start a new one So here We go!

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Hello Guys, Sorry I'm a little late to start posting, better late than never :) My P2 was hatched on the 20th because I was really busy on the 2st with course work and power cuts and finally no water! Which is still going on now :( Ive got a few images but no as many as I would have liked.


That's what the egg looked like when I took it out of its housing and hatched up my little cutie! I love the vintage one's because they just seem to have cutter characters and the design's are nicer than some of the new crazier designs that are found on the v4's ect. After a little while, My Tamagotchi hatched into a little Baby.



I have decided to start up my log again. I'll start with it tomorrow! ;)
