Tamagotchi Log: 08/02/10


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Okay, i have a Pyonkotchi (I know pretty crap)

anyways she is 5 and healthy as a horse!


Pencils: 128

Stars: 36

Clovers: 40

Hearts: Full :blink:

Training: 7/10

Name: Cate

Job: School Teacher

Generation: 1

Gender: Girl

My first time back on a tama for about a year, so a bit rusty hence the universal character. but looking to get a good character nxt gen.

According to my calculations the matchmaker should arrive 2morrow nite but i will be at work, so a bit of a bummer.

will figure something out!

Keep you posted when something happens! :lol:

Hey Guys,

Sorry for not making a post yesterday but.....

Cate had a baby!!

it happened around 5.00 this arfternoon but say hello to the newest member, Rose!

By 2morrow afternoon she will be motherless and ready to grow!


Pencils: 136

Stars: 38

Flowers: 45

I am aiming to get a good character. am not really aiming for a particular character but any that is not universal will make me very very happy!

Its a long road ahead!

Keep you up to date! :D


Well some sad news... Cate left her baby!

she is living a happy life in tama town from now on where she can drink coffee and sew blankets and wait for her baby to join her!

Rose is now a child. she is a: Mohitamatchi! CLick this to see Picture[/url]

Looks like a boy more than a girl but i am happy at this stage!

Her first Stats:

pencils: 5

Stars: 0

Flowers: 9

Name: Rosey

Age: 0

Weight: 26

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 1/10 :D

Nxt step is preschool! if shes anything like her mother she will be thrilled to get out of the house!

Will keep you informed!

Am so happy!

My Rosey is pathing the way to greatness, she is an Itchigotchi.

She looks alot like a girl! and she is way cute!

I have promising feelings for her!


Pencils: 7

Flowers: 31

Weight: 9

Age: 30

She is Gawges!!!!

Expecting her next evolusion to be on sunday around 5 30ish so cant wait,

4 now i am going to enjoy my cutie as a teen.

keep u updated.

ps: i am thinking of getting another tama to post on here, where should i get one at??

Best online sources?? PM me!


Say hello to Rosey!

A healthy :) !!!!

Omg i am so happy, i have never had her before not even I uses to play years ago!

She is like one of the trademark characters!


Pencils: 25

Flowers: 23

Stars: 64

Age: 2

Weight: 43

My adorable Baby!

All grown up!

Getting a job should be interesting and then the matchmaker!

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Okay, I know it has been a while but there has trully been nothing happening to My little rosey. Tht was of course until today.

Thismornin she got a job as a retailer. Not as smart as her mum but still so proud.

This afternoon we were fortunate to be payed a visit by the matchmaker and then we were blessed with a beautiful little boy! My first by since I restarted the Tama!

His name i've decided will be jazz!

He is gorgeus and enjoying the company of his mother for now!

And I will do the same!

No stats 2day as I am tired and they are asleep but will dedinatley upload them tomorrow!

Keep u updated!!

Rosey and jazz:) ^_^

Sorry for the late post,

My rosie left :)

and now i have a beautiful Gourmetchi.

He is going well and just got accepted into school and we chose Mr. Canvas.

Am aiming for a Simasimatchi, cause i think there pretty cute, like a bee!

he visits his mum regularly and Grandmother so all is well.


Pencils: 2

Stars: 2

Clovers: 20

Hearts: Full

Training: 2/10

Name: Jazz

Job: School (teen)

Generation: 3

Gender: Boy

Got high expectations especially after his mother!

Better drop in to see her, l8r!

Okay i know i havent been on in ages but here is the goss.

BAD THINg happened Jazz turned into a universal character!

Something went horribly wrong but anyways he had a baby girl and hopefully she will set the generation straight!


Pencils: 5

Stars: 13

Clovers: 4

Hearts: Full

Training: 2/10

Name: Nessy

Job: Kindergarden/Preschool (child/Toddler)

Generation: 4

Gender: Girl

Character: Mizutamatchi

am aiming for a Violetchi. which is pretty high wish!

Hope she gets there! :D

Wellll....we have VIOLETCHI!!!

Great come back after her dad was a disaster!

Never Ever had her before, she looks so cute and cuddly.

She is 3 and hopefully getting a job l8r today.


Pencils: 31

Stars: 33

Clovers: 58

Hearts: Full

Training: 6/10

Name: Nessy

Job: Still in school, waiting on job application.

Generation: 4

Gender: Girl

Character: Violetchi :furawatchi:

And then she will continue the generations with her baby.

hoping that me and my sister will get different genders so we can make babies.

4 weeks with the same gender! RECORD!
