Does anyone else have any goals they’d like to accomplish as a tama enthusiast? So far, I have a few of my own that I’m currently working on, and other tama goals I aspire to in general:
Tama Goals In Progress
I’ve been taking care of my first tamagotchi I ever received on my Tamagotchi Pix Party. I grew so attached to my first adult (Ginjirotchi), I couldn’t bring myself to let him go. So, I take care of him as a long-term virtual pet. I was thinking about starting a log just to post about our adventures and experiences. Also, I’d like to post cute pictures of him.
I have the blue gingham device from the recent Tamagotchi rereleases. It’s been in the box for months because I’m trying to pick a time when I have the energy to care for another virtual pet besides my Ginjirotchi. I definitely plan on logging the entire evolution when I finally start playing with this device. This would be my first time playing with a traditional, non-color tama egg device since I was a kid in the 90s.
I have started playing the Tamagotchi Game Boy Game. (The link goes to my log.) I played it as a kid in the late 90s/early 2000s, and everything about this game is pure nostalgia. 
Tama Goals I Aspire To Achieve
I would like to FINALLY play the Tamagotchi Angel. I wanted one for Christmas as a kid in the 90s, but my parents got me a regular Tamagotchi egg instead. My guess is that was all they could find where they shopped. Since then, I’ve fallen in love with the sprites and art associated with the Angelgotchi. I would like to care for an Angelgotchi once I become a better tama parent.
I would LOVE to play the Devilgotchi some time. I LOVE Deviltchi and the Devilgotchi characters! 

I know the Devilgotchi is very expensive and rare, so I’m not sure if it’ll ever happen. I’ll be grateful if I ever get to see a Devilgotchi device in person, let alone own one and play it myself.
I would be over the moon to own or play with The Delicious and Busy! Tamagotchi Restaurant. The Tamagotchi Restaurant is truly the stuff of tama legends.
Do you have any tama goals of your own you’d like to share, if any? If so, what are they?
Tama Goals In Progress

Tama Goals I Aspire To Achieve

Do you have any tama goals of your own you’d like to share, if any? If so, what are they?