Tamagotchi Free For All Items, Food, Instruments, and Toys Too!


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Jak 123

New member
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys!

I here that you all want cool Tamagotchi's and stuff so i found this site. it is called Tamagotchi Music Generators. You just go to the items generator and on your Tamagotchi go to PC under the door icon. Once you are on the site I think that you'll figure the rest out yourself. Oh and to type in codes just click A on PC. There you have it. You can also get anything no matter what on the Music Generator. I know for sure that you can get a Girls or Boys Destiny and when you are an adult you can just use either and you will have a Dreami-tchi or a Dazzili-tchi.

A last note to all that I am collecting PC codes to know all the Tamagotchi's on TamaTown. if you have any just reply me and say your Tamagotchi's name and username, and PC. Thanks! I will reward anybody who tells me and I will give them a free code. Thanks out there!


Name Tamagotchi Gender Stage PC Top PC Bottom

Jak123 Kuchitama-tchi Boy Kid 7d2055f c17819f

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