Tamagotchi Famitama


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Active member
May 4, 2008
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Hi everyone at TT! I am a brand new member and I really want to start a new log, like the log I have on TZ, (I'm KuchiGal over there) I'm going to right this TamaLog as if it's the actual tama's typing! So here they are, with names I use on TZ too, *Drum roll*

HOPE! The eldest, an Ichigotchi! Her growth went like this:


TYSON! The second child, growth went like this:


Then, last but not least:



Hiya! I'm Hope and I will be writing in the color violet!!

I, Tyson, will be writing in BROWN! WoOt!!

Um, I-I'm Faith and I'll be typing in cyan...

W-we h-have 100% bond and um 370Gotchi. We are only V-v-V5.

Faith is a little shy, I'm sure she'll get used to you all soon though!

Hi! I'm am by far the most beautiful now we are adults!

Yeah right Hope.

Memetchi's are pretty though Hope.

Stop being so kind Faith! Hotteatchi's are WAY prettier than Memetchi


This is where I come in!

Tyson Your making things worse so shut up! Faith, you do have to be a little less kind and Hope, Hotteatchi's are much prettier than memetchi put I'm going to make you get married cos I want the Meme family. Okay? Good? Sorted? Now be quiet!

Hi! No news about us at the moment. We are hoping thata V4.5 and V4 will join us with this log. (MESSAGE FROM CHAMAMETCHIISDABEST: I already have a V4 and V4.5. I am still deciding if I want to write about them too.) So well, bye from us for now!

Hello. News from me now! Chamametchiidabest let us watch the dating channel and.... PLANETCHI WAS HOSTING THE SHOW! He, or she, showed me the Sunnytchi, I said yes. It was depressing to see Tyson and Faith leave, but thrilling to have a baby. A beautiful Iwatchi was born, Amia we shall call her. My husband and I evolved into our parent forms. Obviously Planetchi and Mememamatchi.

I played Shoe Pairs with her and got 100G for 20 pairs, the most you can do. We now have 730G in money which made little Amia jump with joy along with me.

Earlier, while writing this message Amia got ill, we healed her with the medicine provided though. Then she needed the toilet, but she didn't crie out. Fortunatley we saw her before she had a poo and managed to get her to her duck potty.

Hello! I'm Amia! I um, evolved into Hoshitchi! I'm getting good at the game shoe pairs with Mummy! I got all 20 pairs without fail! Yay! The family has 880Gotchi now! YIPEE! Chamametchiisdabest has been taking me to school. And before me she took Mummy, Uncle and Aunty to school with (Uncle and Aunty are Tyson and Faith) her. She even keeps an eye on me in lessons. But she won't be able to do that next week. She has exams so will take me (Or maybe my kids) with her but leave me in her coat pocket or bag and check on me at break (Message from CIDB: Why am I going on about my SATs?)

Hello! Amia here. Sorry I haven't wirtten for so long. I evolved into a Mikazumatchi two days after I became a toddler. Then, after another two days I became a Sunnytchi. Unfortunatley, earllier today, I evolved into a Ninja Family character, something like a Kuinotchi or something. Then, just five minutes ago I gave birth to three children with a Mumutchi. The eldest, JinJi, a Omutchi boy, Loann, the second child, an Omutchi girl, and Pip, a boy Mimifuwatchi. I love all three beautiful children. Well we'ree off to play witha magic hat! Goodbye!

Heya! It's Amia again!

Jinji evolved into an Ahirukutchi, Cute Loann is a Belltchi, and small Pip is a Mousetchi!

Extra news: Chamametchiisdabest purchased a Love! My Family Shell V5 today! We have Kelly, a Belltchi, Joe, a Mousetchi, and little Ginny, a Torortchi. They have 5 smileys in the friends thing with my children! I think Chamametchiisdabest is planning to marry off one of each family together.

Jinji, Loann, Pip, Kelly, Joe and Ginny are all teens now! So from now on they will be posting in the colors they want to type in:

Jinji=lime green.

Loann=dark red




Ginny=sky blue

Hi! I'm a Mameketchi!

I'm a Chamametchi! I'm da best!

I'm a Kurokotchi! wOoT!

I'm a Chamametchi also! I'm DA BEST

I'm a Mameketchi!

I'm an Ichigotchi! Apart from this there is no other news. Though I suppose the Abea family getting 1005 bonding counts as good news!


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