Tamagotchi Diary!


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Oct 26, 2007
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The S E A S I D E <3
Dear Diary,

*This log is inspired by pifiifi*

Well, I evolved into a Ura Violetchi! Yesssss! My Dreams come true!

I can't wait till I get married and Have a Job!

The Thought of it makes my whole body tingle!

Zara x

Nan: Zara, Hunny!

Zara: Yeah Nan?

Nan: Can you check the Mailbox for me Love?

Zara: Sure Nan

Zara goes to check the Mailbox.

She comes back with 2 Peices of Mail

Zara: Here you are Nan. I think there's a few things there.

Nan: Ah, yes. Very good. Looks Like Bills. Yup, Bills.

Zara: Lot's More Money to be Earned then.

Nan: Sure is.

Zara: Well, I'd better go to school!

Mailbox: Mail! Mail! Mail!

Zara: Nan! We have Mail.

Nan: A letter for you.

Zara opens the letter.

Dear Zara, How's Life?

I bet you'd like these.

They're 2 Tickets to The Show, War and Peace

I'm sure you've read the Book.

Well, I'll be there too so be sure to come.

Don't dissapoint me.

Your School Freind Lily
Zara: Yay! Yay! Lily's given me 2 Tickets to see War and peace!!

Nan: Who are you going to invite hun?

Zara: Why you of course! Lily's already got tickets.

Nan: Thanks Sweetheart!

Nan: Zara, I think you'd ought to go to school. It'll probably be the last time.

Zara: Ok. If you say so.

Nan: I need to go shopping so I'll drop you of at Tama Central so that you can get the bus there.

Zara: What? On my own?

Nan: Yes, You're old enough now to do stuff on your own.

Zara: Alright then.

Nan Takes Zara to TamaCenral

Nan: Alright Hun, keep safe, I'll see you at 1:00.

Zara gets on Bus

Bus Driver: Alright then, that's 5gp please.


Zara Pays fees and sits down.

They arrive at TamaSchool

Zara: Thanks!

Zara goes to the Social/Love Section

Zara: LILY!

Lily: Oh, Hey Zara.

Zara: So, What's your Timetable today then?

Lily: Art, Art, Food Tecnology.

Zara: Mine's Art, Food Tecnology and Design Technology.

Lily: Cool! Did you get my Letter?

Zara: Sure did! Thanks!

Lily: Don't let me Down

Zara: Well, We'd better go

Lily: Yup.

5 Minutes Later.

Nan Sees Zara at Bus Stop.

Nan: Have Fun?

Zara: Yeah.

Nan: Let's go home.

Dear Diary,

Yess! I got a Job yesterday! I can't believe it.

I'm working as a Teacher now. All the kids call me Miss Zara since I don't have a Surname. Well, I don't suppose any Tamagotchi has huh?

Well guys come on, Me and Nan don't have much veiws! We need you!!

Please! Please!


Zara x

Nan: Zara! Lunch!

Zara: Coming!

Nan: It's Sausage and Mash today, sorry, I didn't have enough to make your Favourite.

Zara: Oh, Ok.

Nan: You're 6 today so I think you should start expecting the Matchmaker.

Zara: I'm so excited!!

Nan: Well, What are you going to call your Baby then?

Zara: If it's a Girl I'll call her Sally. If it's a Boy, I'll call him Alex. Although it Really depends on what my Partner thinks.

Nan: That is True. Well, come on then. Let's call the Matchmaker!

Nan sets time to 10:29am.

One Minute Later.

Ding Dong!

Zara: I'll get it!

Matchmaker(Otokitchi): Here's your Partner.

Matchmaker shows handsome Matsuritchi.

Matchmaker: His name is Andy. Will you Marry or Not?

Zara: I'd Love to marry him but it's Nan's Decision.

Nan: It's your choice Hun.

Zara: Marry! *runs into Andy's arms*

Andy: Thank you Zara.

Nan: Hun, I've planned your Wedding already.

Zara: Really?

Nan: Yup, It's going to be at Angelgotchi Heavens.

Zara: Yay!

Andy: Wow, Zara, Your Nan's very organised.

Zara: Thanks!

Mailbox:Mail! Mail!

Zara: Nan! It's some mail for you.

Nan: Ok. Ah, Yes, It's all the tickets for Angelgotchi Heavens.

Zara: Ok... So, When's my Wedding going to be?

Nan: 3:00PM. Get your Dress on, it's nearly time to go.

Zara: Ok..

Zara goes upstairs and Changes.

She comes back down in a Traditional White dress and A Headdress in her Head.

Nan: Oh My, You look stunning Love!

Zara: Thanks Nan!

Zara and Nan go to Angelgotchi Heavens.

Nan: Isn't it beautiful? Well, It seems to me as if you're pregnant Zara!

Zara: Oh Wow! It is Pretty!

Am I? Yikes!

Nan: It's Nothing to Worry About.

Zara: *sees Bridesmaids(School Freinds: Lily and Sarah)* Wow Guys, you look Lovely!

Lily and Sarah together: Not as Pretty as you.

Zara: Thanks Guys!

Nan: Well, the Wedding's about to start. Good luck Zara!

Zara: Thanks Nan!

Angelgotchi doing wedding ceremony: Zara, do you take this Matsuritchi to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Zara: I do.

Angelgotchi Doing wedding Ceremony: Andy, do you take this Ura Violetchi to be your lawfully wedded Wife?

Andy: I do

Angelgotchi doing wedding Ceremony: You may Kiss the Bride.

Andy: *Kisses Zara*

Zara: *feels kick* Oh! The Baby's coming!

Zara gets rushed of to Tama Hospital.

Dear Diary,

Yes! I got a Baby Girl!

She's sooo cute!

Andy, my Partner is so fond of her.

I'm so Proud.

Zara x

Nan: Ain't she cute?

Zara: Yeah!

Andy: *Playing with Baby* I couldn't wish for a Different Daughter.

Nan: What are you going to call her?

Andy: It's up to you Darlin'

Zara: Sally?

Andy: What a beautiful Name!

Nan: I agree!

~•Sally's Thoughts•~

Mother and Father are Kind to me. So is Nan.

I think this is the best place to live!

Patch Forest is so nice and Cute. Although Multicoloured Ura Kuchipatchi's are slightly Funny! Haha.

I think the Ura Violetchi's are the cutest!

Zara: *whispers* have you got everything Darling?

Andy: Yes Honey.

Zara: *walks over to Sally's cot* Bye Sally. Don't worry, Nan will look after you. *kisses on forehead*

Andy: Alright My Little Girl? *kisses Sally on forehead*

Zara: *starts crying*

Andy: Don't worry hun. She can come on visit us when she's old enough.

Zara: That's true. *sob*

Nan: Bye Guys. You'll have to get going now, your Taxi's here.

Zara: Bye Nan. Bye Sally.

Andy: *picks up luggage* Bye Sally, Bye Zara's Nan.

Nan: Bye Guys.

Zara and Andy: * Walks to Taxi. *


Next Morning.

Nan: Morning Sally.

Sally's thoughts. Huh? Where's Mother and Father?

Nan: Come on. Let's Get your Cloud Machine out to Play Climb.

All you have to do is jump onto the Clouds.

Sally: *plays Game*

Nan: 24! Not Bad. Let's Play again.

Sally: *plays Game*

Nan: Yay! You won Sally, You one!

Sally: *giggles*

~•Sally's Thoughts•~

Mam and Dad are gone!! Where are they?

Nan is really kind. I like to call her Nana though.

Sally: *Beeps*

Nan: Oh no! You're sick. *Calls Doctor*

Doctor: *cures Sally then goes*

Nan: Sally, Beep if you need anything.

Sally: *beepy*

Sally: Nana! I feel Funny! I feel Ill! I... *evolves*

Nan: Oh My! You evolved!

Sally: What's that?

Nan: You changed into a Different Character hun.

Sally: So I'm a Toddler?

Nan: Yup! You're a Kuchitamatchi now.

Sally: Wow! Yay!

Dear Diary,

Yesss! I evolved. I'm a Kuchitamatchi. Rather Like Kuchipatchi's Head.. Haha.

Nan Thinks I'm Pretty 'n' Cute.

Patchi Forest is a Nice Place to Live... I Like Trees!


Time for a Change..

I'm Changing to this colour. You'll see the Other Changes as we go along.

Well, I got Sally some things through Passwords.

Yup! I Love 'em!

Why don't you Play with your Clone?

Yeah! Yeah! Bleepy! Bleepy! Yay!

Let's go To TamaTown!

We're Back!

I got Sally:




Heh heh... Darts was my Favourite Game..

We Went to see my Mum too!

Let's see what Items and Food Items she's got.




3.CD 2

4.CD 3



7.Cell Phone



2.Hot Dog



















Well, That's alot!

Enjoy the Change Guys!

Sorry about that change, I must have gone mad! Heh heh. Back to the old thing..

Sally: Nan! Can I go to Preschool?

Nan: Oh yeah, I forgot about that..

Sally: Can I?

Nan: Come on then.. I need to do some shopping anyway.

They arrive at Pre-School

Nan:Alright Sally, Stay here, I'll come back Later. Don't worry, the Mrs. Butterscotch will look after you.

Sally: But.. But...

Nan: I've got shopping to do and besides, Nanny's aren't alowed.

Sally: Ok.. *Hugs Nan*

Nan: ..You'll be ok hun.. Don't you worry. After that I'll Take you to see your Mother and Father.

Sally: Bye Nan.

Nan: Bye honey.

Mrs. Butterscotch: Ok Kiddies, Let's Dance!

All the Kids Dance to the Music.

Mrs.ButterScotch: Excellent. Now I'm going to give you a Puzzle and you have to fix it. After you've finished, It's Free Time!

Sally: *Finishes Puzzle* Miss! I'm done!

Mrs. Butterscotch: Well done Sally. Free time for you!

Sally: Thanks! *Wanders to a Corner and sits down Colouring Hanagatchi*

Tamatchi wanders over to her

Tamatchi: Are you ok?

Sally:Yeah, I'm Fine.

Tamatchi: I'm Jake.

Sally: I'm Sally.

Jake: That's a Nice Picture.

Sally: Thanks.

Mrs. Butterscotch: Ok You Guys, It's time to go home now.

Jake: I'll write to you Sally.

Sally: Me too Jake. Bye.

Jake: Bye.


Nan: Was that fun?

Sally: Yeah! I met a Tamatchi Boy called Jake. He's really nice and he said he'de write to me!

Nan: That's good. Well, Let's go see your Mam!

Sally: Ok.

They go to Zara's house.


Zara(Mother): Oh Hello Sally! You're Getting very big now!

Andy(Father): Who's There sweetie?

Zara: It's Nan and Sally, they've come to visit us!

Andy: OH! Hi guys! Who's my Big girl now? *picks up Sally*

Sally: *giggle*

Zara: OH! Your Pocket Money. I forgot. Here's 500gp.

Andy: Use it well Sally.

Sally: Thanks!

Zara: Well, Hello Nan *hugs* I hope Sally's been good for you so far.

Nan: As good as Gold.

Zara: That's good. Well, I've got some Ironing to do so I'd better dso goodBye.

Sally: Bye Mam! Bye Dad!

Andy: Bye Sweet. Be good for your Nan now.

Zara: Bye Sally, Be good now.

Sally: Ok. Bye Mum. Bye Dad.

Nan: Bye Guys.

Zara: Bye Nan.

Andy: Bye Zara's Nan.

Nan: Don't worry Andy, just call me Nan.

Andy: Ok.

Sally and Nan go Home.

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Sally: Nan! Nan! I feel Weird again.... *closes eyes* *Evolves*

Nan: Heh heh, another evoloution..

Sally: What am I?

Nan: Look in the Mirror.

Sally: *Looks in Mirror* A... A.... URA YOUNG MEMETCHI!! So that's the reason I can Fly.

Nan: Uh huh!

Sally: I'm gonna Write to Jake!

Dear Jake, 

My First Letter to you.

I evolved. Finally! Hooray! I'm a Ura Memetchi.

Surely you evolved. You gotta Tell me.

Also, what's your Nan Like? I'm dieing to know. Please Tell me.


Your Worried Freind,

Sally: Done! *sends letter*

Nan: Let's Wait for the Reply then.
