Tamagotchi Diary/log


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Tama girl

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score

Tamagotchi V3 Silver




Character:Young Mametchi :)

Weight:21 LBs


Tamagotchi V3 Blue Waves





Weight:21 LBs


Janes Diary

Hello Diary,

Today was cool,my owner Clare got me a ball,wings and a geenie lamp,which had 5000 pts in it! im so happy n_n

im really tired and my body hurts because im going to evolve tomorrow..i wonder what ill be! i want to be a leaftchi or a pyonkotchi.

i think Jaxx is pretty cool,hope he gets cooler!

This is Jane,Signing off,going to bed. **signed off at 7:59 pm**

Jaxxs Diary

Yo Diary!

Today was so rawking! Clare got be a tresure box with a throne in it! and plant which got me 5000 pts! woohoo! oh yeah and a lolly pop.

Im Evolving tomorrow,im scared.. i dont want to be any more ugly than i am now

Janes really sexy,i hope when im older she will love me and we can get married and have babies.

i want boys,duh! i want to call them Eric and Joey. That is if Jane ever falls in love with me :[.

Euugh,im tired,im gonna hit the hay. Night. **Jaxx signed off at 7:59 pm**

Jaxx and Jane have just gone off to bed,they need their rest 'cause there gonna evolve tommorrow! =]

i think Janes going great,same with Jaxx.

im happy about the 5000 points jaxx got,i hope i can find him something nice for that amount of pts,hopefully a UFO or Throne.

I wont post anything for another 13 hours because,well they're asleep and nothing happends when they sleep so..G'Night!

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really long... :) lol

mine are asleep... they are V2 and teenagers

Tamagotchi: Dark blue with Stars

Name: Kyoko

Age: 3

Type: puroperatchi

Gender: female

lbs: 19

Gen: 2

Tamagotchi: baby blue with pink bubbles

Name: Tohru

Age: 3

Type: Hinotchi

Gender: female

lbs: 19


*they share everything*

(they both are sisters from the parents Kairi {female} and Shugo {male}... i bred Kairi and Shugo when they were 4-5)

Excuse me,you dont put your own log in mine,please delete it and make your own log,Thanks =]

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[[sorry for double posting]]

Janes Diary

Well,ive woken up and i dont feal any changes..Hmmf.

**signed off 9:06 am**

Jaxxs Diary

Yeh...No changes

Im gonna go have breakfast now,bibies.

**signed off 9:12 am **


No Changes, i got Jane a shovel but she dug up a snake,she lost a hungry heart [it was really ugly] and one happy heart [she got her hopes up thinking she'd hit some points]


Jane is a Memetchi!

But Jaxx is a Kuchipatchi,i mean i like that character but its a fat one and i had been exersizing him untill he would'nt anymore.

A tamagotchi on the blue wave tama is always a bad one,i dont get it,i treat it the same way as my other one..''/

oh well!

Janes Diary

Dear Diary,

Im SOOO Happy! i found the love of my life and im a really pritty Memetchi!!

Jaxx is my feionce` =D and in two days,ill have our babies!

**Jane Signing Off 5:38 PM**

Jaxx's Diary



Jane is my love ,

and im a fat kutchipatchi..oh well! i dont care anymore about looks =]

Ok,i gotta take Jane out for dinner,bye!

**Jaxx Signing off 5:39 PM**


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