Tamagotchi Colour ♥


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Jul 2, 2009
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Hi again! I'm CrackersXD and this is my tamagotchi log my one and only. I think. So last week after months and months of convinving (I've been begging since late December) My mom ordered me a yellow tamagotchi color =D Whoopie. So today I'm on the computer it was 11:30am on Long Island (where I am) and my dad said the mail came. And I looked like o_O since the mail dosen't come until 2:30pm at the latest, so I left my room and went to see what came it was a package I looked at it and I squealed like a school girl and my dad came rushing in thinking something was wrong. But there wasn't it was my tamagotchi! I stole my dads scissors and opened the cardboard box and then got the yellow box in my hands I smiled so much. Then I had to open that which was really easy might I add, since it's not made ouy of the hard to open plastic then I had trouble. Opening the back, I popped it open that was good and all then I put the batteries in they didn't work I was on the phone with my mom at the time so I complained to her. Until my dad opened it and fixed the batteries...thanks dad :3 So I put the date, time, and my birthday in and waited for the egg to hatch. After waiting I got a little boy :] I named him Jasper (after my kitten) he was easy to take care of very easy. I fed him food and played lots of games.

I really like the games on the TMGC+C there awesomely fun I'd say something but I think cursing is frowned upon XD Just kidding, well maybe I'm not but anyways. After playing and nurturing my tama he took a nap and I took that time to go on Aim and talk to my friends. As I was talking about something completely random I heard the changing noise. I picked it up and saw it was a kurobotchi (I forgot how to spell it..) it's even more adorable in color may I add. I had little Jasper plant a tree and played a ton of games I'm not very good at the apple catching one (the simplest one), but always win the matching game, and I win the balloon game sometimes. I put some codes in for little Jasper and got some food and bought him a telescope. I used it when it was dark out and now Jasper is sleeping, since it is 9:58pm. And now I shall turn in for the night thanks for reading. Since you can't comment please send me a PM with questions, comments, and fixing my mis-spelled words :3


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