well i can tell you how to get Mametchi and this also works for Mimitchi (on the V1, Im not quite sure how to get them on the V2) you have to be on an Odd generation ex. 1 3 5 7 9. if your on any other gen besides gen1 you might want to make sure to breed with a tama that has HIGH training. you will know which tamas have high trainging from the match maker. (Mametchi Mimitchi, Memetchi and Kutchipatchi. Once you raise the baby up takeing perfect care of it. Always takeing care of it before it beeps time out it and praise it everytime it asks for it. Even if it had full training and still beeps for a time out or praise give it to it. You should get Itchigotchi as your teen (the strawberry) once you have that teen follow the same method always takeing care of it before it has the chance to beep and always praiseing it or time outting it when nessecery. and the adult should come out Mametchi. If you iggy it and take bad care of it your result will be Tarakotchi or Masktchi.