Tamagotchi 2-day log (literally!)


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Dec 1, 2011
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Hey Guys, TrueDon here, I'm gonna be giving you a short, and i mean short, log for the rest of today until this sunday, cos i have skl on monday, on my tamagotchi music star. I've taken a picture of the v6 that I'll be using and here it is;


Sorry about the picture being too big! I'm going to put the battery into the tama! ill post later with more news on my tama! see ya then!

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Hey Guys, TrueDon here again, and as promised, first update, and for every other day, I might try to post three times a day, morning, afternoon and just before bed! :)

Ok, so anyways, I put in the battery and.....

NOTHING. The battery was dead! So I rummaged my kitchen and found another one. I put it in and.....

NOTHING. AGAIN. so I searched for a third one and......

YES! Third times a charm I guess! So anyway I got a pic of what came up (there it is, down there!) I pressed B, and I downloaded to see what I had, and....


(I apologise again for massiveness of pictures!!!)I had a Gozarutchi, full hungry and happy hearts, no stress, Tone: 999; Rhythm: 999; and Original: 999, his fav genre was rock n' roll, his instrumet was a piano, ect.

He has a band named FOWLBOYS, dunno what after I mean it's been a year since the last time I played I think, but anyhoo back to the topic,

I thought; hey why not keep him, seeing as I'm only doing a 2-day topic! He's my 5th gen, which is pretty high for me! I have all but one award that I can't get :angry: ! But anyways, I saw that his instrument was the piano, and as I want to change it, it glitched! it just froze like that! itried again and another time, but failed miserably, so piano it is for him! Here's what he looked like when he was stuck;


(i couldn't see the image when i was editing this, so i don't know if you can see this!)

His stress went up to 4, don't know why, I didn't see him practice, but I let him play with his toy for a minute or two, so as to reduce his stress to zero and without losing any music points!

Just now, he practised for a few minutes, but no call from him, so all's good! i'm hoping for a concert call soon, and if i get one, i'll post on how it goes! But till either then or tomoz, its a see ya! from Artemis (That's what I called him, it's quite a feminine name some say, but he's a boy and I think it's a rather nice name!) and me! Still no calls from Arty (nickname for him!!!) though! -_-

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Hey, TrueDon here again, I've just finished dinner, so this is the last post of the day, before artemis and me head to bed for the night, but I just wanted to post so much that he called me, and with that huge flashing question mark above his head, I thought he was hungry, coz it was the attention icon that was highlighted, and I pressed A, and he started walking towards HIS left towards a door with a face and started taking a shower! But by the time I had fit my memory card from my computer back into the camera, the bath-time animation had finished! BTW, he took a bath, not a shower. My mistake sorry. OK then well, see you tomorrow morning first thing after breakfast (probably!!) for a status post I guess! Unless something awesome happens of course! Till then, bye! :gozarutchi: Artemis: "bye guys! see you ll tomorrow!"

Hey guys, TrueDon here again, and I had to reset my tama!!! It froze up when I tried to change instrument and toys, so I had to, but it was all in good cause, because it works perfectly again! I can once again re-enter TamaTown again too! I now have an adorable little girl who I called Alexis! I played lots of the music notes game with her, which brought her tone up to 300, and she then practiced which brought her tone up to 301 (lol) and her rhythm up to 25.

Shew grew up into the star, and was accepted into pre-shcool. I haven't been able to go on it yet, and I want to before she boecomes a teenager tommorrw, so i'm going to go once I post this, but I went onto tamatown, and i created a CD, which i levelled up to 9th super bronze in 10 minuted playing loads of games, she had visits, I sent her ot the toilet twice, and I brought her with me to cafe Nero, where I got a delightful caramel costa light or something, and she didn't call me too often, her instrument is a piano, (oh, the irony! *see earlier post!!!) nd her toy is a dress. she was given a UFO by the preschool teacher, but doesn't like it, so I'm hoping that I get a boy when she mates with the other tama i'm running, who is called corny (its my brothers but he can't be asked, so im doing it and im hoping for them to mate in later stages!!! ok, well i'm off to go to the preshcool, ill post on how it goes laer, everyone feel free to comment, but keep it to topic or your psts will be deleted, and i'll answer any questions i can :) see you later!

Hey Guys TrueDon here, and I am reporting the fact that I woke up at 7 in the morning, and I couldn't go back to sleep, so just as my tama was waking up (lucky me!), I played loads of games for like an hour non stop, and no Alexis' music points are now as following;




And she's still in the child stage! So I can now send her to preschool a lot, and I'm then going to send her to TamatTown to clooect the last two pieces of the map that I still need to find! It is a shame that collecting them doesn't give you an awesome reward! :( I'm quite sad about that!

But anyways, sorry I can't take pictures, because We had the memory card taken so we could print of hiliday photo's, and I still haven't got it back, but there isn't really anything exiting happening, so it's OK for now I guess! Well I'm going to go now, and I've decided that I'm going to carry on with this next weekend, or if I can (though probably not! :( ) during the week! Well then, it's a see ya for Alexis (lex for short BTW!) and me! Bye!

Lex is practicing now on her piane, I'm really sad that I can't take a picture and post it on! sorry readers and followers!

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Sorry, but I forgot to metion that she is a hitodetchi, and for those of you who don't know their tama characters too well, thats the child stage star like one with a face! I sometimes call it partrick because if reminds me of him from spongebob (awesome show XD), she plays the piano, her toy is a dress, she was given a U.F.O from the preschool teacher though she doesn't like it, so I'm hoping for a boy when she mates with another tama! She's practicing again even though her stress is really high!!! Her favourite music genre is classical music, and her stress is 8 and the only heart i have to fill up is one happy heart, so I'm going to do that now, probably by playing a game so I can reduce her stress too, and if it doesn't work, I'll buy her an item fron the shop with the 2000 gp the king gave her this morning!

Hey guys, TrueDon here, informing you on my musicstar, Alexis! Well, latest news, she grew up into a Chamametchi! I think that that is supposed to be like Mametchi's younger sister or something, but hey, I like her! :) I sent her to tamatown, she met her band which I named TrueDons, and I'm sure you can tell where I got the inspiration from ;) :D

I played the high schol game, and because of those unbelievably irritating buttons, I failed more times than I won! :(

But It's OK, because it's just a game after all (even though it rases it's stress level!!!)

The high school teacher gives you and intrument every time you enter, and because I resarted my tamagotchi, I had only one instrument, which is the piano! (oh the irony!) But anyways, the teacher comes along, and what does it give me?

A KEYBOARD. I mean come ON! so now, Alexi' band plays two keyboards and one piano .> :(

Her band members are,

Kikitchi (the one closest to your tama when tey meet!)

And Hinotamatchi. They both play the keyboard because of the above senario!!! It's Alexis who plays the piano btw.

I sent Alexis to TamaTown, my code thingy that appears under my character is zx2552 if anyone wants to add me and I'll accept any requests!

Might bring Alexis to skl tomorrw with the sound off though and I'll check on her at break and lunch!

Well then, I gonna be off and so is Alexis, so till tomorrow after school, see ya guys!

Oh and Ijust want to add, I took some pictures which I will upload tommorrw if I can! XD :) :gozarutchi: (<.< Arty T.T) :mimitchi: :ichigotchi: :hitodetchi: (<.<Alexis as a child) :newmametchi: (<.< hpefully Alexis as an adult, or kuchipatchi, whom I haven't gotten yet!) :babytchi: :furawatchi: :rolleyes:

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