Tamagotch Had Baby


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From my experience, the parents "take care" of their babies for a couple days before leaving. I wouldn't worry about it -- it's pretty normal, or, at least that's how it always worked for me.

it usually takes 24 hours. like, when you first get the baby, the parent will take care of it the next day. then that night it will leave.

it usually takes 24 hours. like, when you first get the baby, the parent will take care of it the next day. then that night it will leave.
48 hours, not 24. It will leave the second night.


My tamagotchi had a baby about a day or two ago and the mom hasnt gone away yet.Is there any explanation for this? :furawatchi:
:furawatchi: Well usaly it leaves a day or 2 after it had a baby but somtimes 3 or even 4 days later <_< .That happend to my friend but hers died 4 days later i dont know why it died so late and i dont know why yours didnt die yet(BTW it usaly leaves the baby around midnight.)But can you tell me if its still alive and how long it was/is living with the baby.Thanx!

Hope i helped and hope i can help1 :unsure: :wacko:

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It'll (the parent) take care of the baby for two days (forty-eight hours if left unpaused). Then it should leave by midnight.

Not 24 hours, not 48 hours but 36 hours. The parent will stay for 24 hours going into the exact time it had the baby the day before, then leave that night at 12am. Actual time of the parent staying with the baby may vary depending on the time that your Tama had its baby.

[SIZE=30pt]eventually the mom will leave the baby so dont worry[/SIZE]

y bother pausing it at nite if it just botehrs its life and it goes 2 sleep any ways.

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