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Active member
Aug 6, 2008
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Hi. I have 3 tamas! 2 are v4.5s and one is a v5! my v5 is a makizutchi, my flame v4.5 is an adalt that i do not know the name of, and my blue v4.5 is the starfish tot :D !! also tamalove754 is my big brother!!!! i'll post more later!!!

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Yay!!! my blue v4.5 evolced into a ura young memetchi!!! I'll post more later.

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Yay! my v5 should evolpve today or erly tomorow into a sunnytchi!!!!! Ill post more later.

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The wors thing happend!!! my red v4.5 got sick. But i cured it!!! Ill post more later.

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Yay. my sunnytchi got maried and had 2 eggs!!! also i got a v5.5 yesterday!!! my v5.5 evolved into totlers!! and my blue v4.5 got maried and had a baby boy!!!and my red v4.5 became an ura young memetchi!!! i'll post more later!!

hi. im back!!!!! well i was OUT of tamas for awhile but i started fidleing with my agua blue v4.5 and im into them again!!!!! so i'll be on tamatalk and be updateing my blog ofen!!! so i'll be updateing my blog again but only with my aqua v4.5!!!! maby i'll post about my v5 and v5.5 but im not sure yet!!! well i need to play games with my tamas so i'll post more later!!!!! :) :D

my v5 is a sunnytchi baby!!!! also my v4.5 and v5.5 are adalts!!!!! i'll post more later!!!!!

im back!!!(FINELY!!!!) i just played 2 cloud jumps on my flame v4.5!!! i also played apple on my aqua v4.5!!! i promes i'll post more soon!!

YAY!!!!! my flame v4.5 evolved into a teen!!!!! Also my blue v4.5 had a baby girl!!!! I also played cloud hop with my tamas!!!!! I'll post more later!!!!

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YAY!!!! My aqua v4.5 is playing with a crismas tree!!!!!! i'll post more later!!!!!

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