Tamafan54's Log


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Active member
Aug 29, 2011
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Hi, Tamafan54 here.

I want to make a log cause I am currently running a tamagotchi.

I really want to share what my tamagotchis are up to so thank you for reading and enjoy!

Currently running: Music star, v4.5

So to start off.

Music Star: Gabe

My music star Generation 2, is right now a, Nonopotchi.

He is in a band called the "Tamaboyz".

He will be turning 2 tonight and hopefully become a Kuromametchi while I am sleeping!

I am giving him perfect care.

v4.5: Lee

My v4.5, generation 1, is a UraTogetchi age 5.

He will turn 6 tonight so matchmaker may come soon or tomorrow.

I hope to get a girl baby.

He is a doctor and hasn't been payed yet.

I will let them talk.

Gabe: I wonder where my mother went.

Lee: Ya mean Maxine? she was an UGLY Masktchi!

Gabe: Hey, thats my mom who your talking about!

Lee: Well SORRY!

Me: Lee stop insulting Gabe, its not nice.

Lee: Who cares, I'm getting married soon anyways.

Gabe: Well when I am a kuromametchi you won't be talking to me that way to me anyomore!

Lee: Oh yeah? BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!1

Me: HUSH!!!!!

Lee and Gabe: Fine.

I decided to log in my v4, her name is Mia, only a few seconds old.

Lee: Whos the new girl?

Gabe: Shes just a baby Lee, don't push her.

Mia: Goo.

Me: Lee shes just a baby.

Lee: So?

Gabe: SHUT UP!

Me: Gabe, calm down.

Gabe: Fine -_-

Lee: *Chuckles*

Mia: Dee dah.

Me: Okay, everyone calm down, Lee go back to taking a bath, Gabe practcse on your mega drum.

Lee: Okee dokey!

Gabe: Ok.

Mia: Lalalalala!

Me: Awww!

Lee just got married to UraZukitchi!

I am naming her Mae!

I am logging her now.

Lee: Boo yah! I got married and got a baby gal!

Gabe: That was awkward .0_0.

Mia: Goo Goo!


Lee: Don't cry sweetie, its alright.

Gabe: Wow, she gets the royal treatment?

Lee: Shut up fool!

Me: Congradulations Lee, Gabe, don't yell at his baby.

Gabe: Grr...

Mia: *Stares at Mae with huge eyes*

Mae: *Stares at Mia with huge eyes*

Gabe: Oh yeah, I am 2 years old!

Lee: Darn it!

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I have some good news and some bad news.

Good news, Gabe is now a Togetchi.

As for Lee and Mae, they had decided to leave me.

Mia grew up into that pyrimid guy.

I reset my v4.5 and got a boy named Kurt.

Gabe: Oh well, Lee and Mae died.

Mia: That was sad, We were going to be bffs!

Kurt: Goo goo!

Me:I know its sad but, he is in a better place now.

Gabe I guess so.

Mia: Ya.

Kurt: *Giggles*

Kurt grew up into a kuchitamatchi!

Gabe: Nice job Kurt,

Mia: *Has a crush on Kurt*

Kurt: *Has a crush on Mia*

Gabe: Wow, baby love.

Kurt and Mia: Hey!

Me: I think you guys would make a perfect couple!

Mia: Really?

Kurt: I think so.

Mia: *Giggles*

Me: *Chuckles*

Gabe: This is so weird!!!

Gabe tried out for the pro debut today, he failed.

Gabe: That kuchipatchi, he always gets the guitar wrong!

Me: Its ok, you can always try later.

Gabe: I suppose...

Mia: Kurt, I kinda like you...

Kurt: Same here, wanna be a couple?

Gabe: o_O wow.

Mia: .0_0. ok!

Me: Cool! a class couple!

Gabe: I think I'm gonna puke.

EDIT: He passed later on!

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Mia is now 1 years old, she didn't evolve yet.

Mia and Kurt: *Snores*

Gabe: For some reason, I feel lonely.

Me: You don't have to be!

Gabe: Why not?

Me: Your getting married tommorow and your gonna have a baby!

Gabe: Oh yeah, I forgot!

Me: but anyways, the toddlers will wake up soon.

Gabe: Yeah, I suppose.

Good news, Mia evolved into ichigotchi less than a minute ago!

Mia: I"m an ichigitchi, YAY!!!!!!!!!

Gabe: Nice job *Plays Mega Drum*

Me: Nice job Mia!

Kurt: Cool, I will evolve too, right?

Me: That is a fact Kurt, you will today.

Kurt: Really?

Gabe: *Gos on computer*

Mia: Who will I turn into next?

Me: I don't know yet.

Kurt just evolved into the diamond guy!

Kurt: Oh yeah, I am a teen!

Mia: That makes us closer to marrige.

Mia and Kurt: *Giggles*

Gabe: I feel bad.

Me: Why?


Me: Gabe, calm down, take a deep breath.

Gabe: Okay...

Kurt: You look HOT today.

Mia: *Giggles*


Me: GABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gabe turned 4, Mia turned 2.

Me: Gabe?

Gabe: Yes?

Me: Todays the big day!

Gabe: Oh yeah!

Mia and Kurt: *Snores*

Gabe: Who will I marry?

Me: I am not so sure.

Gabe: Oh, lets wait and see!

Gabe Got Married to mimitchi! They had a.... GIRL! I am naming her Rachel!

Mia is a 3 year old teen, LOL? kurt is going to evolve today and so will Mia.

Gabe and Mimitchi: *Plays with Rachel*

Rachel: *Giggles*

Kurt and Mia: *Snores*

Me: Awww!

Gabe: Its so good to be a father!

Mimitchi: It is. *Kisses*

Gabe: *Kisses*

Mia turned into Pyonkitchi!

Kurt turned into the elvis guy!

Mia and Kurt: We evolved!

Gabe: Congradulations.

Mimitchi: *Plays with Rachel*

Rachel: *Giggles*

Me: How adorable!

Mia: One more day!

Kurt: I know!

Gabe: I feel bad for Rachel.


They had 2 baby girls.

Kurt's baby: Akita

Mia's baby: Draya

Gabe: Wow, 3 girls, amazing friendship

Akita and Draya: *Giggles*

Rachel: *Stares at babies*

Mia: They can be friends!

Kurt: Yep.


Everyone: *Laughs*

Gabe: Well I am going to leave tonight

Me: Its ok, you will get to see your mother again.

Gabe: Oh yeah!

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I cheated a little and made Gabe and Mimitchi leave.

Gabe was one of the first tamas in my log.

I named Rachel and played her a bit.

I hope she becomes a Mimitchi like her Mother.

Rachel: Dada?

Me: He left Rachel.


Me: I know, its sad

Rachel turned into a Hidotechi!

Sadly my sister wanted a battery so i took out Mia :(

Rachel: I'm bored.

Kurt: don't be, I'm here :)

Akita: Goo!

Rachel: *Giggles*

Me: Tommorows school :(

Everyone: Awww!

Akita: :(

Me: Its ok, you will sleep through it!

Everyone: Ok.

Kurt left Akita.

Akita then evolved into tamatchi!

Rachel is a Chamametchi!

She joined a band called "CMS".

Rachel: Music Rocks!

Akita: It does?

Me: It is awesome.

Akita: I wanna hear it!

Rachel: *Plays music*

Akita: COOL!!!!!

Me: I know!

Rachel is now a..... Memetchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gabe visited and gave 15000 points!

Akita should evolve soon, hopefully in the mame family.

Rachel: Yay I'm an adult!

Me: Congradulations!

Akita: Will I evolve soon?

Me: Yes you will.

Akita: Yay!

Rachel: Cool!

Rachel got her.... PRO DEBUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Akita is urayoungmarotchi!

I also added a new tama to my log...

Her name is beth, I am planning to make her live up to 99 days old.

Here are there stats.

Rachel: 3 years old(turning 4 today)

Akita: 2 years old(Turning 3 today)

Beth: 1 year old(turning 2 today)

Rachel: I got my pro debut!

Me: Nice job!

Akita and Beth: *Snores*

Rachel: Aren't I getting married tommorow?

Me: Actually, you are1

Rachel: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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