TamaChuck's Tamagotchi Log


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May 30, 2010
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Hi, TamaChuck here with my Music Star Tamagotchi Log, I'll be posting 1-3 times a day. To start this log I am gonna post my Music Star's stats which I will do once a day:











Toy:Space Ship

Instrument:Boom Box (will change)

Interest Genre:Asian Music (hopefully will change)


And we have something to say

Skipper-This is our first log so dont be hatin' on us!

Me-His last interest was Hip Hop, so I hope this is just a small phase.

Skipper-I heard that!

Me-Sorry,by the way send me PMs for comments or suggestions, they are needed and appreciated.

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I have a few beginner questions, this is my first tamagotchi and I've had him for about a day and just want some info:

1.How long does it take for a child to evolve into a teenager?

2.How much should a child tamagotchi weigh?

3.What is a good instrument choice for the R&B genre (my goal)?

4.How stressed should a tamagotchi be and how do you decrease it?

5.Does anyone have any more tips on raising a healthy tamagotchi?

If anyone has answers to any of these questions just PM me. Your help is greatly appreciated.

So, its the second day on my log and there is news... Skipper grew into a teenager! He is now a Kikitchi! I am proud my little Skipper.

Skipper-Thanks Pop. Yes, I am just that awesome send compliments by PMing my dad.

Me-Quit bragging! Don't you know it's very rude?

Skipper-But, if I don't brag how am I gonna get Thu to like me?

Me-Thu from your band?! You won't! That is mixing business with personal and I wont have it!

Skipper-But she is the cutest Ringotchi I've seen!

Me-She is the only Ringotchi you've seen! Besides her name is stupid.

Thu-Hey! That was mean!

Skipper-Hi, Thu!


Thu-Yes, and I dont like your tone very much!

Skipper-Hi, Thu!

Me-How did you get in?

Thu-None of your business!

Skipper-Hi, Thu!

Me-This is my house so, it is my business you misshapen apple!

Thu-I am leaving!

Skipper-Bye, Thu!

Me-So, you could say me and Thu don't get along well.

Skipper-That is the understatement of the year.

Me-Shut it! As I was saying before all this, Ill post his stats the next time I have any news.Goodbye and dont forget to send comments and suggestions!
