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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2006
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Washington, gross.

You might remember my old log, All My Tamas, and if you don't...GO FIND IT!

Its great.

Anyway, on May 15 (birthdayy) I got my first Tamagotchi v5!


But I just started my new TamaLog, TamaCadabra! I named it TamaCadabra because I was watching CelebraCadabra when I made it, I love that show! And my Tama's are magicians! They're magicalll(;

Here's the stats and whatnot,

Family Name: Missy

Tama 1:

Name: Jason (son)

Type: Mattaritchi

Tama 2:

Name: Evana (daughter)

Type: Belltchi

Tama 3:

Name: Pete (son)

Type: Mousetchi

Hungry: 00000

Happy: 00000

Bonds: 0% I just started yesterday!

I named Jason after Jason Castro, my american idol and the reason I refuse to watch american idol ever again after he got voted off...

I named Evana because I originally wanted a son named Evan but I decided that I liked Evana better.

I named Pete after Pete Wentz, the bass player in Fall Out Boy.

They evolved this morning!

So far I've played a lot of games and fed them a lot of food. I've been really paranoid because I'm so used to being able to check their weight, and I'm not even sure if weight really matter in the v5's because it doesn't tell you! So right after I feed them I always play TV Surfing and Tea Time. Just to be sure(;

Well, I'm off to check out the v5 TamaTown!

That last post was about to be deleted,

But i didnt.

Uh, i went to the mall and TOTALLY forgot about my Tama's, and when i did, it was too late. I wasnt home in time. They were...lets just say, they were no longer on the tiny screen they used to call home. RIP Jason, Evana, and Pete...) :huh: :


I resetted after school today, after a little less than a week of grieving and such...and they have already evolved once!

Their last name, or 'family name' is CYRUS.


Its after her big brother, Trace Cyrus. He's in the band Metro Station and he's wickedd.

I was looking through other TamaLogs and this time I will be way more specific and they'll have conversations-it seems to be all the rage! Haha.

So lets start wiff stats shall we?!

Tama One!

Name: Angela Rae Cyrus

Type: Tororotchi (daughter)

Tama Two!

Name: Trace Jason Cyrus Jr.

Type: Ahirukutchi (son)

Tama Three!

Name: McKinzi Jo Cyrus

Type: Sakuramotchi (daughter)

Hungry: 00000

Happy: 0000

Bonding: 0%, i just started today!!

The only one who i really named it after is Trace Jason (TJ). I have always really loved the name Angela Rae for some reaosn. It just sounds cute:) I named Trace Jason Cyrus Jr. after none other than Trace Cyrus! Thats where he got the Jr. from by the way. And Jason is his middle name because of Jason Castro, gotta represent! McKinzi Jo is a mix of my two favorite child stars on I Know My Kids A Star! I changed the spelling of Makenzi to McKinzi and Mary Jo was my second favorite so I took her middle name:)

This time around i also gave them very distinct personalities based on what type they are and their names and such.

Angela Rae has a rly fierce personality, she loves fashion. She wants to be a model or do something in art/fashion. She is the most serious out of all the Tama's, and she takes everything very seriously. She's also the oldest.

Trace Jason Jr. is really wacky and silly, but in a good way. He loves to sing and rock out to all kinds of music. He loves to be outdoors. He is the middle child. He always cracks jokes at the other two.

McKinzi Jo is the DIVA of the group. Shes the youngest, but she has an attitude bigger than both TJ's and Angies combined times ten! She's always very calm but in a hyped up way. She loves hip-hop music and loves to dance.

Heres a conversation between them currently.

Kinzi is chasing TJ around trying to get her cell phone back.


TJ: Haha what would happen if i read yr texts?! OOOH YOU JUST GOT ONE!


Angie: 'runs in and stops them' i'm doing a report and i would appreciate it if you'd quiet down...

Kinzi: Trace, i'm not joking, give it back!

TJ: GEEEZ, ruin the fun...

Angie: Trace, give her phone back. Kinz, calm down. Yr overreacting!

Kinzi: Whatever, Angela, you don't understand the bond between me and Clarissa...

Angie: Whos Clarissa?

Kinzi: My phone!

Angie&TJ bust out laughing.

TJ: You-hahaha-named...-hahaha

Angie: You named your phone? Seriously?

Kinzi: Yes, *rolls eyes* you guys will understand once you have a phone as great as mine...

Angie: I gotta finish that report...*leaves*

TJ: Kinzi, yr funny.

Kinzi: Whatever Trace...i gotta go occupy myself wiff better things than this! Hmph...*walks out*

TJ: She named her phone...hahahahaha...

LONG POST! Thats all for now, bye!

Not much to say..not too many updates...

Earlier Angela was standing in front of this..thing, im not sure what it was. It looked liked a fridge wiff a face or something like that i dont know! But she was standing in front of it and she kept making this face, she did it for over an hour, but i made her stop cause i had to check the stats and whatnot, seeing as someone took a dump..

I cleaned it up and checked the stats.

OH YEAH! And earlier the question mark popped up so i clicked on the sixth button, to bond i guess. I clicked on the kite, but alas, the bonding is STILL at zero percent...weird. Oh welL!

Here are the stats...

Hungry: 000

Happy: 000

After this im gonna hafta play games and feed them!

Time for a conversation? I think so...

All three Tama's are sitting around the table, practicing magic!

Kinzi: Ugh, this is so boring! My cards are plain and gross, the coins i use are old and have no special SHAZAMM to them, and my wand is scratched..and so generic!

TJ: All you do is complain, but i agree! My wand is broke in half! I lost two of my cards, and you stole my coins.

Angie: You guys have been complaining forever! Thats why i bought you new magic sets! *hands presents*


TJ: Mine are just new...and shiny. I don't have diamonds on anything. Oh well!


Angie: Maybe now you will actually practice, remember! Our magic exams are tomorrow... be ready!

Kinzi: Angela, what tricks should i do? Novice magic is hard...i don't know how to impress them!

Angie: It doesn't really matter, because card tricks are the easiest, and thats what novice magic mostly is. Try some of the harder stuff, if you succeed they might place you right into pre-advanced!

TJ: My exam should be easy! Intermediate? Piece of cake!

Angie: Don't do card tricks, one card trick and they will stop you and make you take intermediate all over again!

This is kind of like a fan-fic TamaLog!

Its great!

Tomorrow are their magic exams, where they get placed into higher magic classes! Tomorrow the conversations will probably be MagiClass conversations and then the results!

Wish Trace Jason, Angela, and McKinzi luck!!



Well, todays the day! The MagiClass exams! Those will probably be later, or right now, depending on when I feel like typing three looooooong conversations and the results! I probably will do it now though since there are minimal updates.

So, ive been searching the forums and i saw binarys codes for thousands of gotchi points. Im thinking about using them but im not entirely sure, i wanna earn my own points, but at the same time, i wanna spoil my Tamas quickly..i feel bad when i dont! I will probably use them! Haha.


Hungry: 00000

Happy: 00000

Bonding: 0%. STILL.


Here are the MagiClass exams..and MAYBE, just maybe, the results.

Im gonna start wiff Intermediate, dont ask me why!

Intermediate MagiClass!

Master Of Magic (MOM,haha): Trace Jason Cyrus Jr.! It is your time to take the Novice MagiClass exam. Please step to the podium.

TJ: Okay. *steps to podium*

MOM: Please do TWO tricks of your choice.

TJ: Alright. *Does two expert card tricks*

MOM: Great. Now, please tell us why you deserve to pass MagiClass and move to Intermediate Magic. After all, its not all about magic! Attitude counts more.

TJ: I think i deserve to pass because i have tried my absoloute hardest this year to learn the magic. Its been hard for me but i got help from my sisters and they taught me a few tricks that I now know by heart. I know its more than magic and a quick slide of hand, because if you dont use words and engage the audience, everyone wants to disappear!

MOM: Thank you Trace Jason Cyrus Jr., please take a seat...

Novice MagiClass!

MOM: McKinzi Jo Cyrus, please step to the podium.

Kinzi: Okay. *steps up*

MOM: Please do one trick of your choice.

Kinzi: *performs difficult card trick with great ease*

MOM: Impressive, now tell us why you should pass.

Kinzi: I should pass because this is my first year of magic, and when I started my sister told me that i wouldnt be able to do difficult card tricks but i did and she told me it was because i had a lot of confidence. You guys told me that confidence is the most important thing.

MOM: Thank you McKinzi Jo Cyrus, please take a seat.

Advanced MagiClass!

NOTE: This will be a little different, because third year magic is a lot less attitude and a lot more magic!

MOM: Angela Rae Cyrus, please step up to the stage!

Angie: *steps up*

MOM: Please perform four tricks of your choice as part one of your exam.

Angie: *performs one card trick, one bottle trick, one coin trick, and one disappearing trick*

MOM: Very nice. Now go outside and perform one street magic trick, and involve levitating. You have ten minutes to get a crowd of over five people, perform, and come back inside. A cameraman will be with you.

Angie: Okay, *walks outside* WHERE IS MY CROWD! GATHER ROUND FOR MAGIC!


Angie: Let me do a head count...fourteen people! Okay, lets begin... *performs levitating ring trick* *goes back inside*

MOM: Pop in the tape.. *watches tape* Well done. Please take a seat.

END OF MAGICLASS EXAMS! The results will be later..

As it ends up, i will be using binarys codes to get more gotchi points..

Sad because i didnt earn it myself, happy because now my tamas will be spoiled! Im gonna go use them, and ill update when i start buying stuff!

Im also gonna go check out TamaTown now! <_<

AH! I haven't updated in a while, but i've been very busy.

I have a life too, and it doesn't revolve around Tama's. But i still make time for them! Okay, so i just visited TamaTown and i hate to say i am rather disappointed. I played a lot, i mean seriously A LOT of games and i expected to get over a thousand GP, but when i logged out i only for THREE HUNDRED! arghh.

Anyway, i have a big huge gigantic update!

I will (very very very soon) start making a line of clothes/bags/carriers/beds/etc for Tamagotchi's called Gotchi&Gabbana! you might not get it, but its a play on the VERY famous line Dolce&Gabbana. within the line, there will be a line of jeans called BillieJeans. thats a play on the VERY famous song Billie Jean by MJ, ahaa. they'll be VERY cheap, so be sure to check the accessorie part of the Tbay!!!

Conversation? Okay, is about the RESULTS!

Angie: GUYS! Get down here! We got a letter from the MagiSchool! *kids run downstairs*


Kinzi: OMG! I'm soo excited..

Angie: Okay, I'll read it outloud..'Dear Cyrus Family, here are your results from the MagiClass Exams. Angela Rae Cyrus, you have passed Advanced magic and will be placed one grade higher, into Expert MagiClass.' YES! My last year before Master Magic University!

TJ: Good job sis!

Kinzi: Yeah, great, keep reading!!

Angie: Haha, okay! 'Trace Jason Cyrus Jr., you have passed Intermediate magic and will be placed one grade higher, into Advanced MagiClass.'

TJ: Sweet! I didn't fail!

Kinzi: OMG, can we just hurry! I wanna know what I got into!!

Angie: 'McKinzi Jo Cyrus, you have passed Novice magic and due to your extreme succession this year, you wil be placed two grades higher into Advanced MagiClass.'

Kinzi: *mouth falls to the floor* OH...MY...GOSH! I PASSED AND I GET TO SKIP A GRADE! WOW! THIS IS GREAT!

TJ: *eyes bug out* I have to be in the same class as you! AHH.

Angie: Good job everyone! We all passed:)

All for now! Byee!


So i have devised a master plan! i hate pausing my Tama's when i go to school, and since i don't bring them to school i decided i would change the time to around nine/nine thirty (when they go to sleep) so when i get home they'll still be sleeping.! Then I can fix the time and everything and continue to play wiff my Tama's and they can continue to grow! Happy daaaay!

Haha, i know, not much of a master plan but oh well..

Okay! So, stats.



(time to play games and feeeeed!)

Bonding: 10% FINALLY. Haha! Its about time.

Short but big update!

Tama's evolved this morning!


Angela is now a Chamametchi!

Trace Jason is now a Mamekatchi!

McKinzi is now a Shelltchi!

They are all soooooo cute:)


Yet another GREAT TUESDAY!

Tuesday is my favorite day of the week, and this will be another reason!

I have two V4s. both were on pause that I just got out and decided to unpause em!


Name: Allie

Type: V4, not sure of the character..

Hungry/Happy: 0000/000

Age/Weight: 4/35

Name: Ritz

Type: V4, not sure of the character..

Hungry/Happy: 0000/0000

Age/Weight: 2/25

Name: Cyrus (Familyname)

Type: V5 Familitchi. Characters in previous post.

Hungry/Happy: 00/000

Well, thats about it. I can't wait for everyone to start evolving and getting married, having kids, ETC!

Ill update if anything else happens. For now,,,bye!

:D !

For such a horrible Thursday at school, the Tama aspect has been JAMPACKED!

Okay, well, my Familitchi EVOLVED THIS MORNING! YAYAY!

So, Angela Rae is now a Potetchi! SO cute!

Trace Jason is now a Mukuge! He looks like a old duck:)

Last but not least, McKinzi Jo is now Watatchi! Shes probably the cutest!

They all look so old now, hopefully they'll have babies soon:)HAHA.


Shes now...a...i dont know what its called! The one wiff the football head ^^;

I have had HORRIBLE care-taking skills today,

Before I fix them I'll post the stats...


Name: Allie

Type: V4, not sure of the character..

Hungry/Happy: 00/00


Name: Ritz

Type: V4, not sure of the character..

Hungry/Happy: 0000/00

Age/Weight: 3/32

Name: Cyrus (Family name)

Type: V5 Familitchi. (Characters above...)

Hungry/Happy: 0000/000

Ive kept them alive on snacks. No exercise! Thats what I'm about to do, first, let me check Allie and Ritz's mail!!

Allie got... TWO HAPPY HEARTS!

Ritz got... 400 GOTCHI POINTS!

Okay, let me go nurture them! Haha, bye:)


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