A space shuttle whizzed above Amber, Irene, Sapphire, Flora and Nathan's heads. It almost scorched Amber's place blue bows and she winced with the heat. Irene screamed. Sapphire looked behind the but it was too late. Flora struggled in a rope net while Mametchi grabbed at a calculator which was falling out of is pocket as the net lifted them up above the planet. Sapphire and Irene struggled but it was no use. Amber cried out "I think my wing's broken!" but nobody heard her over the swish and roar of the engines. The five prisoners were hauled up and locked, still in the net, in a prison cell that was much to small for Amber, who promptly shrunk. Nobody had time for questions; Irene was twisting a lolly stick in the cage lock and Sapphire was trying to make and electric shock to cut the cage open by rubbing hers and Flora's necklaces together. Amber found two stick and the groung and rubbed them together to create fire, which she used to burn her way right through the cage. They all ran out. Mametchi sprinked his last remaining water stores on the fire to put it out. The ship had stopped and was clearly waiting for something. A TV screen flashed behind them. The five turned to look at a chat room called "Tama Destroyers Communicator Room". "Tama Destroyers Main Vessel" had just said "drop prisoners off on our ship, we will deal with them" to "TD Capturer Ship". "TD Capturer Ship" replied "they have broken free with fire! They are jumping out of our vessel!" just as Amber, Irene, Sapphire, Flora and Nathan leaped, with their spacesuits on, out of the ship and sped away with Nathan's new mini rocket boosters that he had installed on each of their spacesuits. The TD Capturer Ship was approaching fast behind them. Nathan used his remote comtrol to swtch all the boosters to maximum power. Amber was the only one without, but she was the bravest of them all. Instead of spiralling away, she faced up to the enormous vessel and grew to a size almost as big as the shuttle. She took off her necklace with a heavy amber pendant at the end and threw it at the shuttle's engines, smashing them and the pendant. Amber sped towards the fleeing Flora, Irene, Nathan and Sapphire at a speed faster than the rocket boosters ta maximum power. She turned them all off and shrank back to normal size. No more ships came. As soon as the five Tamas started to make their way towards the planet, they were blinded by light and soon they felt cold metal arms pulling them up and up into what seemed to be a gigantic freezer. They shivered.