Tama on Campus


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Nov 12, 2006
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So, Im the black sheep Tamaowner. I go to college, where I am an Art major. I live in the dormitories, I sing with a rock band. Im wildly involved with student gov't, and have other projects coming at me in a whirl.

But I -love- my babies.

Life is hard for them. Ever had a beep go off when your trying to get a group of five bands to settle down and give you some info? Not pretty. Theres allot of playing in bathroom stalls with the sound off, trying to satisfy all your commitments. But honestly? They are such a light in my life, I would buy more in a heartbeat!

These are my babies:




2 years old

32 lbs

Pink w/ Bows




4 years old


Blue w/ Stars

So, here I am in the University library. I constantly look over my shoulder to make sure no one is...doing what? Melon and Cody sit next to me. Im not ashamed of them at all, but im rapid fire ready to defend there honor. Thats what it comes down to these days, trying to work them into my professional and scholastic reputation.

When I got Hanatchi, I was thrilled. I named him after my boyfriend, who bought him for me. Human Cody is this raging metal guitarist, long hair and shades, and here's this sweet little worm with a friendly little nose! But he wouldent be my boyfriend if he didnt love him like I did. I guess thats compatability for you, huh?

Melon is set to change any day now. I paused her too much while she slept and I didnt know the implication! I just did it to protect her. I didnt want to neglect her when I woke up! I think she's absolutly adorable, but I really hope she grows up tommorow! My friends Tamagotchi (Born the same day) is already and adult :( I really want my baby to catch up, so she can play with all the toys I got her! She's a real girl, just like me!

How long winded! I have to fly. I'll post again soon ;)

I woke up to find...

Melon has turned into a :ph34r: ! SCORE! She's SO bloody cute. Just adorable! Iv always wanted one. Always! I feel really good about myself right now! Her and Cody love eachother so much. She played with Billy today (Billy is Ryans Gotchi. He has been on pause, so he hasent grown very much.). He's still a Obotchi. Thats what Cody was, too. Im just a -little- late for Art History, but Iv been neglectig that class. Its just been a weird semester. Im going to try better this spring, but I cant type much. I gave them both snacks to fill happiness when I was busy today, I had a meeting with an artist. Im insanely excited about the big block party iv organized! My rapper is debuting. He's awesome. But how will I juggle my gotchi's through it all?? I think I'll be forced to come out of the tama closet, but who cares? Im not hididng anyway...

I'll play with Melon and Cody later. I really want to catch up with Melissa and her Ralph, her Bunbuntchi. I'll post again later...


I was listening to music after they went to sleep, and I could have sworn they were beeping at eachother! But when I went to look, they were sleeping!

Has anyone else heared phantom beeping?


I...I cant even BEGIN To describe what has happened lately.


I went to Kmart with Melissa (She has Ralph, the Bunbuntchi), Ryan (Who, due to pausing, is stuck with Billy, the Obotchi) and Matt. So, Im walking around and I -see them-.

The heavens opened up, and behold :


So, I flipped out. Matt flipped out. I grabbed a Yellow with stars, he grabbed the snake print, and we bought them. (As a side note, I bought a Chomemetchi lanyard because of my love of Melon!). I was so excited, I took her home and I put her on my shelf next to Melon and Cody. It was late, so I didnt start her up.

The Next morning, I leapt out of bed and grabbed the shiny package and popped it into my bookbag, I practically RAN to the student center, looking for scissors! (I had Melon and Cody with me, dont worry :( ). I saw my good friend Anica, and togethor, we got scissors and waited for it to hatch! And...

It was a girl!!

I was just, like, bloated with glee! So was Anica. I named her Lala, and she's a little Pear right now.

So, thats were the story gets weird!

Anica and I play with my three babies all day. She has to go to class, and I wander around looking for Melissa. I wait for Ryan (Her boyfriend, btw) and Billy visits with Melon, Cody and Lala. We run into Matt, and he shows us his baby boy, Squall -- Who has morphed into a little pear as well! Its awesome ^-^. So, I go to class, and when I get out, I see Melissa (My best friend in the world). I show her the good news, and we all go to the student center. So, we are sitting there with our non Tamagotchi'ed buddy, AJ, and visiting our Gotchi's when...

Ralph and Melon mate!!! Right there!

We all freak out! We watch Melon give birth (to two boys!) and we run out of the cafeteria, looking frantically for Ryan! We grab Ryan, we all go back in the Cafeteria, and the visiting Ensues. Matt joins us later, and we have this wonderful little Tamacircle! We think it cant get any better...

Then Anica shows up with a Tamagotchi! She decided to go after her class and buy one! She has the grafitti-gotchi. Its a girl, named Saya, and mass chaos occurs as we all visit and play and give gifts.

But thats not even the kicker!

I go to Choir class, and what happens? Im sitting there, singing with the class when Cody errupts in beeps! I look in my bookbag, and theres the MATCHMAKER!!

So, him and a Violetchi had a little girl :mimitchi:

Also: Due to the amount of Tamagotchi's on Campus, me and my friends are going to charter a Tamagotchi Club, and start posting a photo blog!

What can I say?

Tamagotchi is a phenomenon at my university!


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