Tama news.. into a movie


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Mametchi 4ever

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
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At Yankee Stadium admiring field.
OK here's the link to the video: View My Video sorry if it is really crappy and childish. I kinda rushed... I drew all the pics except the tamas all except Marutchi(who I doodled) yeah. It is episode 1. If people like it then I will make episode 2.

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That was pretty good for the first try. But next time, try to give each screen more times - some of the text went by pretty fast. Also, try to make it a bit for organized: as tamarox45 said, it was a bit confusing. I didn't understand most of it (but the "candy" part was pretty funny :( ) I hope my critiques weren't too harsh. But I still think you should make more! Like I said before, it was pretty good for the first one.

that was so funny! you must make an ep. 2 i really liked the "marutchi was convicted of murdr for cutting a carrot"

can you not put the c word on tamatalk? (on 1st post) and on the ep.2 can you not put the f word (I know it is blocked)

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