Tama Mama's V5 Log!


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Feb 10, 2006
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[SIZE=14pt]Tama Mama's V5 Log![/SIZE]

Hi guys! I'm trying my hand at a Tamagotchi Log, yet again! With my logs, I have a tendancy to just stop writing one day without any warning and my tama dies! :( My goal for this log is for that to not happen!


When I re-started my old log last time though, it was during the summer and I was going to Florida soon! I had my tama on my desk for when I woke up so I could grab it and take it with me. We were sort of in a rush because we had to catch a plane. Next thing I knew, I was 40,000 feet in the air saying, "OH NO I FORGOT MY TAMA ON MY DESK!" Yeah. So it died... :(


So, now before I begin, there is something I must say from the start.


I appreciate comments, but only by PM. Please do not post any comments on this thread! All will be deleted! But once again, I love getting PMs!


Okay, now I will start by putting a fresh battery in my Cookie Dough V5. I started off with setting the time and date and then my birthday! Three cute little eggs appeared. ;) While we wait for the eggs to hatch, I'm going to tell you my naming theme: TWILIGHT! Because I'm so depseratly obsessed. ;)


Okay! The three eggs hatched! I'm naming them the Hale family since Cullen won't fit. *sob*


We have two boys and a girl.

  • Boy #1: James = Omutchi
  • Girl: Victoria = Futabatchi
  • Boy #2: Laurent = Mimifuwatchi
I'm starting off with the bad guys because I just happened to get the same three genders as the three bad guys! Yay!


Okay. Now to feed these evil little cuties!


Alrighty, I'll update when they turn to toddlers in about an hour. ;) Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama ;)

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Hey guys! Let's jump right into things. :hitodetchi:


Last night the Hale's turned into toddlers! Here are they're characters;

  • James = Ahirukutchi
  • Victoria = Tororotchi
  • Laurent = Mousetchi
Cool :unsure:


For once I actually woke up earlier than my V5!! But only by a few minutes...haha. When I checked on them, they were all looking refreshed and the sun was shining through they're cute little room. I brought them to school and managed but I couldn't sneak in any food or snacks to them until I got onto the bus to go home but oh well. That also means no training! Boo. I'll train them later. ;)


Here are they're stats!


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

James; son: Ahirukutchi

Victoria; daughter: Tororotchi

Laurent; son: Mousetchi

Bonds: 0% :ph34r:

Generation: 1

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 0 (for now... :D )


Okay I'm going to play some games of Tea Time with them now. Thanks for reading! Check back soon for another update!


Tama Mama ;)

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Hey guys! I got some mail!


Hi, itsa me!!! I L-O-V-E-D your old log and i definately love your new one!!! Keep up the writing and good luck!!!

Thanks! I love getting mail so PM me!


Okay, I sort of...well...cheated on bond points to make up for not getting any yesterday and now we're up to 30%. I'm not going to cheat anymore but that was just to make up for my super busy day yesterday. :( Here are they're stats:


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

James; son: Ahirukutchi

Victoria; daughter: Tororotchi

Laurent; son: Mousetchi

Bonds: 30%

Generation: 1

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 390


Kay. James was just talking to the fridge. Can you imagine the conversation the person I named James after would have with a refridgeratir? LOL. Okay, when something cool happens, I'll update! Thanks for reading!!!


Tama Mama

Hi guys! Sorry I didn't get to post any updates today! I was bombarded with homework this weekend. ^_^ I promise to update tomorrow! Sorry again!


Tama Mama :D


PS. The mail I put in the post above this one is from tama2007!!

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Hi guys! Okay so on Saturday the Hale's turned into teenagers! Here are they're characters!

  • James = Bakutchi
  • Victoria = Ichigotchi
  • Laurent = Mamekatchi
Yep! Okay. Now like I said yesterday, I had tons of homework this weekend so I couldn't get any training in so we're still at 30% bonding. But in five minutes I can train them. So maybe it will go up by then. Mhm. So here are they're stats!


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

James; son: Bakutchi

Victoria; daughter: Ichigotchi

Laurent; son: Mamekatchi

Bonds: 30% [still... ^_^ ]

Generation: 1

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 680


Interesting. Yep. Haha. Okay. Any animations lately? This morning they were looking out the window to the sun. And one night they were showering and bathing before bed. Coolio!


Okay. When I train them I'll write and tell you guys if the training went up!!! Bu-bye!


Tama Mama :D

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Hi guys! I'm writing this update as the Hale's are preparing for bed. They're all yawning by the window with the curtains closed and the moon and stars shining through the crack of window that is left open.


By the way! When I woke up this morning, they were adults!

  • James = Mumutchi
  • Victoria = Onputchi
  • Laurent = Nemutchi

We're still at 40% bonds [lucky us :D ] because it's just honestly too hard for me to train them during the school week when I have tons of homework, and the few weekends that I have homework as well. That's why I cheat. Haha. :D STAT CHECK!!! :eek:


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

James; son: Mumutchi

Victoria; daughter: Onputchi

Laurent; son: Nemutchi

Bonds: 40%

Generation: 1

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 680


It's time to talk wedding plans! As for who is going to bring us to generation 2, I am still not sure. I honestly have no idea who I should pick to get married. It's good I have a while to think it over. Oh, and I don't plan on marrying them off right away. I'm going to try to get up to 100% bonds. We'll see how that goes. Haha. The only time I ever got 100% bonds [ironically enough] was my first ever family on the V5, the Mento's if any of you recall. And, I had a Violetchi :huh: and didn't know how to get pure families. Grr. Still mad at myself about that. Anyways! Haha.


Okay, my tamas have just gone off to bed and I have nothing else to write about at the moment...unless you want me to ramble on about what I'm learning in Bio...no? Okay your loss. Haha. Bye!!


Tama Mama :p

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't get to post the past two days. I'm a busy, busy person! Haha. So busy, in fact, that the Hale's turned into the Ninja family! They're back to normal now.


Okay, I think I'm going to give up on getting to 100% bonds before I marry them. We don't have til 2009. LOL. I'm honestly just soo busy with school. They're still at 40%. I'll probably marry one off tomorrow. As for who...that is a mystery...lol.


Well, they're all sleeping now. Here are their stats!


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

James; son: Mumutchi

Victoria; daughter: Onputchi

Laurent; son: Nemutchi

Bonds: 40%

Generation: 1

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 680


Nothing much has changed. Okey dokey. Welp, I don't have much more to write. I'm sure you'll all get a post tomorrow about the babies that I plan to mate! I think I'm leaning towards getting Victoria married...


THANKS FOR READING! Check back soon!


Tama Mama :furawatchi:

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Hey tama talkers! Welcome back! And guess what! The Hale's are on generation 2! Yay! Even though I already knew what to expect to happen on the Dating Show and I'm sure most of you guys do to but since this is my first time using the Dating Show during this log so I will explain everything that happened!!

  • I clicked the Dating Show.
  • The screen said, "SELECT?"
  • I chose Victoria.
  • Then the Matchmaker appeared next to a curtain.
  • The curtain opened and behind it was a Mumutchi.
  • The screen gave me the the option to marry the Mumutchi or to cancel. I hit Marry
  • Victoria and the Mumutchi started to talk.
  • Then he went away and James and Laurent came. They started to cry and then flew away, causing Victoria to cry.
  • The Mumutchi came back and he and Victoria started to kiss with a heart over their heads.
  • The screen went black and then their were fireworks.
  • Victoria transformed into a Mememamatchi and the Mumutchi transformed into a Memepapatchi.
  • Then three eggs appeared.
Okay, I will explain what happened after that in regular form, not list form. After a while, the eggs hatched. We got two boys and a girl. Here's another list!

  • Boy #1: Omututchi; Emmett
  • Girl: Omututchi; Alice
  • Boy #2: Futabatchi; Jasper
Yep, I'm still going with my intended naming theme; TWILIGHT! Haha. Oh, and for spouses I'm going to be using somewhat smaller characters to name them after because I want to save the main Twilight characters for the tamas that I actually raise from an egg. In otherwards, I won't be naming a spouse Edward or Bella. Which brings us to this question, WHAT IS THE NAME OF OUR NEW TAMA'S DAD?! Quil! Yay! Haha.


After the babies got sick, pooped on the ground twice, and went on the toilet once, they became toddlers! Get ready, another list is coming your way!

  • Emmett: Ahirukutchi
  • Alice: Belltchi
  • Mattaritchi
So, now here are the stats of our newly developed family;


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Victoria; mom: Mememamatchi

Quil; dad; Memepapatchi

Emmett; son: Ahirukutchi

Alice; daughter: Belltchi

Jasper; son: Mattaritchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 680


Okay, the little ones are sleeping now and I think this post is long enough, so I'll update tomorrow! Thanks for reading!!


Tama Mama :p


Edit: Woah this post is LONG!!!

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Hey! Nothing has changed since yesterday night except my sister told me that she trained the little ones once. Also, they're having a "playdate" today! I'm going to my friends house (some of you may know her as tamatama2005) and we plan on connecting our V5s. So, I'll update later, kay?


Tama Mama :D

HELLO! The Hale's are back from their "playdate!" My friend and I managed to get 3 smileys for eachother. Our tamas are friends! The weird part...we both have the EXACT same characters (like, her first hatched is the same as my first hatched, her second hatched is the same as my second hatched, etc.), and the EXACT same parents. Strange...haha. Also, while I was there, I trained them twice more brining us up to 10% bonds. :) I also played tea time and won and used my prize money to buy the Hale's a candy apple. :D Well, here's some stats!


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Victoria; mom: Mememamatchi

Quil; dad; Memepapatchi

Emmett; son: Ahirukutchi

Alice; daughter: Belltchi

Jasper; son: Mattaritchi

Bonds: 10%

Generation: 2

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 540


Okay, I'm taking the Hale's to Tama Town now! I'll update again later!! Thanks for reading! :)


Tama Mama ;)

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Hey people! Here's what we got at Tama Town;

  • 2,310 gotchi points
  • A computer

I also just trained them. At 8pm, we should be up to 20% bonds! Yay! Haha.




Tama Mama :p

Hey! Today we had school and I tried pretty hard to keep them happy during the course of the day. I even got to train them once! As of right now, the Hale's are still toddlers and they have 20% bonds. Here's some things that happened today!


We went to Tama Town and got;

  • A good amount of Gotchi Points
  • A book from the book store
  • A video of the giraffe thing from the Conveince store buying something
  • Another computer
I won Tea Time twice and played a bunch of other games using the money to buy;

  • A chocolate bar
  • Bubbles
  • A hat
Oh, their were two sales today at the shop too. Yep.


Oh and I forgot to mention that yesterday they got a toothache because I was so busy spoiling them with treats. Haha.


They're sleeping now, but I'll give you their stats;


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Victoria; mom: Mememamatchi

Quil; dad; Memepapatchi

Emmett; son: Ahirukutchi

Alice; daughter: Belltchi

Jasper; son: Mattaritchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 2

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 2900


Hmm...they're still toddlers. I hope they turn to teens soon.


Okay, I'm going to end this post here! Thanks for reading! Check back soon!


Tama Mama :(


PS. Just so my readers know, I entered the September Contest (4 times!) so let's see how well I do in that!

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Hi people! Big news today! Let's start off with saying that the Hale triplets turned into teenagers today! Here are their characters;

  • Emmett: Bakutchi
  • Alice: Ichigotchi :huh:
  • Jasper: Mamekatchi

Aw, I feel bad. I interupted mommy/son vacuum time to get the character names. Haha. Anyways, so today, my friend told me a cheat to raise bonds by 3 points. I already knew it but I didn't really know how exactly to do it. You can use one of three items and every time you do, you get 3 points towards your bonds (you get 40 points towards your bonds every time training rolls around). Anyway, I downloaded the three itmes and between obsessivley using the items and training at regular intervals, we went from 20% bonds to 80%!! So, I'm sure most of you already knew that, but if you didn't, click the fifth icon and then "Special," and type in one of these three codes, or all of them if you want;

  • 07500 43694 = Unchi-kun
  • 07500 43795 = Gotchi King DVD
  • 07201 43894 = Magokorotchi
Also, using the money cheat (which can be found here), I got 2,000 gotchi points.


So, now we'll do a stat check!


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Victoria; mom: Mememamatchi

Quil; dad; Memepapatchi

Emmett; son: Bakutchi

Alice; daughter: Ichigotchi

Jasper; son: Memekatchi

Bonds: 80% :wacko:

Generation: 2

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 3770


Okay. Also, if you didn't already realize what they were, here are my goals!

  • Get 100% bonds
  • Get a pure family
I think I actually do have a chance to do that! Yay! :ph34r:


Alright, I'm going to end this here. Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :p

Hi guys! Good news!


[SIZE=11pt]100% bonds![/SIZE]


Goal number one achieved! Plus 100 views now too! Thank you guys for reading my log! Keep reading and commenting via PM! :huh:


Tama Mama :p

Hi guys! Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday! But boy do I have news for you! This morning I woke up with adults, and let me just say, I am very happy with the characters I got!

  • Emmett: Sukatchi
  • Alice: Memetchi :mimitchi:
  • Jasper: Mametchi :)
So pretty much I can get a pure family with any tama I marry off!! I'm so proud of myself! I'm planning on marrying off Jasper to get a Mame family. :(



Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Victoria; mom: Mememamatchi

Quil; dad; Memepapatchi

Emmett; son: Sukatchi

Alice; daughter: Memetchi

Jasper; son: Mametchi

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 2

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 3870


Okay, so I am going to start making a family tree for the Hales! Thanks for reading! Oh, and congratulations to meowbark who won the September contest. As for me, there's always next month. :lol:


Tama Mama ;)


My Goals -

  • Get 100% bonds
  • Get a pure family
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I finished the family tree! Click the link below to see it!


The Hale Family Tree


Check back soon!


Tama Mama :huh:


Edit: Please note that all pixelized tamas were drawn 100% by me so please don't steal them! Thanks.

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Hi people! I don't have anything extraordinary to write about so I'm just going to do a stat check.


Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Victoria; mom: Mememamatchi

Quil; dad; Memepapatchi

Emmett; son: Sukatchi

Alice; daughter: Memetchi

Jasper; son: Mametchi

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 2

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 3870


Yeah, if you actually read the stat checks, you would know that this one is no different from the last. Haha. Exciting post I have today.


Okay, I just bought a plate of spaghetti for a whopping 800 gotchi points during a sale. Exciting, isn't it? Haha.


Okay, well the Hale's are sleeping now so I'm going to cut this post short. I'm planning on getting either Alice or Jasper married tomorrow so I'll post all about that. PURE FAMILY HERE I COME! WOOO!


Tama Mama B)


My Goals -

  • Get 100% bonds
  • Get a pure family
  • Get a Tamagotchi Celebrity
  • Get over 9 generations on V5 (the farthest I've ever gotten was 9 and it was the Mento family if any of you remember!)
  • Beat all the V5 games (excluding Tea Time which I've already beat)
I'll be sure to come up with some more goals. Until then, bye bye!

Hi guys! I'm sure you all noticed (and if you didn't, I'm insulted) that I took a short break from tamagotchis because I was....well I was upset. I'm sure you're all aware of how excited I was to get a pure family. Well, so the day I was finally allowed to mate, I chose to marry off Jasper my Mametchi. I knew it was going to take a long time to get the Mumutchi I needed to get the pure family I wanted, but I didn't expect it to take over two hours like it did! Towards the end, I almost threw my tamagotchi into the wall because I was just so mad. Still, I was determined.


After a while, I tried to marry off Emmett, my Sukatchi, to a Violetchi. I was able to do that in less than fifteen minutes. So I didn't get my Mame family, but instead I'd get a Violet family. SO I THOUGHT! So you, I hatched three normal eggs and raised three normal tamagotchis. So in the long run, I could've had 0% bonds or 100% bonds! It wouldn't've made a difference because either way I didn't get the pure family I wanted! I was really upset at the moment, but after an hour I was better.


After that, I didn't really pay attention to my tamagotchis, and I feel pretty bad. They're still alive, but still, I feel bad that they had a few near death experiences from sickness. I'M SORRY GUYS! Okay, since I don't want this post to be insanely long, I'll post all about them in the next post, with names and characters and stuff like that.


Tama Mama ;)

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Okay, I'm back! Sorry if the post prior to this one sounded whiny, I wasn't really whining, just trying to explain my absense. So, since, like I said, I didn't really take good care of the third generation Hale's, I don't have any records of they're characters as babies, toddlers, and teenagers. Sorry! They are adults now though, so I can tell you those characters. Okay, so now here's a list of the whole family's names and characters:

  • Father: Emmett; Memepapatchi
  • Mother: Emily; Mamemamatchi
  • Daughter #1: Jessica; Potetchi
  • Son: Mike; Mukugetchi
  • Daughter #2: Angela; Watatchi
My Twilight naming theme is still in action! The mother, Emily, is named after Sam Uley's girlfriend, Jess, Mike, and Angela are named after Bella's human friends.



Family Name: Hale

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Emily; mom: Mamemamatchi

Emmett; dad; Memepapatchi

Jessica; daughter: Potetchi

Mike; daughter: Mukugetchi

Angela; daughter: Watatchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 3

Family: Blended

Gotchi Points: 3100


Okay, if you want to know the truth, I don't plan on getting much bonding points. Next generation though, I'm going to try to reach my goal, yet again, at getting a pure family. Okay, well the Hale's are taking a nice warm shower/bath now, and I got to go! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :(



  • Get 100% bonds
  • Get a pure family
  • Get a V5 Celebrity
  • Get over 9 generations
  • Win all the games except Tea Time which I already won
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