Tama--Lover's Tamagotchi Log(:


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Jan 25, 2010
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Sooo. I was reading all ya'lls logs and decideed to make my own.

I got my tamagotchi yesterday. Its a Tamagotci Music Star V6 :) I've had a tamagotci before back in like 3 or 4 grade. but know im in 7th grade and things got over the top with homework and drama. haha, and besides that my mum acidently threw it away.


I got it on, and put the date and time in. Then there was an egg. A little over 3 minutes, it hached. It was a girl! I named it Kendra. (i know, such an original name, eh? haha) It was verrry needy. I hadent yet desvoverd what the '!' ment above there head. I thought it ment it needed attention or something. So i grew into a toddler Tamatchi. And its been doing good. Its been to school. And its been practicing Singing with the insterment it got with it. and been playing with the rabbit and rocket ship she also got. Right now shes practicing -_-


Thanks for reading, more laterrr.

Opps, haven't been on in a whilee. My badd;)

My Tama grew into a Chammetchi. Awesome huhh? lol I formed a band with 2 guys, Toby and Daniel. Were pretty rockin. But i dont know what to do do with them after thatt. *If you can help me with that, message me pleasee:D*

But thats all for know. Nuthin much is exciting

Buh Byee.
