Tama Log Windmill Style =3


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Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Greater Cincinnati area
Hello! My name is Gina, otherwise known as Windmill, and it's a pleasure to have you visiting my little Tama-Family. ^^ Currently I have two V3's. The first is my bubbly, baby blue which I recieved as a gift on December 16th. The second, which I bought on December 23rd, is a ribbony, pale pink.

Ally calls the baby blue home for now. He started out as a very bouncy Mizutamatchi and grew into a happy-go-lucky Obotchi. On December 22nd, he reached adulthood and changed into a very handsome...Furawatchi! I was so proud of him.

On Christmas Day, the matchmaker paid him a visit and paired him up with a beautiful Pipotchi. Ally now is caring for his sweet yet shy daughter who is the apple of his eye.

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Suki has found a warm home on the pink V3 with ribbons. She started out in life as a stubborn Tamatchi and has blossomed into a shy Young Mametchi.

She adores Ally, the Furawatchi on my baby blue V3, but has to stop playing with him now because he has a daughter to care for. Hopefully Ally's offspring and Suki will be best of friends. =3

Suki is naughty quite a bit and her training is already at level 7. She's a bad girl. tee-hee

I'm really excited to see what she grows into next. I'll love her no matter what she becomes.

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So Ally, my 8 Yr Furawatchi, has departed and left his daughter behind. I have named her Kahli and this morning, after a couple of hours of non-stop attention, she has developed into a Kuchitamatchi. I believe she was a tad bit overweight before she changed.

Suki remains the same tempermental Young Mametchi. She even gave poor Kahli a snake on their first meeting! Shame she didn't smirk afterwards. :/

I miss Ally's cute little face when he would come up close to the screen. Hopefully, Kahli will grow up to be just as adorable as her father.


Well both Suki and Kahli have changed today!

Kahli doesn't look too much different. She evolved into a pretty little Hikotchi. She doesn't seem to like Suki at all now. Suki's been very mean to her all day, sending her snakes and piles of poo. I'm afraid Suki will never grow out of her mean streak.

Suki's now an adult and is a full grown Mametchi. I really didn't think she would turn into one since she was a young mametchi, but I'll love her just the same. She's very good at playing games and loves to spend the points just as fast as she earns them.

I just wish she would play nicer with Kahli.

Kahli is now an adult and has changed into a rather silly looking Debatchi. I must admit, the holiday season has caused me to neglect both of my Tamas. :/ She is 5 YRs old and does some pretty weird stuff when I'm not watching. She's not at all like her father.

Suki was visited by the match maker on sunday and was paired up with a Pyonkatchi. They produced a bouncy baby girl who is now named Robyn. Robyn's mother, Suki, left this morning and she has changed into a Mahitamatchi. I'm excited to see how she fairs.

I have sworn to take better care of Suki's baby. I feel like I've let down Ally by slightly neglecting Kahli. Now that the holidays are over, things should be back to normal.


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