Tama-Log Ten


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Dec 13, 2009
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This is something like my tenth Tama-Log...so hence the name, Tama-Log Ten. I feel ready to start logging again after a break of several months.

I'm way past my 2nd Tama-logging anniversary, but my first ever log, a cheesy scrap of bad spelling about my TMGC+C, is lost in the mists of the many pages of Tamagotchi Logs - thank goodness, it was so embarrassing!

Anyway, this is Tama-Log Ten, and in it I will be logging my V6. V6s are great to log so I shouldn't have much problem keeping it updated. My V6 is currently an 8-year-old 2nd generation Chantotchi, Caitlin. She just passed Pro Debut with the rest of her band, the NanoTamas (her, Mametchi and Makiko). They are 5th Star Ranking and have a LOT LOT LOT of Tama Fans.

That concludes the first post of Tama-Log Ten! :)

I'm updating from my phone at night, so I apologise for the lack of font and colour.

Caitlin got married to Mametchi, a member of her band (this is my first time marrying my character to a band member) and they had a baby girl. After much thought, I named her Destiny, as a memorial of my old TT code name.
