Tama Log Gen. 1


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Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Greater Cincinnati area
At 2 YRs old and 21 LBs, my male Obotchi, known as Ally, has had an interesting childhood so far.

His training is going well. Twice a day, for the last two days he has thrown a tantrum about the same time and is instantly disciplined. His training meter has four bars.

I discovered that he absoluetly HATES doughnuts. I bought one from the shop and gave it to him this morning only to discover that all four of his Happiness Hearts had emptied. It took a couple of treats and a couple of games to cheer him back up. So I'm assuming that every Tamagotchi has a food he/she just can't stand.

Ally made a neat little castle with the Building Blocks that I bought on sale last night and really seems to enjoy doing so.

He got a toothace yesterday when I feed him a Corn Dog as a snack.

He does odd things when I'm not paying attention. About an hour before his bedtime, I caught him sitting in what looked like a bowl of soup surrounded by steam. He was really, really, really having a good time doing whatever it was he was doing. He was flailing his arms about with a big smile on his face. That was until I pushed a button. Then he went back to his usual bouncing around.

My obotchi is now 3 YRS and 20 LBs.

I found out that the mysterious bowl of soup that my tama likes to play in at night is actually his bath. xD Saw him yawn the put him to bed.

This morning I bought him a Lamp from the shop for 700 points. I gave the Lamp to my obotchi only to have a genie pop out and zap Ally with a lightning bolt out of a rain cloud. Afterwards, all of Ally's happiness hearts emptied.

He's needed to be disciplined twice today and had a fun time balancing on his Ball.

Poor little guy got another toothache from the Ice Cream Cone I gave him as a snack. I hope this doesn't effect how he grows up. :D

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