tama help?


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Dec 27, 2006
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my tama won't age i had her for 2 days and she has not change on the status. will that affect if she won't evolve? :) she is in her toddler stage

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my tama won't age i had her for 2 days and she has not change on the status. will that affect if she won't evolve? :) she is in her toddler stage
Well, if it is two today, then wait for the end of the day, because sometimes they age in the evening. Please ask if you need more help!

Have you ever paused it? When your tama is in pause mode, it's grow stops.

If today it won't evolve, try to reset it ^_^

its zero yrs it wont turn to a teen i pause it over night so do i have to like wait till tommorow?

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Maybe you paused your tamagotchi to much till the point where it will take a while for it to evolve. I had a tamatchi for 3 days!! Also sometimes your tamagotchi don't age at the same time it always did. So just wait about 1-5 hours.

Now you will have to wait... I works like this: if you pause your tama for e.g. 3 hours, it will grow up 3 hours later than without pausing.

You don't have to pause your tama overnight :D

If you want it to grow faster, you shouldn't pause it any more.

If you have no time for it, just set the thime at night hour, so it will slee and won't need attention ^_^

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