Tama Growth Rate


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Well-known member
May 22, 2005
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Ever wonder exactly when your Tama was gonna reach its next stage? Well, we have answers!

Egg ->(1 minute later) ->baby ->(1 hour later) -> child ->(25 hours later) -> teen -> (73 hours later) -> Adult

*So, here are more... specific times.

Say, I start a tama at Sunday 12:00pm.

At Sunday 12:01pm(1 minute later), it will become an baby.

At Sunday 1:01pm(1 hour later), it will become a child.

The next day(24hours later or Monday), and one hour after its last transformation time(1:01pm), It will become a Teen. So, it would be Monday 2:01.

After 5 day(73hours later or Friday), and one hour after its last transformation time(2:01pm), it will become an adult. So, it would be Fridar 3:01pm.

**So, a Tamagotchi's life, from egg to adult, is about 5 days, 3 hours, and 1 minute.**

**Remeber, this only applies if you do not pause your tamagotchi. If you pause it, the timer in the toy will stop, and start up again once you continue.**

**Tamagotchi old-timers take 99 days**

If this is too confusing, and you need me to be alittle more...Student friendly, PM me.

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that cant b possible because a tama teen takes three days before turning into an adult

No. it turns into an adult when its 3 years old. For version 1.

Edit: Wait.. you're right. It says 5 years :p


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