Tama-go Bunny


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Feb 19, 2012
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Hey, so well I found a bunny with an egg (maybe easter I don't know) on the corner of my room, I already read about some events from tamagotchi ID

but I didn't know anything about it on Tama-Go and at 5:00pm you see an animation, I though that I was able to get some special item/prize because the animation

but the animation just keep rolling until you press some button -_-

So, someone here saw anything like that on tama-go?

(except for the bunny that I already saw)

i think i remember seeing that last year. it's for easter! :)

i don't remember seeing any others for holidays but there is probably a Christmas one i missed or didn't notice.

The tama-go has some animations that happen daily too like your tama bathing and brushing it's teeth before bed. It will beep for attention and then when you press b you'll see the animation.

Mine just beeped and an animation of a bunny with two eggs popped up at 5. As soon as a pressed B it went away. Was I suppose to do anything?

Same thing happens on my V5. Once in a while the little family stares at a bunny and some eggs until you press a button. I should reactivate my Tama-Go's so I can see the Easter Bunny on that version too. :mimitchi:

That's just what it does when it's Easter, so there's nothing wrong with your Tama! It doesn't need anything, it's just celebrating. On v2, sometimes you see a bunny pushing eggs around!

Hi. Mine did it today and I got a quick snap on my phone of Makiko with the bunny :)


Hi. Mine did it today and I got a quick snap on my phone of Makiko with the bunny :)

Yay! It's the bunny! Soo cute! The V5 uses the same eggs and bunny. Guess they recycled it for future tamas. Still adorable to see. ^_^ :mimitchi:

Yep, that's just a little Easter animation, though I must say it's a bit early. I see mine doing it daily, but it's not at 5. I've seen it in the morning too. My v4.5 looks at an egg and if she waits long enough a little black guy comes out.I haven't seen an animation for my Music Star yet. Enjoy your personal bunny! (Me and my Kuromametchi Paul named it Herbert xD)

My Tama-go does that same little easter dance at 1PM. When I first saw I thought 'Shouldn't that happen on the day of Easter?' But yeah it is kinda cute.

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